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Narendra Modi Threatened Pak Again Despite Pilot Release Gesture.

Why is Pakistan returning the pilot without securing any assurances from India? I am obviously not complaining being an Indian, but curious as to what this would achieve. How would the armed forces reconcile with this move? The Indian govt. seems to be quite serious about escalating IMO
Holding your pilot makes no difference to Pakistan. With or without your pilot, Pakistan will respond if India escalates and there may be other pilots in Pakistan's captivity in the future (iA). We understand we will take losses but Pakistan will ensure that we inflict serious pain as well. We clearly have the capability and if pushed against the wall, the will as well.

It would be unfortunate if this is the route India takes, but the escalation will certainly be done by India, not Pakistan.


Peace is not an option.pakistan should be more aggressive.there is no guarantee of de- escalation.we are handing him over to india just to please international community.i don't think that united states and europe cares about pakistan.they have sympathy for india.we are showing that we are weak and don't want war.i am sure india will attack again after we hand over their pilot.danger is not over.we should think about ourselves rather than international community.when indian jets intruded inside pakistan,nobody supported pakistani stance.we should show more aggression.we must show them that we aren't weak.we shouldn't free this pilot.it sends the wrong message.it shows that you are weak.
What does holding their pilot do? Do you want to use him as a human shield over Pakistan? If they want to start something, Pakistan is ready. Once the plunge is taken, the gloves will come off on our side as well.

In statecraft, there is no such thing as weakness. It is strategy that matters. Avoidance of war is a perfectly legitimate instrument in the conduct of this strategy. Do you think a war will solve the Kashmir problem for India? I can guarantee that IoK will become far worse after such a conflict.

Have some confidence in ourselves. What we have done thus far, we can do it again iA.
Holding your pilot makes no difference to Pakistan. With or without your pilot, Pakistan will respond if India escalates and there may be other pilots in Pakistan's captivity in the future (iA). We understand we will take losses but Pakistan will ensure that we inflict serious pain as well. We clearly have the capability and if pushed against the wall, the will as well.

It would be unfortunate if this is the route India takes, but the escalation will certainly be done by India, not Pakistan.
I agree. Ignoring the hullabaloo of social media, nations dont stop a war when they suffer casualties. I am not a big fan of the current govt. or the way the episode was handled, but when you go on a war footing, you commit and dont look/hold back and reflect back only when the dust settles. As dumb as it sounds, there are no half measures in war. Sad that we are in this situation.
What you are hearing from Modi is bravado and bluster.
The guy just had his arse handed to him by the PAF and the PA faced down a planned missile strike into Pakistan last night. .
The man has lost all credibility.
He'll do nothing.
Holding your pilot makes no difference to Pakistan. With or without your pilot, Pakistan will respond if India escalates and there may be other pilots in Pakistan's captivity in the future (iA). We understand we will take losses but Pakistan will ensure that we inflict serious pain as well. We clearly have the capability and if pushed against the wall, the will as well.

It would be unfortunate if this is the route India takes, but the escalation will certainly be done by India, not Pakistan.

What does holding their pilot do? Do you want to use him as a human shield over Pakistan? If they want to start something, Pakistan is ready. Once the plunge is taken, the gloves will come off on our side as well.

In statecraft, there is no such thing as weakness. It is strategy that matters. Avoidance of war is a perfectly legitimate instrument in the conduct of this strategy. Do you think a war will solve the Kashmir problem for India? I can guarantee that IoK will become far worse after such a conflict.

Have some confidence in ourselves. What we have done thus far, we can do it again iA.

my point is all about becoming more aggressive.your enemy reached deep inside your territory and bombed a tree or crow whatever.they don't care.they violated our airspace again but paf handled it because it was ambush.it's not about human shield.i know pilot is a human.i have sympathy for him.sometimes it's difficult to see your enemy celebrating and chest thumping.when mirages bombed trees,they were all happy.all three branches of their armed forces were celebrating.their politicians were very happy.there was smile on their faces.sometimes it's too difficult to control yourself,too difficult not to show anger,too difficult to handle embarrassment.everybody was sad after mirage strikes.we were all thinking about aggressive posture and you can see we did the job.now i am happy,my countrymen are happy but.....we must continue to be aggressive against india.they didn't care about civilians when they bombed the tree.one person was injured on the ground.why you care about indian pilot? do they care about us? no.they don't care.we should adopt a more aggressive strategy against india.it's not about kashmir.kashmir will stay with india until final war for kashmir.it's about your enemy.i have no mercy for my enemy.i know there are many people in our country who believes that things will de-escalate after we send him back to india but i believe that nothing will change.they just don't care.they want their man back because they love their country and they love their armed forces.do we care about our national pride? your enemy enter in your house to kill your people and you want to send back your enemy to his own house? aggression is a broader domain.military,diplomacy,economy,everything is part of this broader domain.
he has nothing left but dhamki now, like a dog who run to the street corner before starts barking and if you charge towards him it run to the next street corner, turns and starts barking.

Why is Pakistan returning the pilot without securing any assurances from India? I am obviously not complaining being an Indian, but curious as to what this would achieve. How would the armed forces reconcile with this move? The Indian govt. seems to be quite serious about escalating IMO. I dont buy the peace loving bigger man story, there has to be some real tactical angle to this move as its easy to perceive the current threat level from both the sides

Big diplomatic win for us, simple
This stupid has itching deep inside his anal canal.
27th Feb a$$ whipping didn't kill it.
Asking for more at the cost of war.
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As far the water crisis is concerned, India is choking us to slow death due to its dams in Kashmir. We should start counter measures in Indian Punjab. That is the only way we can get whole Kashmir.
I agree. IK comes across as reasonable and wanting to mend relations. Modi is playing to the galleries. Over the years statesmen like Vajpayee and MMS have earned a lot of international goodwill and built India's image - this guy is spending all that capital for his political gain.

Modi is playing a dangerous game, and I hope that Indians understand that as soon as possible and throw this clown out of office, but I doubt it. Congress still seems to not got its act together and overall opposition is in disarray.
This man is a danger to world peace.

I am quite surprised to see many Pakistanis are not happy with IK's decesion. Just to tell you about a development; one of my friends, the most hardcore Pakistan hater I have ever known just said Pakistan and specially IK's handling of the whole situation has been most matured one he has ever seen from Pakistan. He is quite out of argument today.

And yes I am one of those people. Now mind you I was not against releasing the pilot but I felt it was too early. India needed to bring down the war rhetoric before we release him. However Pakistan have successfully played Indias talking points against it. With Modis constant war mongering, he is spending Indian accumulated capital fast. Yes India is an attractive market, its a huge market but at the end of the day businesses and economies can only grow if there is peace. War is the exact opposite of this, but this Modi fellow is only worried about winning elections.

its election time and imran is damaging his elections every day :bounce:

With lack of spine shown by congress till now, I dont think they will be able to challenge him. Rahul is one of the worst politicians in India, scions of Nehru. What a Joke

Great diplomatic victory for Pakistan,all the major powers want Pakistan to take action against terrorists who claimed responsibility.
I guess diplomacy has a different meaning for pakistanies

Who is playing the dangerous game ,one who started it by supporting the terrorists who are active in Kashmir or the one who is trying to make it costly for the ones who are supporting the terrorists

God damn it, I promised my self I wont call any one a chutiya, but these Indians make it very hard. This is the kind of mind numbing stupidity we are dealing with and expecting them to understand whats at stake. These people dont seem to have any connection with reality or common sense.
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