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Yep, its no longer about the manoeuvrability as much it is about Technology.

And the move looks more and more about a Pincer movement strategy or perhaps they really do want to invade Sri Lanka.

If we invade Sri Lanka then when I become the PM I'll gift you an island, I am sure there are some islands which fall within Sri Lanka's territory.:cheers:

The super-bugs will do well though, what do you think the odds are against a J-15 or our Mig-29K?

My only grouse is that as of now I am not seeing any move on a combat aviation brigade and some good armor that needs to go in with the airborne folks. Mobility seems to be the key focus with us these days, massive road projects in the NE right up to the LAC (thank the good lord, pick up a current NH map and you'll notice that Arunachal doesn't have a NH to its name), big airlift and rotor lift capabilities- they are beefing up- that's for sure.

Btw, I was talking to my father- he's worked extensively in Af (do not ask why) and he said that the reduction in US/ISAF troops is a blessing for the people there and if the govt plays its cards right it can make some good gains? Seems like an astonishing POV, but I have never known him to be wrong on these things- he has a curious case of turning up in most of the middle eastern and central asian conflict zones.
If we invade Sri Lanka then when I become the PM I'll gift you an island, I am sure there are some islands which fall within Sri Lanka's territory.:cheers:

Touch my Sri Lankan brethren & you'd wake up the next day in bed with a donkey, a mule, a horse & a giraffe ! :angry:
Pakistan..this options seems to suit a lot of Hawks(After all, subservient as the Indian military may be to the civil government..there are still lobbyists for them just as there are for the US military in their government).. at the same time.. this sort of outcome also poses the flipside of multiple terror states and leaders with any of them turning out to be havens for Attacks on Indian citizens and hence requiring constant policing by India(An option worse than before as it would lead to a situation akin to the 90's J&K except across the border).
The other side seems to want to build relations and focus on the civilian government and business community in the hope that eventually the Kashmir Narrative will die out like Junagarh and Hyderabad and eventually these elements will agree to the LC as the IB. Eventually things will settle down and Pakistan may eventually settle into a role of Buffer for India to keep the middle east at arms length.

As for Pakistan, god knows what we want.. narratives range from a Taliban state if looking at one sample of the population to "whatever gets us a glass of water and bread" state as a larger sample. In the end the latter will prevail but the general state of deprivation means that Pakistan will take any narrative(Anti-india preferred by quarters) which gives it an avenue for blame for its troubles.Whether they actually would be able to initiate a war with India based on this narrative.. I highly doubt it. Border Skirmishes are fine but no ruler or general in Pakistan is foolish enough to think that they can hold off India conventionally.. and hence they rely on the same reality being projected in India.
So , its not a case of a married couple that has to live together.. its a case of two animals locked in the same cage.

And you are always welcome to visit and as such should really not have too much trouble in the next few years as this government is trying for a friendship narrative.

Not anytime soon... and I am not for it based on a lot of reasons.

I don't know if you heard of Shivshankar menon who is the current NSA for India and a former diplomat to Pakistan (High Commissioner I believe)

He said that ultimately that destabilizing Pakistan will not be in the interests of India as the ensuing anarchy will engender conditions that can breed even more extremism.

At least with the current lot, it is more predictable. Pakistani generals, and politicians conform to the south asian elite mind set of rent seeking corruption.

They are more greedy than they are fanatical.

When I read the posts of the current generation of indian internet users, it sends a shiver up my spine. Mind you, a lot of these are foreign based indians and they maybe in an environment where the power structures or stereotypes place indians in a low social structure.

What the Indians have done well more than their military could achieve is what our intellectuals and media personalities have achieved. For the last few years Indians have developed a massive reservoir of soft power as we have exported our food and culture to the west.

Ironically, this soft power took a massive dent when the Delhi gang rape happened, and the subsequent Indian response of being defensive didn't help either.

Indians, I feel need to get a sense of humor or at least be less uptight.
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The tolerable co-existence is dependant on the government of India as such. In my view the policy makers(continued policy) are confused as to whether to implement a "Pakistan solution" or tolerate the current situation with on and off attacks from quasi-state freedom support elements and general terror groups financed by Fanatical zealots; in the hope that some sort of parity may be found with the civilian government.

Would a break up of Pakistan be most beneficial for India? With the Pakistani establishment gone and a general moral defeat of Pakistan..this options seems to suit a lot of Hawks(After all, subservient as the Indian military may be to the civil government..there are still lobbyists for them just as there are for the US military in their government).. at the same time.. this sort of outcome also poses the flipside of multiple terror states and leaders with any of them turning out to be havens for Attacks on Indian citizens and hence requiring constant policing by India(An option worse than before as it would lead to a situation akin to the 90's J&K except across the border).
The other side seems to want to build relations and focus on the civilian government and business community in the hope that eventually the Kashmir Narrative will die out like Junagarh and Hyderabad and eventually these elements will agree to the LC as the IB. Eventually things will settle down and Pakistan may eventually settle into a role of Buffer for India to keep the middle east at arms length.

