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what is naswaristan...

Naswaristan is a place which is ruled by emperor @Hyperion...:omghaha:former name tharkistan....:omghaha:

well seriously it is place for free chitter-chatter on any good topic and a place from where you can make good friends....forum rule--no thark is allowed--command sealed by @Aeronaut lol
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and Sadam was one of the biggest ally of USA, even USA supported Saddam to invade Iran.
If PKK against assad without arms and Syrian people support PKK, then that is good way, this how democracy works. assad will be down. So i will be happy to support PKK rather than FSA.

never and ever make a sentence like that again! Do you know that the group you'd wanna support cost more than 40,000 lives! Yes we have good muslim brothers in PDF like naswarians. But half of the muslim members in here are jealous of Turkey, I don't know why. And they talk like a nerd without knowing a single goddamn thing. No offence dude, but your sentence means you're supporting terrorism like all other fanatics. Neither you hate or like my country, I respect that. But I'll smash the door if you or someone else comes and says "I'll be happy to support PKK (or any other terrorist group)". If that is how democrasy works; by logic:
Iran, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon, Palestine, Bangladesh and African countries are the most democratic countries of the world. You can still support or like terrorism. But in the end you may have putten a bullet inside your head by a SWAD, SSG, PARA, DEVGRU or a Maroon Beret Operator . :D

Really wanna see how democrasy works? Just look at the operation we did into syria and make the penetrators face with justice. Just look at the Operation Neptune's Spear (killing OBL) or your arrest of that jihaddist bastard. Regards :)

ye darhi mucch kaun kar raha hai??
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**firstly, you have to know that I used to be super softie as a young kid, but that's a discussion for another time**

"don't you feel it'll be nice gesture even before the conditions you've mentioned are fulfilled"

No lala, my life experience says otherwise. However, let's dissect it a bit. It's all about control initially, it's about psychological balance of power. Let's say that you get a vibe from the other party that she likes you, and let's say she has passed good comments about you... now tell me which type?:

TYPE A) Your intelligence / your humor?
TYPE B) More of physical related? (something about your eyes, height, built etc etc)
TYPE C) Both of the above.

Solution A) If it's type A, here the girl unknowingly is bating you, and she herself is oblivious to it, however, the situation is not exactly clear, it can swing both ways...ie very fluid between "liking-liking" or "friend-liking".. This is where you need to perform a balancing it. Use your wits, for every two to three good comments of hers give her one back.

Solution B) Here the girl knows EXACTLY what she is doing, means she is playing the game on a subconscious level. Here you never ever ever give up, you always maintain a wide margin of compliments, say 10 to 1... why you may ask? Women, no matter how sweet, basically like men who are a bit "manly" and not prone to fits of emotions, they by their innate nature hate sissy men. Here you need to be always on your toes, I mean, you need to treat them like a dignitary not like a Queen (see the fine separation here?). Once the mandatory wait period is over, as per my previous post, then you can start getting sweeter, but do it slowly, always have a fallback position to cover your six.

TYPE C) You are screwed. Not your game to play. :woot:

Look I'm a very soft hearted, super duper loving person, I'd give my heart on a platter in one second "dil phenk, jaan phenk". I had to devise these solutions and arrive at certain conclusions for self preservation, and to find the right mate. It worked wonders for me. Try it at your own risk! :P


:rofl: Bhabhi baychari inni masoom hai?! :blink:

Just wondering ! :blink:

I've been trying to grow a moustache but I still can't grow a proper one ! :cray:

And @Hyperion - I'm homophobic ! :angry:
@Armstrong bro try some fertilizer :coffee:

ok guys . gonna sleep now. Good night.

good night @Ayush
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this is what @Alpha1 do at -=-=-=-=-=-=--=...... do ......:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
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