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when different people are discussing different topics,it's confusing
@45'22' :rofl: welcome to Naswaristan....we are a diversity of people who are just SOOO DIVERSE :rofl:

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So afghans and persians have the same language? ?

Well the Iranians tell me that Afghans can understand farsi perfectly (only the dari speakers) but the Iranians cannot understand the dari that Afghans speak perfectly because it is a different dialect for them. Afghanistan and parts of Pakistan were once realms of the Persian empire and so that is why the language can be found in both countries to this day. My maternal grandfather speaks fluent Farsi and my fathers side everyone knew farsi except my own generation. It really isn't a big deal.
Well the Iranians tell me that Afghans can understand farsi perfectly (only the dari speakers) but the Iranians cannot understand the dari that Afghans speak perfectly because it is a different dialect for them. Afghanistan and parts of Pakistan were once realms of the Persian empire and so that is why the language can be found in both countries to this day. My maternal grandfather speaks fluent Farsi and my fathers side everyone knew farsi except my own generation. It really isn't a big deal.
@KingMamba93 both my parents took up farsi in school...they said they had it offered...Not sure which year they are talking about @Hyperion was this ever in the school system or did my parents just pick it up from around and about?! :what:
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Yara, I don't get it. In our house we use "Pukhhhhhhtooon" while some cousins use "Pushhhhhtooon"... I am trained with the KHHHHHHHH.... :pop:

I.find myself more comfortable with pushtoon.
But the nwfp was renamed as khyber Pakhtunkhwa. So maybe pakhtun is more preferred. :undecided:
Well the Iranians tell me that Afghans can understand farsi perfectly (only the dari speakers) but the Iranians cannot understand the dari that Afghans speak perfectly because it is a different dialect for them. Afghanistan and parts of Pakistan were once realms of the Persian empire and so that is why the language can be found in both countries to this day. My maternal grandfather speaks fluent Farsi and my fathers side everyone knew farsi except my own generation. It really isn't a big deal.

Beacause at time of your father and grand father, English was considered a condemned language and Urdu+Farsi was the main language taught to kids with Arabic as optional language.

Up to 70's Farsi was part of Syllabus in pakistani education system. Gradually with time it was discarded from lower grades and was offered as optional subject only on B.A and M.A level
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Well the Iranians tell me that Afghans can understand farsi perfectly (only the dari speakers) but the Iranians cannot understand the dari that Afghans speak perfectly because it is a different dialect for them. Afghanistan and parts of Pakistan were once realms of the Persian empire and so that is why the language can be found in both countries to this day. My maternal grandfather speaks fluent Farsi and my fathers side everyone knew farsi except my own generation. It really isn't a big deal.

Farsi is mixed and crude, while dari is pure form of farsi. The court langauge of hindustani rulers was dari or darbari.
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