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ahahahaha now I remember the whole episode....you were here too my dear.......:yahoo: ....and i support you since i was there, it was just a link and nothing more

Lol- i need no support- i can handle all alone- :lol:-
Probably you meant alpha- :yes4:-

how dare you bring gol gappas to our naswar corner :guns:
@Green Face

Whiplash- Be advised Tomorrow's operation, though strategically important, isn't exactaly a make or break operation. Be vigilent while implimenting step by step SOP's. Dagger out!

PS: Don't be hopeless, you will kill it!....go..arrive.. with a bang, leave with a sonic boom....good luck.

I don't want to see, 'The missing man formation'. :omghaha:

Death is honorable, but fear and failure are not.
Dagger, this is Whiplash, Channel 2 please... Uh well bro, the situation here is kinda fuvcked up. Let's analyse:

1- I'm the new student from wild west, in here. I came to this school this term, the 2nd term.

2- she has nothin to loose. But I have. Now I feel like a king in here. Girls like to hang around with me. Dudes want me to be their bros, so I could protect them. I'm respected, liked and feared. But if I fail. I won't me much different from a nerd idiot farm guy.

3- I say yes. I'm the only guy who had contact outta her class. And the only boy outta her class that gave a farewell kiss at the bus stop.

4- the question is would I be happy? Or aftermath of the operation, what's gonna happen? Will some bastards gossip on me? Will she use me as a puppet? If failure, will I ever dare to see her face again?

Back to Channel 1. As you saw Dagger, our status in here is even kinda more fuvcked up than Mid-east, Kashmir or my haired ***!
Dagger-Actual, whatta ya say? Whiplash...over
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