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well...i dont know how its there....but here private hospitals atleast most of thm loot ppl.

well there goes....u get same ppl evrywhr
yes same here:police:

well...i dont know how its there....but here private hospitals atleast most of thm loot ppl.

well there goes....u get same ppl evrywhr
are u related to medicine by profession? we have mjany docs here too

That's pretty much the worse thing about countries where the laws of negligence are absent or not followed. Generally, the lawyers & contacts major hospitals have will end up protecting them. Some hospitals have been shut down here temporarily, but those cases of neglect involved some of the richest & most influential families in the country.
o really? i thought its just da case wid third world countries like pak n india?
yes same here:police:

are u related to medicine by profession? we have mjany docs here too

o really? i thought its just da case wid third world countries like pak n india?
ha...i'm one of those stupid guys...well its easy to call us stupid,but look at d work load.mistakes r bound to happen.

ha...i'm one of those stupid guys...well its easy to call us stupid,but look at d work load.mistakes r bound to happen.
o another doc:enjoy:
we hav few here too like






or kon tha @Alpha1 ?:unsure:

ha...i'm one of those stupid guys...well its easy to call us stupid,but look at d work load.mistakes r bound to happen.

hey doc,wud u ever suggest an apple as a remedy or cure of any medical condition of a patient ever be visitin u?:p:

Some messed up doctors try to earn more from patients with medical insurance.

Saudi Arabia is still a developing country sister, but yeah different societies do share some similarities.
we dun hav medical insurance here:undecided:

yes but saudia arabia is one of da richest ones wid strct laws but still:undecided:
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we dun hav medical insurance here:undecided:

yes but saudia arabia is one of da richest ones wid strct laws but still:undecided:

Medical insurance companies actually make a lot of money from their clients. That includes individuals & organizations. It's in fact a very lucrative business. By the way, why is there no medical insurance in Pakistan?
i just gave an exam yestrdy,whr i got fkd....dactry ke bare me baat nahi karni.
well these manti n surb guy sure have alot of free time,they r analyst n moderators wow.
gtg bye @p(-)0ENiX @halupridol

i just gave an exam yestrdy,whr i got fkd....dactry ke bare me baat nahi karni.
well these manti n surb guy sure have alot of free time,they r analyst n moderators wow.
haha poor u...better luck next time!

thy come here from work in their free time...durin breaks.....they all hav specialized in som category of medicine like surgery,skin etc
Medical insurance companies actually make a lot of money from their clients. That includes individuals & organizations. It's in fact a very lucrative business. By the way, why is there no medical insurance in Pakistan?
da answer is simple .... have u ever heard da gov doin anythin dat favurs da poor ppl of pak?:disagree:
da answer is simple .... have u ever heard da gov doin anythin dat favurs da poor ppl of pak?:disagree:

Yeah, I guess that's probably it, but it might be something investors may want to look in to provided they get authorization. The government should be interested in it as well, after all the revenues & profits will be incredible, especially if they force all multinationals to provide their employees with medical insurance. ;)
Yeah, I guess that's probably it, but it might be something investors may want to look in to provided they get authorization. The government should be interested in it as well, after all the revenues & profits will be incredible, especially if they force all multinationals to provide their employees with medical insurance. ;)
employees complain more abt their pays than anythin else thy are left to think abt;)
employees complain more abt their pays than anythin else thy are left to think abt;)

Yeah, but medical insurance is supposed to be a part of their salaries. Their disposable incomes are likely to increase unless the insurance payments are automatically deducted from their salaries.
Goodbye buddy! :)



Yeah, but medical insurance is supposed to be a part of their salaries. Their disposable incomes are likely to increase unless the insurance payments are automatically deducted from their salaries.
well dat much i kno....som of da multinational companies do hav da process in employees payment package....its not completely ignored everywhere....


well dat much i kno....som of da multinational companies do hav da process in employees payment package....its not completely ignored everywhere....

I am feeling better today so thanks again for your wishes. Yeah, let's hope they introduce medical insurance soon.
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