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I am glad you did:)
Not sure is yet. Depends on how much work I can get done by sunday evening. Plus, had an argument with my parents so I highly doubt they would agree to me going out sunday. Well, there is always next weekend :P
best of luck for next weekend. :)
@Paan Singh suddenly everyone has gone bisirk!! :cray: Pata nai is this their true colours or just temporary PMS on a different level :what:

its not true colors..
i even told you last day that few of these guys are behaving weird.
you might not be aware of full story so nthing against you :).

you are gem of this thread.
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best of luck for next weekend. :)

LOL nahh they'll actually be fine by tonight. It was a stupid argument on why my room is a mess all the time (well duh, this is how I stayed in my dorm) LOL but nothing serious so hopefully tom. if I can get my work done:)
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