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So @jaibi if I like - nay, love depression, sorrow & disappointment the way a drug addict loves drugs but hates them at the same time & that I avail every opportunity to escape back into the perfect world that I've created in my mind where my definition of ultimate 'bliss' is to be disconnected from the world & if I were to intersperse all of that with moments of cosmetic humor & genuine but fleeting care, what would your psyche evaluation make me out to be ?
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You're pretty normal. That's the existential crises: the burden of existence as it's called in many therapy models, mostly created by the era we're living in. Negativity is 'abnormalised', positivity and prosperity (what that exactly is is subjective) is entitled and to achieve is paramount.

The disparity between them causes what you're feeling. The love-hate.

So @jaibi if I like - nay, love depression, sorrow & disappointment the way a drug addict loves drugs but hates them at the same time & that I avail every opportunity to escape back into the perfect world that I've created in my mind where my definition of ultimate 'bliss' is to be disconnected from the world & if I were to intersperse all of that with moments of cosmetic humor & genuine but fleeting care, what would your psyche evaluation make me out to be ?
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@Marshmallow @Alpha1 @Zarvan and others

Eid mubarak guys :cheers:


Ah, you were referring to "kahwa". Sorry, I got confused because of the spellings. :lol: :rolleyes:

This is how you should collect your "eidi". ;) :lol:


haha :rofl:


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@Hyperion @Secur Marsha's posts are reminding me of my early days. Once I had to hide in a certain squeeze's armoire, we had been engaged in a heated "scuffle" when her folks decided to return (the house was situated less than 200 meters from a ginormous mall and her folks had the typical neo-metropolitan schedule of dishing out the cash and cards at the mall every evening) home to pick up the tickets for the night show aunty had left on the dresser. In those moments of nervousness I stepped on a carefully crafted gift (meant for me, which she had been preparing with much care and in secrecy) tucked away at the back of the armoire. When the coast was clear she opened the armoire and let out a shriek I will never forget. Suffice to say that I had to leave right then since no further attempts at placation were bound to work. Not knowing whether her parents had actually left the colony or not I had to take the fire-escape stairs all the way down to the underground parking and then trudge up to the parking entrance/exit with her screaming at me over my cell throughout that time. In all that confusion I left my box of Nat Shermans (a gift from a very good friend, she had remembered to cater to my vice and picked them up in a moment of enlightened friendship) in her room under the covers, when I told my love about them she took them out one by one and broke the darlings into several pieces. To my continuing shame I did not break up with her on the spot. To this day when I think about that incident I feel like I am no better than @Armstrong.
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There are some warriors in ancient times(I am talking about Tamilnadu - my state specifically) who are part of the village folklore and believed to protect the village from evil and dietified. This is part of the Hinduism though not mainstream but village people believe them. We sacrifice goats/chickens as part of yearly ritual for these gods.

You will find these kinds of statues across villages in Tamilnadu.

And here is a bakra sacrifice ritual.

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There are some warriors in ancient times(I am talking about Tamilnadu - my state specifically) who are part of the village folklore and believed to protect the village from evil and dietified. This is part of the Hinduism though not mainstream but village people believe them. We sacrifice goats/chickens as part of yearly ritual for these gods.

You will find these kinds of statues across villages in Tamilnadu.

And here is a bakra sacrifice ritual.

oh blood:fie::shout::hang3:
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n distribute it to poors of da village? like we do....:ashamed:

ok sashan i hav to sign off nw bye :wave: talk to u later:tongue:


That is when they invite all friends and relatives for feasts and distribute the meat to everyone including the laborers working in the farms and poor in the village as well(they are given clothes, money along with the meat)

- Talk to you later.
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