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I have traveled with the person in left in Train, in general coach. :haha:

Everybody at one point have shared seat with this guy , it seems........:lol:

Bihar, en route to my village. At one point I got rather perturbed...the goat seemed to be taking a particular interest in my hair and I was worried that it might oblige itself and start chewing up my head.


Then I think I have got your picture ....:D

I have traveled with the person in left in Train, in general coach. :haha:

You mentioned something about the official religion of this glorious nation of ours, I'm curious- how does one convert?

Everybody at one point have shared seat with this guy , it seems........:lol:


Then I think I have got your picture ....:D


I will have you know that the goat that sat with me was far more handsome a specimen than the poor and emaciated one in this picture. :angry:
@fatman17 Please give me the contact id of the person you have posted letter to Hafiz Saeed it can be on twitter or any where else please post that I will love to reply him

As long as the food is halal and than their is no problem if the food is not halal we can't eat it

I am remembering a quip I took at a maulvi for making a disparaging comment like that about what I do and don't do but won't as its mean and bit of dirty joke. Ill-befitting of a forum joke. :D

"To you be your faith, to me be mine"
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You mentioned something about the official religion of this glorious nation of ours, I'm curious- how does one convert?

I will have you know that the goat that sat with me was far more handsome a specimen than the poor and emaciated one in this picture. :angry:

Abey yea to apna natha hai :)
@Dillinger Nothing to do anything. You just show hypocrisy just once and Voila, ou are converted into


You know how Hindus and Muslims pray, in my religion you pray with hands in this position.

\m/ \m/

Hey Guys & Gals Wassup??? How is every1???

Every1 is F9. :lol:
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