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Rather hilarious, the 500 years of "Muslamic rule" they hate so much had much to do with blithering fools obsessing about caste. Technically, the varna system indeed was not AS heinous as what the caste system evolved into (out of the Varna system itself) during the early post BC years but it was still discriminatory albeit it was not the congealed system that it became. We are perhaps the one region where even Muslims and Christian communities end up adhering to biradri and caste bias even after hundreds of years post conversion.

@Dillinger True. I also find it hilarious that Pakistani nationalists quote that 1000 year non sense to feed their ego as well. The truth is, whether you are a Hindu, Christian and Muslim ruler, back in those days, people will backstab anyone to get more power. Muslim rulers frequently turned the swors against their own. Ghaznavids, saladin are examples.
Even Sikhs as well.

You have Punjabi songs extolling the virtues of being a Jatt.

here is a video

watch from 7:00 onwards.

Get used to it, but then we always have Sachin to unite us or a Dhoni perhaps.
@Dillinger. I don't want to get used to it.

Oh well, there could be many worse things as an Indian that could happen to you, like being born a Tribal.
@Dillinger. I don't want to get used to it.

Oh well, there could be many worse things as an Indian that could happen to you, like being born a Tribal.

Lord Archemond being scared of a few Tribals - What has the world come down to ? :P
@Dillinger hush, the Hindu nationalists won't lie that. Only Muslims oppressed us remeber? before that, India was a Utopia.

When you hear arguments on the Internet, there are some things that have a clear pattern.

The lower castes are told to stop whining and quit asking for reservations, but when it suits their agenda, they can invoke the past like the 1000 year Muslim rule.

The latest I have found is the rosying up of the caste system. That things were not that bad, that it was due to the foreign ideas that caste system became rigid. Or they start becoming intellectual contortion artistry by engaging in a amazing display of whataboutery.

I am not saying the lower caste politicans use the issue to gather votes, they do, but I feel nothing wrong in acknowledging the fact that Indian history has had a lot of deep, dark secrets that probably were not documented.

The history of the subcontinent has been written and rewritten over and over by various rulers and creeds to suit their narrative. As such I have yet to come across balanced history by any author simply because those that laud them because it suits their PoV. But essentially, that can be said of any nations. The Canadians consider the war of 1812 a Canadian victory while the Americans consider it an American victory.

It would be interesting to delve into much more texts and find out common historical myths busted.. certain authors do pull it off quite convincingly(such as K.K Aziz) or ACdre.Kaiser Tufail on this side, but as such I still think that the demonism that haunts Aurangzeb in India(Even the wiki article seems conflicted about it) or the overall savior status accorded to Mahmud of Ghazni and others in Pakistan is fairly misplaced. After all, if one really reads into it.. Be it Aurangzeb's heavy handed(but essentially less communal and more political) policies being remembered as boogeymans stories while similar policies by rulers such as Mihirakula who laid waste to Buddhist followers in India.. seems to reflect just whatever runs popular or runs good for gradual indoctrination.
So if the notion of evil Muslims helps sooth and infuse certain deprived quarters of their angst at the reserved seats system then so be it. The same way the idea of otherwise rather non-muslim behaviour(Drinking, Womanzing, Gambling) Mughals helps justify the 1000 year Muslim rule golden age nostalgia ..then so be it.
@Oscar what happened to the recommendation you were going to make wrt to finding a solution for the Indian section in lieu of an intl. mod?
Could there be a beloved greater than the Motherland ? :)

Yes.. but for that one has to go into the deeper philosophy of the difference between Mohabbat and Ishq..

And it is not possible to equate love for the motherland with love for say your mother.
You may love your motherland but if your mother is unwell and demands treatment in a foreign land on a long term basis.. you will go.

In my view love for the mother land should not be brandished about like a snooty socialite with a mink coat. If it's truly there.. it comes out.. and all hell breaks loose.
Let the forum settle down first.. then we'll see. Maybe Ill recommend Hyperion or Butt sb for it. You may want to shoot yourself before that though.
@Dillinger - Why do I sometimes feel that @Oscar is what Christopher Hitchens would talk like were he a Muslim ? :p

Wouldn't he have to be an atheist? I mean that is what defined Hitchen's polemics after all, his unabashed contempt for religions. Which ironically as an atheist I found rather distasteful and id othing to soothe the image of atheist being smug pricks
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