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Narendra Modi is BJP PM candidate, hints Gen Secy

Good, hope this guy can win the election. I really want to see whether he can change India.

I dont think he can. A prime minister has very limited role in changing a federal country like India.
well, he could because we were in danger. When there is a threat to India, PM does take some tough policies and usually states support it.

State didn't support him, infact even his own party didn't support him, check the link ,it's recent one and makes interesting read as it highlights many important points of which at least me never knew about.
State didn't support him, infact even his own party didn't support him, check the link ,it's recent one and makes interesting read as it highlights many important points of which at least me never knew about.

it is a good read. He did reboot India. But I still think he could do it because in 91 India was at crossroads. Soviet collapsed and we had to reorient and realign ourselves. Also because finances were really in crisis state, he was allowed to carry on. If he had failed, congress would have replaced him.
it is a good read. He did reboot India. But I still think he could do it because in 91 India was at crossroads. Soviet collapsed and we had to reorient and realign ourselves. Also because finances were really in crisis state, he was allowed to carry on. If he had failed, congress would have replaced him.

Well I can just say PV Narshimha Rao was strong man and so was the Indira Gandhi and so is the Narendra Modi ,you can expect only from him in current political scenario to deliver and he has done it once.Fortune of Gujrat turned on it's head in front of our eyes.
Well I can just say PV Narshimha Rao was strong man and so was the Indira Gandhi and so is the Narendra Modi ,you can expect only from him in current political scenario to deliver and he has done it once.Fortune of Gujrat turned on it's head in front of our eyes.

he was not a strong man. He was a ruthless cunning man. He made friends with anybody, did everything to remain in power. He has no ideology, bit like Pramod Mahajan of BJP.
he was not a strong man. He was a ruthless cunning man. He made friends with anybody, did everything to remain in power. He has no ideology, bit like Pramod Mahajan of BJP.

Narshimha ji was nationalist to the core like NaMo ,Mahajan was of no match for Narshimha ji except in cunningness .His empire was worth 900 carore INR when Pramod died.
any sane bharatiya will give thumbs up to modi ..but the thing is how many of them are actually sane , we will get to know in 2014 .

any sane bharatiya will give thumbs up to modi ..but the thing is how many of them are actually sane , we all will get to know in 2014 .
Modi's Muslim killer past and the religious fundo idiotic group he belongs to won't let him win.

You think Indians in two thousand freakin thirteen will support a PM who belongs to RSS, the parivar which goes around beating women for celebrating valentines day? Making Modi PM is like accepting Hindu Taliban rule upon yourself.

Elections are in 2014
BJP is a center right party. It is not religious party. Many of the big names present or past are closet atheists (but rabid nationalists nonetheless)

You can see a parellel between BJP, PML-N. Both support right wing extremists. Both promised nukes to their constituencies. Both are pro business.

BJP used hindu organizations when needed, and ignored them when they dont need them. Mr Modi actually have more opposition from RSS and VHP than you think. They actively tried to defeat him in recent gujrat election.

All I hear is that you're saying BJP folks are hypocritical about their support to and from religious parties.

A clean party would divorce themselves from them. Why doesn't Modi say F YOU to the parivar and bring forward his nationalist agenda. As long as he calls himself a part of them he's guilty of all the nonsense they do too.
Leaving aside the topic of religion (which shouldn't be a factor anyway in a secular system).... Modi seems like the strongest and most capable leader that India has.

Modi coming to power is probably the best chance for India achieving double-digit growth.
Indians who are secular will only vote for Congress in the Center. What is worrisome is that the number of secular Indians has long been shrinking and they are now the minority!
Indians who are secular will only vote for Congress in the Center. What is worrisome is that the number of secular Indians has long been shrinking and they are now the minority!

It seems definition of secular has been distorted and word "secular" in India merely a minority vote bank politics and congress is biggest culprit.
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