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Narendra Modi's government kicks into gear with defence, dam projects

But policy makers knows more than a person working in civil development projects .they create our future.
Unfortunately we dont have any other choice.
do they ?? hectors of Railway land was sold of to get out of debt .. now railway has to buy land at market price for development purpose
India has one of the best reserves of Tuna fish .. we don't encourage fishing ... Malasians and Thai come into our water and fish tune and sell it in International market at $200-500
many such instances
13 million youths adding in to the job market every year and it is going to increase in coming years.GoI dont have any other choice,

Again ... while we help MNC and big corporates to thrive ... we don't encourage first generation entrepreneurs ... choices are ours and mistakes are ours too
do they ?? hectors of Railway land was sold of to get out of debt .. now railway has to buy land at market price for development purpose
India has one of the best reserves of Tuna fish .. we don't encourage fishing ... Malasians and Thai come into our water and fish tune and sell it in International market at $200-500
many such instances

Again ... while we help MNC and big corporates to thrive ... we don't encourage first generation entrepreneurs ... choices are ours and mistakes are ours too

They need instant results.
They need instant results.
nothing is instant when you develop a country ....these argument seems good but no MNC would hire 13 million a year ...you need local industry to grow .. entrepreneurs need to crop up .. they would hire ... they would grow and add to the GDP
nothing is instant when you develop a country ....these argument seems good but no MNC would hire 13 million a year ...you need local industry to grow .. entrepreneurs need to crop up .. they would hire ... they would grow and add to the GDP

Goi already took action for local industry .For that they may ignore this environemnt stuff for sometime.
Goi already took action for local industry .For that they may ignore this environemnt stuff for sometime.

No action has been taken to promote first generation Entrepreneurs ... These entrepreneurs don't need environmental clearance dude

For the benefit of majority it is acceptable.... :-)
not in democracy ... thats what Indian constitution provides us

I find it somehow astonishing ... people here are okay with others being sacrificed ... when it would come to themselves they would cry a river
No action has been taken to promote first generation Entrepreneurs ... These entrepreneurs don't need environmental clearance dude

not in democracy ... thats what Indian constitution provides us

I find it somehow astonishing ... people here are okay with others being sacrificed ... when it would come to themselves they would cry a river

We have 'start up' program in Kerala,sometype of entrepreneurs incubator.Even my close friends is now own a start up company.
We have 'start up' program in Kerala,sometype of entrepreneurs incubator.Even my close friends is now own a start up company.
Sir ... entrepreneurs need financial packages ... with interest rates at 14-17% for startup it isnt feasible ... Look at all developed economies ... entrepreneurs are the backbone

We have these MSME and financial institutes that help people to startup but they have failed miserably.
not in democracy ... thats what Indian constitution provides us

I find it somehow astonishing ... people here are okay with others being sacrificed ... when it would come to themselves they would cry a river

Seriously how do u know... I stand by what is said regardless of me or u involved or not ...

More over i have been at two of the dams that was being build... Sardar sarovar and indira sagar project.... And may be i may be more knowing than some people sitting in lesser imp countries...

hint- if goi is evil people asking for compensation are not saints too...
Sir ... entrepreneurs need financial packages ... with interest rates at 14-17% for startup it isnt feasible ... Look at all developed economies ... entrepreneurs are the backbone

We have these MSME and financial institutes that help people to startup but they have failed miserably.

Our friends got complete financial packages.They told me hundreds of such companies are working in there now .
Another schemes also launched a student can establish his own company during college days .Attendance concession and financial packages also giving them.
Seriously how do u know... I stand by what is said regardless of me or u involved or not ...

More over i have been at two of the dams that was being build... Sardar sarovar and indira sagar project.... And may be i may be more knowing than some people sitting in lesser imp countries...

hint- if goi is evil people asking for compensation are not saints too...
HA stop hinting at my Uk flag i still hold Indian passport ... i maybe be sitting in a less important country but am socially more aware than people sitting in my country

The point is as simple as it can get ... WHy can't you give adequate compensation ?? The whole thing started because of in adequate compensation ... forget medha patkar and people like her .. isn't it the govt responsibility ?

Our friends got complete financial packages.They told me hundreds of such companies are working in there now .
Another schemes also launched a student can establish his own company during college days .Attendance concession and financial packages also giving them.
What financiers do when funding an SME, and what they can do better - Economic Times

Debt and equity funding is still one of the concern sir ... No loans without collateral ... idea or business proposal loans don't get approved in India for these guys
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HA stop hinting at my Uk flag i still hold Indian passport ... i maybe be sitting in a less important country but am socially more aware than people sitting in my country

The point is as simple as it can get ... WHy can't you give adequate compensation ?? The whole thing started because of in adequate compensation ... forget medha patkar and people like her .. isn't it the govt responsibility ?

