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@Hyperion ma brother :kiss3:

you see what this infidel is trying to do right ???
@Dillinger know this, when the time comes all of us will be united against the baniya !!! :devil:

I think the more sane brothers of yours are a bit more concerned with the snakes inside the yard rather than the behemoth at the fence.:coffee:
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Dude, till this date, I didn't get what a "banya" means! Does it mean a nasty-treacherous-Indian or something? :blink:

:lol: :omghaha:
baniyas and brahmins are the dominant ones in india,due to their economic presence,as they were well to do historically.
and as they are businessmen :D, they are stereotyped to be kanjoos,evil etc.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... now I get it........ like they call us the "Pashtuns" as Pakistani Jews........... no wonder........ so we are the Pakistani banyas....... :rofl:

A caste, specializes in trade and commerce. Stereotyped to be avaricious and tricky.
:lol: :omghaha:
baniyas and brahmins are the dominant ones in india,due to their economic presence,as they were well to do historically.

AND that economic stranglehold is declining and needs to be equalized even further. IF I wanted to do one thing good for the nation- I'd eradicate all the Bahmins who refuse to give up their superiority complex (including all of my own "biradri").
:lol: :omghaha:
baniyas and brahmins are the dominant ones in india,due to their economic presence,as they were well to do historically.
and as they are businessmen :D, they are stereotyped to be kanjoos,evil etc.

well im a baniya from old delhi ayush
beta ki sou saal sai mere daday par-daday brhamins ko apnay jootay ki nok pai rakhtay aain hai !!! :D

Funny how caste goes right out of the window if you're the land owner/zamindaar. Phir toh bhai sab matha tekte the- not anymore here (one good thing that came from the land reforms).
A caste, specializes in trade and commerce. Stereotyped to be avaricious and tricky.

well these days we are making sure that owr children go into forces , engenearing , education and medicine and most opf owr kids after higher education we send them to USA/west just like what south indian bhramins did 20 years back deu to illogical reservation and hate against bhramins
AND that economic stranglehold is declining and needs to be equalized even further. IF I wanted to do one thing good for the nation- I'd eradicate all the Bahmins who refuse to give up their superiority complex (including all of my own "biradri").

and reservations should be on the basis of economic status and not caste..
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