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Oye Why is youtube banned? Ab kya khurapat kar raheen hain Hasina Ji? Heard that Hifazat e Islam was able to get the gov to prevent some gathering by the Shabhag activists?
Oye Why is youtube banned? Ab kya khurapat kar raheen hain Hasina Ji? Heard that Hifazat e Islam was able to get the gov to prevent some gathering by the Shabhag activists?

1. There is a movie against Islam name 'Innocence of Islam', thats it has been banned.
2. it is not true, rather they did not get enough people to do rally against Shabhag activists which they announced before :P
1. There is a movie against Islam name 'Innocence of Islam', thats it has been banned.
2. it is not true, rather they did not get enough people to do rally against Shabhag activists which they announced before :P

DHAKA: The Hefazat-e-Islam may have forced the government to stop the Gana Jagaran Mancha rally in Chittagong recently, but its muscle tactics failed at Ashulia, on the outskirts of Dhaka, on Friday.

Nearly a lakh people — most of them workers of garment manufacturing units in the Savar area — gathered at Ashulia to demand death penalty for those convicted in the '71 genocide. This is the first time that the working class came out in such large numbers to join a movement that was so far perceived to be orchestrated by the urban, educated middle class.

Hefazat has been claiming that the Shahbag Square movement is organized by anti-Islamic bloggers. After coming to know that the Mancha — which leads the Shahbag campaign — has called a rally at Ashulia on Friday, Hefazat announced a counter procession after jumma namaaz, triggering apprehension of clashes. It was this fear that had prompted the government to ask the Mancha to call off its Chittagong rally.

There was no reason for the government to intervene on Friday. In spite of a few petrol bombs lobbed by miscreants in the morning, Mancha supporters gathered at Ashulia in large numbers. It seemed like a rally celebrating liberation. National flags flew from rooftops as well I the hands of rallyists. There was chanting and songs as people came together against a violent past that they didn't want a repeat of.

The proposed procession by Hefazat fizzled out. A handful gathered after namaaz and the police presence was extremely strong. Hefazat leader Mufti Manir Hossain's tried to stir up things by saying: "Many people participating in the rallies organized by Gana Jagaran Mancha are anti-Islam bloggers. We won't allow them to gather." But no one was listening.

Security was tight in Dhaka as well. Friday being a holiday, the gathering at Shahbag Square was huge. All roads in a 1km radius were blocked by the seemingly unending waves of people. Protests are expected to continue on Saturday, with the Mancha announcing its plans to rope in students from schools and colleges.

Shahbag rallyists swamp hardline group - The Times of India

The government tried to get the protesters to call off the protest because of the Hefazat group, but it didn't work and the protest went ahead, right?

Tell me honestly, will you guys be able to truly route out the jamaat and hefazat, ban them and get rid of them or whatever?
The government tried to get the protesters to call off the protest because of the Hefazat group, but it didn't work and the protest went ahead, right?

Tell me honestly, will you guys be able to truly route out the jamaat and hefazat, ban them and get rid of them or whatever?
1. yes
2. we will try our best to route out jamaati , we do not consider them as Islamic party. other Islamic parties also do not consider jamaati as Islamic party. they are against Jamaati.
hello @Alpha1, how are you ? how did you change your name ?
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yar im much better now. The issue is solved!
@RazPaK give me ur mail!
@RazPaK give me ur mail!

Alpha, meray chotay bhai.

I have one email and that is for work. I can't share it.

But I want you to know, that you are a strong guy. Allah swt created you into a man. Start behaving like one.

No need to defeat yourself over emotions. Everybody's life is different bro. Some poeple have gone through more painful situations than others, but at the end of the day you are a man.

Only you can help yourself.

Give thanks to God for making you a man, and no matter how difficult your situation is, always keep a smile on your face and keep moving.
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