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Narendra Modi Threatened Pak Again Despite Pilot Release Gesture.


Pakistanis are too ready to please others---. They act desperate to look good in front of the world---.

the world does not work that way---. The world is full of a'holes---. You cannot please them by being nice about it---.

Pakistan needs to start acting like Israel---. there is no other way out of it---.

Israel is backed by AIPAC and the Zionist Regime who owns most of the financial institutions of the world.

Pakistan is backed by Nobody but our preception.

For us only Allah is enough. We dont need to prove anything to anyone we just need to change our preception.
"A man is known by the company he keeps".
To understand Modi, you have to first understand his friends. I'll give an example of one of his very close friends; Mian Nawaz Sharif.
Did Mr. Sharif ever accepted that he is wrong? Never in a million years.
The same goes for Modi. No matter what the whole world says, people like him never admit that they are wrong.
IMO Jaish should keep a low profile for now. They should wait until the US pulls out of Afghanistan and Taliban establishes government, then establish their HQ and operate from there. Pakistan should then "sell" Afghanistan an air defense system, then dare IAF to do some misadventure next time. Remember IAF would then have to traverse Pakistani airspace first. :rofl:
Now bad example set by us all indian pilots sailors soldiers feel good what ever we do pak will release us we kill hundreds of pak yet their army give us good care good cofee and save us from mob and we dont get this sort of hospatility even in indian military mess

IMO Jaish should keep a low profile for now. They should wait until the US pulls out of Afghanistan and Taliban establishes government, then establish their HQ and operate from there. Pakistan should then "sell" Afghanistan an air defense system, then dare IAF to do some misadventure next time. Remember IAF would then have to traverse Pakistani airspace first. :rofl:
Pak cant sell any air defence we are in shortages for ourselves
Now bad example set by us all indian pilots sailors soldiers feel good what ever we do pak will release us we kill hundreds of pak yet their army give us good care good cofee and save us from mob and we dont get this sort of hospatility even in indian military mess

Pak cant sell any air defence we are in shortages for ourselves
Yes. Until then we should focus on developing robust air defense for ourselves.

I'm sure ISI must have many tricks up its sleeves to make it unaffordable for India to respond to covert attacks in a manner that violates Pakistan's territorial integrity.

Peace is not an option.pakistan should be more aggressive.there is no guarantee of de- escalation.we are handing him over to india just to please international community.i don't think that united states and europe cares about pakistan.they have sympathy for india.we are showing that we are weak and don't want war.i am sure india will attack again after we hand over their pilot.danger is not over.we should think about ourselves rather than international community.when indian jets intruded inside pakistan,nobody supported pakistani stance.we should show more aggression.we must show them that we aren't weak.we shouldn't free this pilot.it sends the wrong message.it shows that you are weak.
india should be treated like this....

don't talk to me of pacts.
There are no binding oaths between men and lions.
Wolves and lambs can enjoy no meeting of the minds
They are all bent on hating each other to the death.
So with you and me. No love between us. No truce
Till one or the other falls and gluts with blood.
the most hardcore Pakistan hater I have ever known just said Pakistan and specially IK's handling of the whole situation has been most matured one he has ever seen from Pakistan. He is quite out of argument today.
so the decisions of Government of Pakistan would be based on the sentiments of Indian Public .... great achievement of IK
Wtf man? India has dragons on their side?:o:
How are we suppose to fight that?
Modi and rest of the hindutva turds should know by now that Pakistanis and their army are not the muslims of Gujarat whom you can bully into submission


:sniper:bha-rat mata ko mera LUN
Here you go. Imran is feeding the snake. May Allah have mercy on us.
What difference does holding or not holding the pilot make? Do you think countries make choices to escalate or not just because they have a pilot in captivity of the other country?

Pakistan did the right thing as no open war has been declared. If Modi wants to test Pakistan, he can try. Inshallah we will give as good as we get even though we are a smaller country.

It is clear that Pakistan does not want to escalate. However if Modi pushes because he thinks he can win an election on the back of a military conflagration, then he too has a thing or two coming.
Why is Pakistan returning the pilot without securing any assurances from India? I am obviously not complaining being an Indian, but curious as to what this would achieve. How would the armed forces reconcile with this move? The Indian govt. seems to be quite serious about escalating IMO. I dont buy the peace loving bigger man story, there has to be some real tactical angle to this move as its easy to perceive the current threat level from both the sides

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Wtf man? India has dragons on their side?:o:
How are we suppose to fight that?
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