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Unh, Nuclear sites, what sites...the missile and warhead storage sites? Surely the PA will move them around since they will know what's up? What plan, they want to throw a JDAM at said sites, that would be open war!:laughcry:
@Oscar Also what are these "scenarios" contingent upon? Please don't tell me they want a reluctant Nawaze to shift back to Mushy's policies and initiatives wrt the US and perhaps even us? It seems a lot like fiction, we are talking of something that has never been done at this scale.
@Armstrong you're the worst brother a guy can have!
@RAMPAGE Liquefy Buttsy!!

Nah, mostly C4I and fissile production and storage sites. The Nukes they cant get.. they could not do that back in 98 if they wanted to. Simply because at any given time.. X number of warheads are one the move on vehicles that CANNOT all be tracked and reportedly(as in the he said..no she said though) these warheads are always 15 minutes or less away from a deployment method.

As for our current PM, had you seen the meeting with Kerry and the look on Mian sahab's face which was "Smile for Camera, Dont mess this up.. do I look sweaty?" type.. I am certain he will end up giving a lot of concessions and ***** about the establishment out there.. and then when he returns will be fidgeting about in the "debrief" trying to justify his actions with "Uh-ho"s.
However, he has the Servant-o-Haramain on his side and even though things aren't all peachy between them and the US(as the tea party is not in control) they do assist in lobbying for our causes when Nawaz Sharif is in the seat.
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Nah, mostly C4I and fissile production and storage sites. The Nukes they cant get.. they could not do that back in 98 if they wanted to. Simply because at any given time.. X number of warheads are one the move on vehicles that CANNOT all be tracked and reportedly(as in the he said..no she said though) these warheads are always 15 minutes or less away from a deployment method.

As for our current PM, had you seen the meeting with Kerry and the look on Mian sahab's face which was "Smile for Camera, Dont mess this up.. do I look sweaty?" type.. I am certain he will end up giving a lot of concessions and ***** about the establishment out there.. and then when he returns will be fidgeting about in the "debrief" trying to justify his actions with "Uh-ho"s.
However, he has the Servant-o-Haramain on his side and even though things aren't all peachy between them and the US(as the tea party is not in control) they do assist in lobbying for our causes when Nawaz Sharif is in the seat.

@Oscar What's the point of hitting all these targets if the warheads themselves remain intact, what of the delivery platforms?

Well Nawaze is close, very close to Kerry sahib. Apparently Obama didn't even bother to receive Tind, he was playing golf with his staff while Kerry was the solitary member of the welcoming party. Don't understand why Nawaze is even more into the American game than Zardari, wasn't Mr. Dus percent far more unscrupulous?

Btw how's your health now?
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@Oscar What's the point of hitting all these targets if the warheads themselves remain intact, what of the delivery platforms?

Well Nawaze is close, very close to Kerry sahib. Apparently Obama didn't even bother to receive Tind, he was playing golf with his staff while Kerry was the solitary member of the welcoming party. Don't understand why Nawaze is even more into the American game than Zardari, wasn't Mr. Dus percent far more unscrupulous?

Btw how's your health now?

Obama has no interest in Nawaz as the democrats arent very Pakistan friendly in the first place(and then people hate the republicans and Bush..that guy played cricket with Inzi in Islamabad.. he cared THAT much).

After all, Clinton had to be begged to see Nawaz during Kargil.. dont expect Obama to extend beyond that.
However, Kerry in all his notoriety for the K-Luger Bill actually does have a soft spot of Pakistan(Go figure) and is possibly more receptive than anyone else for now. After all, certain things such as the hung up $1.6 billion of the CSF Fund(technically Pakistan's money) and further aid has been released now.. and that did not happen just like that.
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@Oscar What's the point of hitting all these targets if the warheads themselves remain intact, what of the delivery platforms?

Well Nawaze is close, very close to Kerry sahib. Apparently Obama didn't even bother to receive Tind, he was playing golf with his staff while Kerry was the solitary member of the welcoming party. Don't understand why Nawaze is even more into the American game than Zardari, wasn't Mr. Dus percent far more unscrupulous?

Btw how's your health now?

Obama has no interest in Nawaz as the democrats arent very Pakistan friendly in the first place(and then people hate the republicans and Bush..that guy played cricket with Inzi in Islamabad.. he cared THAT much).