As for Pakistan, god knows what we want.. narratives range from a Taliban state if looking at one sample of the population to "whatever gets us a glass of water and bread" state as a larger sample. In the end the latter will prevail but the general state of deprivation means that Pakistan will take any narrative(Anti-india preferred by quarters) which gives it an avenue for blame for its troubles.Whether they actually would be able to initiate a war with India based on this narrative.. I highly doubt it. Border Skirmishes are fine but no ruler or general in Pakistan is foolish enough to think that they can hold off India conventionally.. and hence they rely on the same reality being projected in India.
So , its not a case of a married couple that has to live together.. its a case of two animals locked in the same cage.

And you are always welcome to visit and as such should really not have too much trouble in the next few years as this government is trying for a friendship narrative.

Not anytime soon... and I am not for it based on a lot of reasons.

The other side would be people like Sashi tharoor I guess. He advocated opening up of trade relations so as to nurture a wealthy merchant class within Pakistan that may balk at the government escalating tensions with their hindu neighbor (or secular?)
I don't know if you heard of Shivshankar menon who is the current NSA for India and a former diplomat to Pakistan (High Commissioner I believe)

He said that ultimately that destabilizing Pakistan will not be in the interests of India as the ensuing anarchy will engender conditions that can breed even more extremism.

At least with the current lot, it is more predictable. Pakistani generals, and politicians conform to the south asian elite mind set of rent seeking corruption.

They are more greedy than they are fanatical.

When I read the posts of the current generation of indian internet users, it sends a shiver up my spine. Mind you, a lot of these are foreign based indians and they maybe in an environment where the power structures or stereotypes place indians in a low social structure.

What the Indians have done well more than their military could achieve is what our intellectuals and media personalities have achieved. For the last few years Indians have developed a massive reservoir of soft power as we have exported our food and culture to the west.

Ironically, this soft power took a massive dent when the Delhi gang rape happened, and the subsequent Indian response of being defensive didn't help either.

Indians, I feel need to get a sense of humor or at least be less uptight.

I redirect you to this post where I replied to another member on the situation in Pakistan.

The problem with Indian Youth as you express is not confined to NRI's as I have seen the trend on my Fb friends as well. There is a dangerous desperation for better governance but in that desperation these age fellows are willing to forgo and put aside humanitarian, communal and ethical principles to achieve it. This does not mean this is a phenomenon confined to India(ala Modi) as Pakistan has had similar parallels with supporters of Imran Khan and as such encountered similar fanaticism in political thinking. One could argue that such fanaticism existed from eons in the subcontinent(as an example) and hence is nothing new. However, this has been seen in educated Indians and Pakistan who you would expect to be calmer and more introspective about their choices and actions as has been the hallmark of educated people in the subcontinent. However, the reality is rather opposite and in a bizarre way. Educated people are now more willing to resort to extreme language/methods and conviction to support an idea of change. This is witnessed easily here in any thread that concerns the BJP or PTI and it shows that these people have as such taken a leap of blind faith. Similar analogies could be drawn to Obama's election(who literally had Change as his motto) but as such Americans are better in choosing domestic leadership promises as us and their support of Obama in approval ratings shows. Similar effects are not seen here and thinking while voting has lesser effect as does emotions; almost as if people are desperate to get rid of a suffocating blanket and are not worried about burning the house down in that process.
I don't know if you heard of Shivshankar menon who is the current NSA for India and a former diplomat to Pakistan (High Commissioner I believe)

He said that ultimately that destabilizing Pakistan will not be in the interests of India as the ensuing anarchy will engender conditions that can breed even more extremism.

At least with the current lot, it is more predictable. Pakistani generals, and politicians conform to the south asian elite mind set of rent seeking corruption.

They are more greedy than they are fanatical.

When I read the posts of the current generation of indian internet users, it sends a shiver up my spine. Mind you, a lot of these are foreign based indians and they maybe in an environment where the power structures or stereotypes place indians in a low social structure.

What the Indians have done well more than their military could achieve is what our intellectuals and media personalities have achieved. For the last few years Indians have developed a massive reservoir of soft power as we have exported our food and culture to the west.

Ironically, this soft power took a massive dent when the Delhi gang rape happened, and the subsequent Indian response of being defensive didn't help either.

Indians, I feel need to get a sense of humor or at least be less uptight.

I redirect you to this post where I replied to another member on the situation in Pakistan.

The problem with Indian Youth as you express is not confined to NRI's as I have seen the trend on my Fb friends as well. There is a dangerous desperation for better governance but in that desperation these age fellows are willing to forgo and put aside humanitarian, communal and ethical principles to achieve it. This does not mean this is a phenomenon confined to India(ala Modi) as Pakistan has had similar parallels with supporters of Imran Khan and as such encountered similar fanaticism in political thinking. One could argue that such fanaticism existed from eons in the subcontinent(as an example) and hence is nothing new. However, this has been seen in educated Indians and Pakistan who you would expect to be calmer and more introspective about their choices and actions as has been the hallmark of educated people in the subcontinent. However, the reality is rather opposite and in a bizarre way. Educated people are now more willing to resort to extreme language/methods and conviction to support an idea of change. This is witnessed easily here in any thread that concerns the BJP or PTI and it shows that these people have as such taken a leap of blind faith. Similar analogies could be drawn to Obama's election(who literally had Change as his motto) but as such Americans are better in choosing domestic leadership promises as us and their support of Obama in approval ratings shows. Similar effects are not seen here and thinking while voting has lesser effect as does emotions; almost as if people are desperate to get rid of a suffocating blanket and are not worried about burning the house down in that process.
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