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Nasr is a stupid weapon that makes no sense for the following reasons:

1. The idea of using nukes against an armored assault is plainly ridiculous. It could only happen in video games.

2. One cannot use nukes just 70 km away from the border.

3. The missile would have to be handed over to field formation before firing it. The Strategic command would hand over the missile to a corps commander!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now that is brilliant.

4. Tactical nuclear missile is an oxymoron. There is nothing tactical about a nuke.

5. Russians and Americans have learned the lesson. All such stupid tactical nukes have been withdrawn from service. Once, they even had nuclear tipped:
a. Surface-to-air missiles
b. Anti-submarine rockets
c. Depth charges :crazy::blink:
d. Artillery shells :crazy::crazy::blink::blink:
e. Land mines :crazy::crazy::crazy::blink::blink::blink:

You seem to be among the more intelligent and wiser types here. Nukes are of dubious utility anyway, while TacNukes are even more infinitely so.
With such a short range, the defenders using these as defensive weapons will anhilate themselves along the adversary, not to mention that they will also wipe out the people/citizens that they are tasked to defend!! Some Defensive tactic that is intended to be....... :lol:

Talk about being suicidal! This takes Nihilism to a whole new level. But the Guys who cooked up this policy are solely obsessed with booking their place in that El Paradiso that they forever dream of..... so what is new? The mind-set is identical to that of the Nut-Cases who go around detonating their "Suicide-Bomber" jackets. Now, that is some delicious irony! ;)
What goes around, comes around.
You seem to be among the more intelligent and wiser types here. Nukes are of dubious utility anyway, while TacNukes are even more infinitely so.
With such a short range, the defenders using these as defensive weapons will anhilate themselves along the adversary, not to mention that they will also wipe out the people/citizens that they are tasked to defend!! Some Defensive tactic that is intended to be....... :lol:

Talk about being suicidal! This takes Nihilism to a whole new level. But the Guys who cooked up this policy are solely obsessed with booking their place in that El Paradiso that they forever dream of..... so what is new? The mind-set is identical to that of the Nut-Cases who go around detonating their "Suicide-Bomber" jackets. Now, that is some delicious irony! ;)
What goes around, comes around.

Funny coming from a guy who belongs to a country which possesses stockpiles of nuclear weapons. If you're truly anti-nuclear, you should first sort out your own house before lecturing others on how dangerous and a dubious utility nuclear weapons are. Just some advice.
Funny coming from a guy who belongs to a country which possesses stockpiles of nuclear weapons. If you're truly anti-nuclear, you should first sort out your own house before lecturing others on how dangerous and a dubious utility nuclear weapons are. Just some advice.

First of all Dalitmiya; India does not believe in all that TacNukes Bull$hit; no suicidal Generals or Political leadership exists in India looking for that ever-elusive place in El Paradiso. :D

India has a stock-pile of Strategic Nukes; if you know what that is. Which is very different from TacNukes.

Secondly, I am anti-nuclear all right because they are weapons of dubious value, as I've already stated earlier, but I'm not a Gernail or a khaki.... :lol:

Thirdly let us see which Son-of-a Gun has the cojones to use nukes eventually..... in a situation where both parties have nukes. :rofl:
Of course, that statement discounts "nut-jobs" of mind-sets like the guys who go around detonating their "designer-jackets" thinking all the time.....I'm going down and I'm taking down all those around me with me! :lol:
First of all Dalitmiya; India does not believe in all that TacNukes Bull$hit; no suicidal Generals or Political leadership exists in India looking for that ever-elusive place in El Paradiso. :D

India has a stock-pile of Strategic Nukes; if you know what that is. Which is very different from TacNukes.

Secondly, I am anti-nuclear all right because they are weapons of dubious value, as I've already stated earlier, but I'm not a Gernail or a khaki.... :lol:

Thirdly let us see which Son-of-a Gun has the cojones to use nukes eventually..... in a situation where both parties have nukes. :rofl:
Of course, that statement discounts "nut-jobs" of mind-sets like the guys who go around detonating their "designer-jackets" thinking all the time.....I'm going down and I'm taking down all those around me with me! :lol:

Not only would you believe in tactical nukes, you would literally worship them if you had a numerical disadvantage like we do. Mark my words. LMAO I understand why you hate them though.They are a pain in the a$$... Especially when you intend a cold start doctrine. LMAO

Hey Mr. spinach, who cares about strategic or tactical nukes? LMAO Nukes are nukes.

That's good to hear that you are anti-nuclear, Mr. spinach. Good luck convincing the generals...
Not only would you believe in tactical nukes, you would literally worship them if you had a numerical disadvantage like we do. Mark my words. LMAO I understand why you hate them though.They are a pain in the a$$... Especially when you intend a cold start doctrine. LMAO

Hey Mr. spinach, who cares about strategic or tactical nukes? LMAO Nukes are nukes.

That's good to hear that you are anti-nuclear, Mr. spinach. Good luck convincing the generals...
Dont we have a numerical disadvantage with China ?
Dont we have a numerical disadvantage with China ?

As wide as Pakistan? I don't think so.

Besides, I agree with Mr. spinach. Both Pakistan and India should spend these valuable resources on their people instead of nuclear assets. I know I'm talking to brick walls.

Hasn't your country received advanced nuke tech from uncle Sam? No matter which angle you look at, India has an advantage. I don't have to come up with reasons to convince you why Pakistan is justified to have Nasr at its disposal.
LMAO A nuke power deal between your country and the US has been signed. You don't need tactical nukes.
That is nuclear fuel deal, not technology deal. So what about your statement " Not only would you believe in tactical nukes, you would literally worship them if you had a numerical disadvantage like we do." ?
That is nuclear fuel deal, not technology deal. So what about your statement " Not only would you believe in tactical nukes, you would literally worship them if you had a numerical disadvantage like we do." ?

So, you will use that to your advantage even though you wouldn't admit. We're not that crazy.

I stand by my statement. In fact, I endorse it with signature. India would worship tactical nukes if it was outnumbered conventionally as Pakistan is.
So, you will use that to your advantage even though you wouldn't admit. We're not that crazy.

I stand by my statement. In fact, I endorse it with signature. India would worship tactical nukes if it was outnumbered conventionally as Pakistan is.
are not we out numbered conventionally in front of China ?
are not we out numbered conventionally in front of China ?

It's an abomination that Indians suddenly consider tactical nukes a sin. You need to have a balanced view and discard nuclear weapons in totality if you proclaim to be anti-nuclear. Not pick and choose like most Indians are doing.

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