After all, Clinton had to be begged to see Nawaz during Kargil.. dont expect Obama to extend beyond that.
However, Kerry in all his notoriety for the K-Luger Bill actually does have a soft spot of Pakistan(Go figure) and is possibly more receptive than anyone else for now. After all, certain things such as the hung up $1.6 billion of the CSF Fund(technically Pakistan's money) and further aid has been released now.. and that did not happen just like that.
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@Dillinger @Ayush ........Heyyyy guyssss!! I have a question!! Can you guys tell me when in Indian history has the government suspended rights? I can think of the emergency, the situation in Kashmir...any other time? :)) lmk thanksssssss <3
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Naswarville has become dull after 2 of my friends became inactive. @Talon - quit and @Marshmallow - usage reduced. I miss my friends. :(

Even quiet a few decent posters like @That Guy and @Jessica_Lucas had quit PDF last week, I guess.
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No need, we have done plenty of that when a cogent policy making apparatus at the apex level has existed. Nor do we need to go around bumping people off, that is what Mossad does due to extreme exigencies, something we don't need to indulge in often. Although the HUMINT network that Mossad or of late the CIA has nurtured is astonishing. Even Oscar's been agreeing with the idea of many OGWs running around in Pak, scary thought.

the lack of Arabic translators or even other foreign translators is truly astonishing in RAW.

In fact, sashi tharoor mentioned that the foreign services in India is simply not upto par and has a severe dearth in talent when it comes to translators.

I think his proposal was to use NRI Indians in let's say New Zealand take an exam and based on the scores, serve in diplomatic capabilities.

The problem is poaching away of talented Indians by the private sector.
@Dillinger @Ayush ........Heyyyy guyssss!! I have a question!! Can you guys tell me when in Indian history has the government suspended rights? I can think of the emergency, the situation in Kashmir...any other time? :)) lmk thanksssssss <3

Truth Vs Hype: Kashmir - The riddle of AFSPA - YouTube

there are localised insurgencies that in the opinion of the state actors involved some draconian measures

Obama has no interest in Nawaz as the democrats arent very Pakistan friendly in the first place(and then people hate the republicans and Bush..that guy played cricket with Inzi in Islamabad.. he cared THAT much).

After all, Clinton had to be begged to see Nawaz during Kargil.. dont expect Obama to extend beyond that.
However, Kerry in all his notoriety for the K-Luger Bill actually does have a soft spot of Pakistan(Go figure) and is possibly more receptive than anyone else for now. After all, certain things such as the hung up $1.6 billion of the CSF Fund(technically Pakistan's money) and further aid has been released now.. and that did not happen just like that.
@Oscar =) always a pleasure to read your posts. The absence or lack thereof of partisan rancor is refreshing, while proving that patriotism is not mutually inclusive with zealotry.

When it comes down to it, I don't think India and pakistan can forget what happened, but may be a tolerable co existence? like a married couple who have resigned to the fact that they are both going to find no one better so might as well stick together.

I wish to visit Pakistan someday :)

I don't know if I can, but would love to :)
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My brother Scored 94% marks in Board exams, got the result today.
Light years ahead of me :cray::cray:
My brother Scored 94% marks in Board exams, got the result today.
Light years ahead of me :cray::cray:

I know how you feel.
Bhai jab kam number lata hain to kharab lagta hain. Lekin woh bohot zyada numbers laye to aur bhi zyada kharab lagta hain. :cry:
#True Story
My brother Scored 94% marks in Board exams, got the result today.
Light years ahead of me :cray::cray:

I know how you feel.
Bhai jab kam number lata hain to kharab lagta hain. Lekin woh bohot zyada numbers laye to aur bhi zyada kharab lagta hain. :cry:
#True Story
@Dillinger @Ayush ........Heyyyy guyssss!! I have a question!! Can you guys tell me when in Indian history has the government suspended rights? I can think of the emergency, the situation in Kashmir...any other time? :)) lmk thanksssssss <3

twice if I am not wrong.
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@Oscar The Hornet strikes again. Got to respect the Americans-






(The last picture is a prospective diagram of the weapons configs possible with the pod, no confirmation on veracity of said diagram yet)

Testing out the CFTs (nearly 3000 pounds of extra fuel), apparently they are designed to provide net zero increase in drag at high sub-sonic speeds and some quantum of penalty at high trans-sonic speeds. AND the LO weapons pod. Add to that the IRST addition, EPE engine with 20% more thrust and the Laser/Missile Warning and Tracking system aft of the canopy. There are more upgrades wrt the cockpit and electronic warfare systems. All in all, IF the USN opts for such a block upgrade then the Bugs will have a thing or two to say to all the naysayers.


Huntington Ingalls BMD ship-



@RAMPAGE you were supposed to kill Aphpee for me!! :angry:

@Alpha1 How I hate the fact that you are still breathing.
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@Oscar Also, when will our section get an intl. mod?:cry:
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