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in 1965 war, there was no major protection from India by Pak army in East Pakistan, do you know that ?
there are many international reports about pakistani genocide, we have mass graves in BD, wanna see it ? come to BD, I will take you those places. :)

Thats because Pakistan was always numerically & technologically inferior to India in military terms & so the Doctrine of the Defense in the East lies in the West was adopted; it didn't work !

But it wasn't out of some malicious intent...it was logical to suggest that instead of dividing our forces between the two wings equally & leave either wing without any chance of holding its own against a numerically & technologically superior India, concentrate the bulk of it in one Wing - West Pakistan, unlike the East, wasn't surrounded on 3 parts by India & one part by water & wasn't interspersed with streams & rivers across its length & breadth to rule out any major Tank or Artillery deployment !

It didn't work but it wasn't conceived with malafide intentions just a miscalculation on our part !

Oh please...what mass graves ? 3 million dead would have produced a little more than a few odd graves of Bengali Intellectuals & whats even more comic is how they explain away their absence with 'they threw them in the rivers & so they washed away to the sea' ! Who is to say that your Bengali Mobs & those Angelic beings called the Mukhti Bahini didn't dump the Pro Pakistan Bengalis & Biharis therein ?

Has there ever been a single Commission to set the record straight, to find out what really happened as opposed to frantic chest thumping & unsubstantiated pieces of journalism ? DNA tests ? Some pictorial evidence ? The Official records ? The Missing Persons who were registered with the Bangladeshi Govt. after the war ? Anything....?

If you want an apology then be prepared to give one in return otherwise either bury the hatchet & move forward or conduct a proper a joint impartial inquiry into the facts & figures surrounding '71 - I swear I'd advocate punishing any Pakistani who was responsible but only on the basis of 'evidence' not 'conjectures' & most certainly not 'opinions' !
Gud evening ....guys .........:D

Thats because Pakistan was always numerically & technologically inferior to India in military terms & so the Doctrine of the Defense in the East lies in the West was adopted; it didn't work !

But it wasn't out of some malicious intent...it was logical to suggest that instead of dividing our forces between the two wings equally & leave either wing without any chance of holding its own against a numerically & technologically superior India, concentrate the bulk of it in one Wing - West Pakistan, unlike the East, wasn't surrounded on 3 parts by India & one part by water & wasn't interspersed with streams & rivers across its length & breadth to rule out any major Tank or Artillery deployment !

It didn't work but it wasn't conceived with malafide intentions just a miscalculation on our part !

Oh please...what mass graves ? 3 million dead would have produced a little more than a few odd graves of Bengali Intellectuals & whats even more comic is how they explain away their absence with 'they threw them in the rivers & so they washed away to the sea' ! Who is to say that your Bengali Mobs & those Angelic beings called the Mukhti Bahini didn't dump the Pro Pakistan Bengalis & Biharis therein ?

Has there ever been a single Commission to set the record straight, to find out what really happened as opposed to frantic chest thumping & unsubstantiated pieces of journalism ? DNA tests ? Some pictorial evidence ? The Official records ? The Missing Persons who were registered with the Bangladeshi Govt. after the war ? Anything....?

If you want an apology then be prepared to give one in return otherwise either bury the hatchet & move forward or conduct a proper a joint impartial inquiry into the facts & figures surrounding '71 - I swear I'd advocate punishing any Pakistani who was responsible but only on the basis of 'evidence' not 'conjectures' & most certainly not 'opinions' !
1. pak gov failed to protect us from india in 1965
2. yes there is lots of official prove.
3. why does not your government help us to find out the truth if you think that you are really in good side ?

What is wrong with you people ?! Everyone's a sister....>.> ?!?!?!?!


whats wrong with you if we call sister ? :undecided:
LOL.... she is shopping.... how do you think she is..... she is always happy doing that...... and she calls it "so hard" work! :rofl:

It reminds me of a face book post "Some Husbands hold wife's hands in malls.... People think its romantic.... Actually it is Economic... Because if you leave her hand she will go shopping"
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