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Give us 50 more years & we will; already inter ethnic marriages are at an all time high ! I envision a very exciting Pakistan, ethnically & linguistically, in the next 50-60 years ! :tup:

Well i am a product of that so I am vouching 100% behind it hehe, well Canada is soon going to become Brazil and I can't wait because I can only imagine the strength in unity our country will have. I still love my pakistan heritage though I hope urdu still remain the primary langue so I can converse with you people easily, some folk from pakistan say my urdu sounds like a news person, don't know whether to take it as compliment or not :what:
Its understandable and personally with the state of pakistan, I would be in your position to though I can pretend that I would do different. The overall environment is very dangerous and I mean currently living in a red zone countrie as per canadianne embassy definition is very serious, i mean we do even put our troops in those conditions unless warrented. I know i am trying to be symphatetic and my words are of bliss ignorance since I myself have not lived in the environment with this much violence and almost the person becomes desensitized. All I can tell you from my personal difficulties growing up(yes i know it sound pathetic compare to what your going through) that having faith sometimes help(not trying to preach) in keeping ones head high, during my days in the boots it helped clear my head through sleepless nights.:undecided:

:omghaha::omghaha: bhai @balixd,he thinks that @Alpha1 is depressed because of current situation of Pakistan--this is extreme of his innocence:omghaha::omghaha:
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See, I am only a kashmiri when it comes to this one thing, otherwise I take my other identities more. But armstrong, that's something I respect about you. I love people with different opinions than mine, and I love people who are very sure of what they are!:)

@Armstrong is one of da most intelligent n decent guy here its just dat i hate two things abt him,one wen he does dhoti jokes wid us girls n 2nd when posts dat muscular body pics for girls :angry::taz:
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Well i am a product of that so I am vouching 100% behind it hehe, well Canada is soon going to become Brazil and I can't wait because I can only imagine the strength in unity our country will have. I still love my pakistan heritage though I hope urdu still remain the primary langue so I can converse with you people easily, some folk from pakistan say my urdu sounds like a news person, don't know whether to take it as compliment or not :what:

Dude don't worry - Urdu isn't going anywhere, I just hope that we also nurture our regional languages more ! :agree:

And I think it means that you converse in formal Urdu....which is probably good ! :tup:
Alright guys @arp2041 and @Armstrong.....nice talking to you guys, gonna go get some work done today :D enjoy your day!

But before I go.......

Dear Emperor @Hyperion,

This is an appeal my dear. I will have you know that your wittty, clever and sometimes a bit cheesy remarks make my mornings. So, don't be mad emperor and leave me because empress will be nothing without you. If you decide to forgive your AWESOME empress for breaking your heart, just check your pocket, I am and will always be there...no slipping this time around! ;)

Alrgiht seriously this is the best I can do on a Wednesday hahahaha :D

- Lots of love
your empress
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@Monkey D Luffy

mind naee karna jo poerty kae tum par brother.....wese he app ka gusa assaman mein hota he ..mein kud kam aty hun IN NASWAR CORNER and i saw u first time in naswar corner ...
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