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what does it mean bro :)

Translation: "There is none worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger
of Allah."

Translation: "There is none worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger
of Allah."
@AIpha1 I like @Zarvan's zeal. To committ yourself so blindly to a message is heart warming.

But the world's real god is money, Capitalism is the one and only true faith, and the Banks are our temples, masjids and churches.

No god, No prophet has compelled people to lie, cheat and kill like money do.

Far more Men and women worship money than Allah. Even Mecca and Medina runs on money.

The majority of the world's existence is defined by how much money you have.

Hell, even the Taliban and Al Qaeda he supports need money to carry out Jihad. Even after the whole world becomes Muslim, Muslims will kill each other over Money.

There is indeed no greater god than Money, and we make it so, we assign it godhood.

Without the worship of Humans, Gods are nothing.

In the end, it is us Humans who make gods, the prophets, the holy texts. Without us worshiping them, the gods would mean nothing.
@AIpha1 I like @Zarvan's zeal. To committ yourself so blindly to a message is heart warming.

But the world's real god is money, Capitalism is the one and only true faith, and the Banks are our temples, masjids and churches.

No god, No prophet has compelled people to lie, cheat and kill like money do.

Far more Men and women worship money than Allah. Even Mecca and Medina runs on money.

The majority of the world's existence is defined by how much money you have.

Hell, even the Taliban and Al Qaeda he supports need money to carry out Jihad. Even after the whole world becomes Muslim, Muslims will kill each other over Money.

There is indeed no greater god than Money, and we make it so, we assign it godhood.

Without the worship of Humans, Gods are nothing.

In the end, it is us Humans who make gods, the prophets, the holy texts. Without us worshiping them, the gods would mean nothing.
that is where you are completely wrong Mr GOD created this universe ALLAH already told us in Quran weather all people of the world start worshiping him it doesn't increase his status and weather they deny his existence that would also not decrease his status but when you will die you would see it yourself but that will be too late Mr and running after money make a person only animal and Islam makes you human being who fight for oppress and and stand against falsehood and oppressor
that is where you are completely wrong Mr GOD created this universe ALLAH already told us in Quran weather all people of the world start worshiping him it doesn't increase his status and weather they deny his existence that would also not decrease his status but when you will die you would see it yourself but that will be too late Mr and running after money make a person only animal and Islam makes you human being who fight for oppress and and stand against falsehood and oppressor

It's the perfect con job isn't it? You only know if your religion is true if you have achieved finality in your mortal lives. But no one can report back if they have gone to heaven. God is a supernatural manifestation of what Humans don't know.

Ages ago, people believed that the rain, the clouds, earthquakes and tsunamis were acts of god. Now we know that is not true. As science progresses, the last vestiges of God will disappear.

All those mujahideen who killed themselves, killed for an elaborate fiction. That is all there is to it. That is what religion is, to convince yourself that there is someone looking after you, and it is comforting. But Humanity are not infants any longer and it is time they grew up and moved out of the house and became independent. Time to break ourselves free from the abusive, psychotic, neurotic dad called God who would be called a downright psychopath in today's times.

It's funny, you sound exactly like the Hindu fundamentalists. Just replace Allah with Dharma and it is verbatim.

No wonder you hate the Hindu extremists, they remind you of you.
It's the perfect con job isn't it? You only know if your religion is true if you have achieved finality in your mortal lives. But no one can report back if they have gone to heaven. God is a supernatural manifestation of what Humans don't know.

Ages ago, people believed that the rain, the clouds, earthquakes and tsunamis were acts of god. Now we know that is not true. As science progresses, the last vestiges of God will disappear.

All those mujahideen who killed themselves, killed for an elaborate fiction. That is all there is to it. That is what religion is, to convince yourself that there is someone looking after you, and it is comforting. But Humanity are not infants any longer and it is time they grew up and moved out of the house and became independent. Time to break ourselves free from the abusive, psychotic, neurotic dad called God who would be called a downright psychopath in today's times.

It's funny, you sound exactly like the Hindu fundamentalists. Just replace Allah with Dharma and it is verbatim.

No wonder you hate the Hindu extremists, they remind you of you.
Don't wish to spoil it, but one correction - being a fundamentalist is not that bad. Having a 'Holier than thou' attitude is. And Zarvan does not sound like Hindu/Dharmic fundamentalists at all.
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Don't wish to spoil it, but one correction - being a fundamentalist is not that bad. Having a 'Holier than thou' attitude is. And Zarvan does not sound like Hindu/Dharmic fundamentalists at all.

The dude sounds like a polite version of Manavanatruti to me.
Seriously. Chinese Dragon is a little better in that regard. But the rest are soooo juvenile. Action speaks better than words. They are so childish that instead of showing that we did this or that they call us names. And even more so when they have achieved a lot. :D
Seriously. Chinese Dragon is a little better in that regard. But the rest are soooo juvenile. Action speaks better than words. They are so childish that instead of showing that we did this or that they call us names. And even more so when they have achieved a lot. :D

I am off, but seriously, ever since I joined this forum the Chinese waltz in on the thread, make inane, pointless and often racist remarks. Do you know the reason?

It actually rveals how insecure they are
Trolls are embarrasing whether Pakistani, Chineese or Indian
@Ayush @levina , Is my avatar, alright? It looks stretched in mobile version.
How are you both, btw?
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