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Yups, got meself a nice M4 this time around.... it is legal if you can get a permit for it..... then they "buff" the serial numbers..... then a fake purchase / import slip is produced... and then back-dated and entered into "maal khana"..... then you get to go out and shoot people with it (legally)..... :yahoo:

Pakistan is a strange place.... my dad has two "REAL" licenses (not permits) for PB, from 1963, which state no name of gun / no serial number... NOTHING!!!!!!

@Hyperion @Aeronaut have you guys noticed the American weapons available in some arm dealing shops in Pakistan? I know a guy who bought an entire set of weaponry and it seemed legit. Is that illegal?
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If they are auto/semi auto without licenses - most definitely illegal.

They are definitely auto even a gun-illiterate like me could see that but man oh man were they pretty pieces of equipment! It made me want to own guns!

@jaibi gave ur id to @RAMPAGE
btw jaibi u look like a fun guy!
Btw you know that park infornt to CEO cantts house?
You can see me there often drinking Malt and PDFing plus you know what :flirt:

Thanks Alph! Sure I will check up with RAMPAGE. Let's all PDFians meet up sometime, eh? @Armstrong , you too man!
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DUDE... never ever wait..... if you want to do something.... do it RIGHT NOW..... go small scale.... but do it NOW.....

Remember what I always say..... "Paralysis by analysis"..... <-- don't be that guy......

Go for a micro-shed..... do it..... do it yourself...... it's always better to do some business rather than reading one extra book.... trust me, this is the "khullasa" of my life......

You are a rich fukker - i'm a confused undergraddy who knows shitt about shitt's shitt and how it hits the fan.

I know there is a lot of money in this area should you pull your act together - good luck to you ---i'll bug you when i have the capital to start up my experiment :D ---
Yups, got meself a nice M4 this time around.... it is legal if you can get a permit for it..... then they "buff" the serial numbers..... then a fake purchase / import slip is produced... and then back-dated and entered into "maal khana"..... then you get to go out and shoot people with it (legally)..... :yahoo:

Pakistan is a strange place.... my dad has two "REAL" licenses (not permits) for PB, from 1963, which state no name of gun / no serial number... NOTHING!!!!!!

Seriously, a while back my cousin had this intense desire to own a gun and we were confused as Hell about the legality of this stuff or that stuff, nothing's clear here!
Now i know where to find you.


Oye, @Alpha1 he's right let's not reveal our locations here there are some people who *might* not want to see you and me alive :P seriously though, dude, email or text about private details.
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Yara, getting a permit for a PB isn't easy at all..... secondly it will cost you something around 150,000 / year to just hold it......... tread carefully..... unless you have some heavyweights in family to fall-back on....... owning a PB is more of a headache than protection.

Seriously, a while back my cousin had this intense desire to own a gun and we were confused as Hell about the legality of this stuff or that stuff, nothing's clear here!
Thanks brother,I have a lot of questions,will start with a few:
1.Is a name change
necessary if one converts to Islam? Can I keep my original name?
Yes you 'can' keep your orignal name provided it doesn't match any diety's name..
But it's good to have a muslim name
2.Is it needed that one must learn kuran by heart ?
Not at all. Studying the Quran is enough. You can start with translation and Tafseer(explanation) i can guide you which tafseer to buy too!
3.Whats the difference b/w Islam and Muslim?
well Muslim is supposed to be a follower of Islam
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@Aeronaut I have a query, could you help me, please? I was going through the Pakistan Navy section and saw the article you had posted about the modernisation of PN and people haggled you about military equipment and formations details. Could you refer a good site or book to me about that? I don't get the whole military organisation on the front such as flotila, company, etc., and searching online has been confusing :(
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Rule # 2... Bad economy is always perfect for business.....

My rule states: "Wherever there is shi*, there is sh*t loads of money to be made"

@Aeronaut I agree with @Hyperion , start small but start soon, the economy's not going to get better. Pakistan needs entrepreneurs
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