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Did any of you even bother to read the link or are Permits & Poultry Farms more important than the Pakistanis we threw away in '71 ?

The pictures are miserable while watching them I can't dare to read ... :fie:
Did any of you even bother to read the link or are Permits & Poultry Farms more important than the Pakistanis we threw away in '71 ?

I did, Arm, I know about this issue but both Pakistanis and Bengalis give two cents of **** about these poor guys. I helped my mom on her thesis about 71 and I was appalled about their suffering
DUDE... never ever wait..... if you want to do something.... do it RIGHT NOW..... go small scale.... but do it NOW.....

Remember what I always say..... "Paralysis by analysis"..... <-- don't be that guy......

Go for a micro-shed..... do it..... do it yourself...... it's always better to do some business rather than reading one extra book.... trust me, this is the "khullasa" of my life......

Trust me - the moment i would have SOME investment collected im going to invest it in Pakistan. The worst that could happen is that i'll lose that money... but you learn.

Im going to talk to you about this, when im actually interested in it & yes i'm not too far away from Layyah, if you know what i mean. ;)
Why, they wanna come back to Pakistan? Are they craaaaaazyyyyyyyyyyyyy????? :laughcry:

Did any of you even bother to read the link or are Permits & Poultry Farms more important than the Pakistanis we threw away in '71 ?
Rule # 2... Bad economy is always perfect for business.....

My rule states: "Wherever there is shi*, there is sh*t loads of money to be made"

I guess that's true for the service industry, Hyper. A guy I knew started this logistics and supply company, real small stuff, with 5 supply trucks or something and his business died out due to the ever increasing and sometimes decreasing petrol prices. It was so bad to see it go down :(
Oye, @Alpha1 he's right let's not reveal our locations here there are some people who *might* not want to see you and me alive :P seriously though, dude, email or text about private details.
thanks yara, i am a little reckless in this regard
although i doubt if anybody could harm us.
We live in one of the most secure area of lahore. But yeah you are right :)
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@Aeronaut I have a query, could you help me, please? I was going through the Pakistan Navy section and saw the article you had posted about the modernisation of PN and people haggled you about military equipment and formations details. Could you refer a good site or book to me about that? I don't get the whole military organisation on the front such as flotila, company, etc., and searching online has been confusing :(

What sort of information do you want?
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Did any of you even bother to read the link or are Permits & Poultry Farms more important than the Pakistanis we threw away in '71 ?

more than anybody you punjabis are to be blamed ... used beharis like condoms and threw away.. dont tell you are kashmiri now.. :chilli:
Dude, I'm a maths guy..... I run simulations..... REAL HEAVY STUFF...... other than god himself, every other variable is in there...... unless, I'm 200% satisfied with risk analysis, I don't touch a thing...... trust me....... if I'm doing it, it's well though out..... I don't leave anything to chance..... NOTHING......

I guess that's true for the service industry, Hyper. A guy I knew started this logistics and supply company, real small stuff, with 5 supply trucks or something and his business died out due to the ever increasing and sometimes decreasing petrol prices. It was so bad to see it go down :(
Yara, getting a permit for a PB isn't easy at all..... secondly it will cost you something around 150,000 / year to just hold it......... tread carefully..... unless you have some heavyweights in family to fall-back on....... owning a PB is more of a headache than protection.

Hahah after some time my cousin came to the same conclusion. Buying was easy, keeping and legitimising it was hell. So we didn't go for it. Plus, I'm not really into guns that much.
Now i know where to find you.

oh boy what did i do :fie::fie:
Dude, I'm a maths guy..... I run simulations..... REAL HEAVY STUFF...... other than god himself, every other variable is in there...... unless, I'm 200% satisfied with risk analysis, I don't touch a thing...... trust me....... if I'm doing it, it's well though out..... I don't leave anything to chance..... NOTHING......

DUUUUDEEEEE, DON'T TELL ME! Yaaaaaar, I'm definitely going to need your help in this next project I'm planning! :D :D
Dude, get a pistol.... practice with it.... if you have ample training, it kills way better than anything else.... trust me! :D

Hahah after some time my cousin came to the same conclusion. Buying was easy, keeping and legitimising it was hell. So we didn't go for it. Plus, I'm not really into guns that much.
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