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haha... pul-e-sarat...

but really its an amazing place...

and you are lucky to have a look at this cat, I hope some wild life program is protecting them...

Protecting my @33..

Few days ago saw some a##holes pic with one as his trophy he had just hunted.... there is no such thing as "wild life program" etc... except for the FC guys who try to stop these illegal poachers...
Protecting my @33..

Few days ago saw some a##holes pic with one as his trophy he had just hunted.... there is no such thing as "wild life program" etc... except for the FC guys who try to stop these illegal poachers...
this is really sad that such beautiful landscape and wild life, yet uncontrolled hunting...
Crappy old iron type bridge over a deep gorge (tht cant handle much weight.. and will someday collapse... taking some poor souls with it)..

are they not going to rebuilt it or are we waiting for it to collapse ?

The arab royals are the worst..

Yeah I know and we proudly host them to do this "murder", shamelessly !
You can get stuck on tht road for weeks sometimes... (dnt know its current situation).. flash floods used to wipe out roads..

As for the bridge.. FWO trys to maintain it....
Yara which one is superior .... out T-80ud or india's T-90 ???

we got this mal functioning built in, wanna blame, blame God :P
not at all noway is God to blamed for you're actions its not about having a trait but acting as a pervert lol

we dont act this way, we have no choice...its natural, really ! :(

I wonder what would become of us men, once we are committed or married, really it would be hard to against the law of the nature..
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