1 Point taken :tup:
2 How do u define 'adequate'
3 can there be possibility that your adequate may not be my adequate (depending on my alliance with local goons)
1 Point taken :tup:
2 How do u define 'adequate'
3 can there be possibility that your adequate may not be my adequate (depending on my alliance with local goons)
Narmada Dam height to be raised by 17 metres, 2.5 lakh people to be affected - IBNLive
The said compensation years ago is still not given .. new increase in heights will displace more people ... and govt has offered more compensation ... again COMPENSATION IS PROMISED NOT GIVEN
Other commitments made by the district collector include:
· House plots will be offered in lieu of Rs. 20,000 given many years ago, without consent.
· Surveys to be conducted in all the 13 villages once again to assess the actual and left our affected persons and properties.
· Immediate registration of the proposed co-operatives of the displaced fish workers from Machliya, Umda, Bhiti and Chhota Khattali villages.
· Assistance for irrigation facilities in the original villages by grant of 100 per ent subsidized motor pumps.

C O U N T E R V I E W: Narmada dam oustees told: They would be offered land against land, instead of cash, as compensation
Status of rehabilitation

We all know about the govt promise ... we cant give land to our soldiers who died 40 years ago .. do you think these people would have faith in the local govt now ?
So you hate Medha patkar who has correspondence with Mccully who is close to some Angana Chattergee who in turn is very close to Ghulam nabi Fai ...am I correct ? Isn't is stretched bit far ?

Medha patkar is not even married ...what is she going to do with so much of foreign funds ?

do we have any proof that she is using this funds for personal benefits ...?

If so much information ( as you claim ) is in public domain what are authorities doing ?

If medha patkar was fined for dodging court hearing ..so it makes her a grand criminal ?

she was 'accused' of faking medical certificates and providing false affidavits ....does mere accusation is sufficient prove someone guilty ?

remember people medha patkar is fighting against are too powerful ..and don't you expect reprisals ?

Show me the single instance where medha patkar was actually found guilty of wrongdoing !

then I will accept your argument ...so far all you have produced is mere accusations and conjectures and hearsay.

as far as Narmada bachao andolan ...its funding and accounts and so on is concerned . do you think Gujarat and other governments with whom there were at loggerheads in such a protracted legal tussel would not have had targeted NBA on these issues ?

I refuse to see things in black and white ..and I believe things are but shades of grey ...

I am not saying that there may not have been vested interests locally or abroad who propped up NBA ....it's possible .

there are always wrong people in right spots and right people in wrong places ....

However I will desist from making sweeping comments based on mere conjecture .
It is well known the ISI lobby funds Anti-india intellectuals like Angana chatterjee and etc.When the news was out everyone distanced themselves from that organisation
What has Marriage got to do with?These were written by Congressmen during their UPA tenure, its not BJP.
The IB report says so,
As for Action, wait sometime then the hammer will come down on them.
Naxalites too try to portray that they fight against a powerful enemy called Government and police, what they do in real we all know.
Medha Patkar has the same model. portray oneself as messiah for poor, try to put up a fight using foreign funds and take the fall become a martyr, just like Arvind Kejriwal did.
Why do you think AAP is full of these Jhollawalas and others, they thought they could fool people of India and try a Arab Spring type movement, it failed now the skeletons will tumble out of closet and everyone will get the shaft from Modi sooner or later :D
You fail to see the hypocrisy of the west here,They are developed nations ,who polluted the earth the most, now that they have reached a stage of of development and standard, they are lecturing others on green house emissions,
INDIA and china are developing nations who are yet to provide certain mimimum living standards for their people.What West wants is India and China to stop its development programmes and stop industry, while The so called Developed Nations haven't even cut their emissions.This is what GreenPeace does and it is used as asset by CIA to foment trouble in other countries.
If Developed Nations are so worried about Pollution they should shut down all their Industries and go totally green and let us develop, once we reached the milestone of developed nation,we would follow the same.
They should lead by example instead of lecturing Developing Nations.

Dude I see it. Trust I know its unfair but look at the overall issue of pollution. Our populations and growth is going to add more damage. These on going talks should include a transfer of tech or some sort of incentive for th develping nations that will keep their development steady or such.

It makes me wonder if this whole global warming stuff is being created and used toslow developing nations down. Regardless, the effect of unchecked development and pollution can clearly be seen. Even in the US, that unchecked development from over 100 yrs ago is still causing havoc today. Read up on Superfund sites. The Hudson River in NYC is still polluted and you should not eat fish from it.

I agree...more action andn less lecturing should be the motto of these developed nations.
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