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NaMo brigade sending tickets for karachi!!!!:'NaMo Brigade' sends travel itinerary to UR Ananthamurt


Mar 29, 2013
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Bangalore: A group called "NaMo Brigade" has sent a travel itinerary to noted Kannada literary personality and Jnanpith awardee UR Ananthamurthy, who had said that he would leave the country if Narendra Modi becomes the prime minister.

'NaMo Brigade' is a group of volunteers that was formed with a mission- 'Narendra Modi for PM'.

"As promised earlier, we had sent a one way travel itinerary to Ananthamurthy to Karachi for May 17, soon after exit polls were announced," NaMo Brigade State Convener Naresh Shenoy said.

"As promised earlier, we had sent a one way travel itinerary to Ananthamurthy to Karachi for May 17," NaMo Brigade State Convener said.

He said, "The travel was scheduled for yesterday on Sri Lankan Airlines from Bangalore via Colombo to Karachi. We had said in a covering letter that cost of the travel is payable on arrival at the airport and we will clear the fare if he desires to leave the country on that flight."

Asked whether the brigade will take it further as Ananthamurthy did not travel yesterday, he said, "No, we too don't want him to leave the country. We too respect him for the award he has won. We had to do this as we had promised to bare expenses if the situation arises."

Shenoy said the Brigade will disband itself after celebrating Modi's swearing in.

Ananthamurthy, who had said that he would leave the country if Modi becomes the prime minister, had later clarified that those remarks were made when he was overcome by emotion and clarified that he had no such plan.

"It was too much to say because I can't go anywhere except India," Ananthamurthy had said.
'NaMo Brigade' sends travel itinerary to UR Ananthamurthy - IBNLive

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