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NASA Mars curious-Lead by an Iranian


Nasa mars curiosity mission was lead by an Iranian Bobak Ferdowsi and Firouz Naderi,there are many Iranian that hold great positions in NASA. imagine what we could do if we keep all our brains in Iran. long live our Iranian brothers and our achievments

Yes imagine that the Mars rover could have been Iran's had you kept your Iranian brains in your country. Too bad you lost that opportunity.
Reason for usa success is it gets the best brains from all the countries.

Yes, every brain carries a price tag, which only USA and other European countries can read. The same guys getting dejected in Indian universities gets into Ivy league or top notch universities and contributes in their society.
There is no doubt that Iranians have the best brain, but it really makes difference where and how the best brain is used…making whole world our enemy by making unwanted rhetoric by their leaders have just invited the wrath of global community…I wish they use their best brain cleverly so that its win win situation for everybody……look at India and Pakistan, we went Nuke but didn’t make noise like Iran….good luck to Iran, our traditional trading and cultural partner!
he is not iranian ...
a true Iranian would stand in his country and build it ....

This is my opinion ....

don't say we haven't the technology , if all scientist go to Other countries then we will never achieve technologies .
he is not iranian ...
a true Iranian would stand in his country and build it ....

This is my opinion ....

don't say we haven't the technology , if all scientist go to Other countries then we will never achieve technologies .
It's not only about technology.Look at all great students and geniuses we have in country.Their abilities are not properly used.Every achievement Iran had in last years are done by a small portion off scientific community,if they use all their powers,we will see far greater progress.
I wouldn't blame them if some scientist migrate to U.S or any other country.They get a better chance in there.Besides,they gain more and more experience and maybe someday,they can come back to their homeland and use their skills here.
We have about 5-6 million Iranians abroad,a lot of them are on top charts of scientific or medical universities and organizations.Maybe someday,we can use their skills.
I thinks Iran currently s trying to copy the Soviet model of scientific achievement. Whereas in the US it was mostly driven by the rewards of capitalism. The USSR the scientists never were rewarded as much and their desire and passion to work a a result was much lower.
scientists are different leauge.. unlike us armchair-keyboard-warriors , they go where they can learn and expand their knowledge/curiosity... they are least nationalist.
^^^ Some losers can't even be happy on a thread like this, and have to b---ch and moan about semantics and grammar. When they clearly knew exactly what it meant in the first place.

Maybe it's time to get back on topic, instead of whining and crying? Excellent.

Funny you point the contributon of Iranians and CHinese to Nasa never overlook Indians? Instead of whining how the US gets your top talent to migrate to their country, Find out why? You and everyone else love to point out to wealth, quality of education, resources, equipment, etc. But you leave the most important indicator, the quality of life. China wont get that no matter how much you try. Allowing many different nationalities to live in China (To the scale in America) is something the Chinese govt wont ever allow to happen.
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