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Beacause at time of your father and grand father, English was considered a condemned language and Urdu+Farsi was the main language taught to kids with Arabic as optional language.

Up to 70's Farsi was part of Syllabus in pakistani education system. Gradually with time it was discarded from lower grades and was offered as optional subject only on B.A and M.A level

Yeah I know my mothers father learned it in class. He stills speaks perfect farsi, my fathers side already knew it. My father was not highly educated, he learned all his languages at home.
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Watsup mate. :cheers:

You are right my friend, dari was the court language of the mughals and was considered the language of the educated elite. The Mughals were Persianized Turks.

Hello talon :enjoy:

Their mother tongue was turkish for first few generations but was gradually replaced by farsi due to heavy influence of iranis. I have read that similer to turks, court and literary langauge of both suris and lodhis was also farsi though they were pashto speakers.
Their mother tongue was turkish for first few generations but was gradually replaced by farsi due to heavy influence of iranis. I have read that similer to turks, court and literary langauge of both suris and lodhis was also farsi though they were pashto speakers.

Yes it was due to Humayuns time spent in Persia for 15 years after he lost Bharat to Sher Shah Suri. After he regained his territory he was heavily persianized and so the Mughals remained that way. Babur his father however spoke only I believe Chagatai Turkish. Also Humayuns was turned Shia by the Safavids. :omghaha:
Yes it was due to Humayuns time spent in Persia for 15 years after he lost Bharat to Sher Shah Suri. After he regained his territory he was heavily persianized and so the Mughals remained that way. Babur his father however spoke only I believe Chagatai Turkish. Also Humayuns was turned Shia by the Safavids. :omghaha:

Lol babur also converted to shia faith in exchange safvid help against uzbeks...though they always reverted to sunni faith.
Traditionally turks were always sunnis while persians were shia. Azeri turks are exception, they were forcibly converted to shiaism.
here is something funny.
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