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Names of Pak ships

Not all Indian weapon systems bear Hindu names, AKBAR is what the MI 35 is called by the IAF.

Indian Air Force | Mil Mi-25 / Mi-35 [Hind] Akbar [www.bharat-rakshak.com]

Out of so many systems you are able to quote one system named after a Muslim king Akbar.

Last year a BVR missile was tested by India and it was called Astra. Coincidentally this is also from Mahabharata:


Brahma-astra (-asthra). Brahma's weapon of infallible destruction.

Please name each and everything referencing Hinduismwhich is your God given right but don't try to judge us.
Out of so many systems you are able to quote one system named after a Muslim king Akbar.

Last year a BVR missile was tested by India and it was called Astra. Coincidentally this is also from Mahabharata:


Brahma-astra (-asthra). Brahma's weapon of infallible destruction.

Please name each and everything referencing Hinduismwhich is your God given right but don't try to judge us.

Astra means arrow. Brahma-Astra is Brahma's arrow.
Astra means arrow. Brahma-Astra is Brahma's arrow.

and who is Brahma? In Hindu mythology, Brahma is a God.

Dude you need to accept the fact that majority (95%) of your systems are name from Hindu Mythology.

You are a Hindu majority country and majority of people want India to be recognized with Hinduism.
and who is Brahma? In Hindu mythology, Brahma is a God.

Dude you need to accept the fact that majority (95%) of your systems are name from Hindu Mythology.

You are a Hindu majority country and majority of people want India to be recognized with Hinduism.

India indeed names many of their weapon systems with names from Indian mythology. Nobody is denying it. But that does not mean all are from Indian mythology / culture, infact less than 50% (does not matter).

However the same is not limited to Hindu symbols but also other like Rustom UAV, Kirpan ship and Akbar helo, the consistent idea being these are INDIAN, figures from mythology, history, cities, rivers, mountains etc.

Astra means weapon in sanskrit, so fatehastra is fateh's weapon, not so difficult. Astra has nothing to do with Brahma.
Oh, a bit of a hidden low-blow there. Almost missed it.

We Pakistanis consider our culture and heritage to be a lovely mix of subcontinental and Islamic history, and so we claim rights over both. Nobody can deny us these as we have very valid cases for both. Khalid bin al-Waleed (RA) was not Syrian, he was Meccan, from a respected family in the Quraysh tribe. He later grew to be a very capable General in the Muslim army, and is only the second general in history to have never been defeated in over a hundred battles (the first being Ghengis Khan, however, unlike Khalid, Ghenghis Khan was not physically a part of every single battle). A basic concept of Islam is that tribes, nationalities, languages etc. all take a back seat to Islam, which is the common bond. Therefore, if Saudi Arabia decided to name its next weapon system "the Jinnah", well, its their right. Hence, we have not "adopted" any foreign culture, it is ours to begin with.

That is not true in reality. And Pakistan itself would not agree to it, were it asked to merge with another country say Saudi Arabia in the name of Islam.

These names are not Pakistani, and though there are no legal provisions, that can be taken to ensure that famous names from other countries can be adopted, it is also not done in practice.

Pakistan seems to be the only one championing the cause of naming its weapon systems with Muslim leaders of prominence regardless of whether they are Pakistani or not.

I take serious offence to the fact that Pakistan would lay claim to Muslim culture of Indian territory especially if it absolutely rejects anything to do with India, like banning of Indian films.
Pakistan was formed as a separate homeland for Muslims and many Muslims around the world still see this country as the fortress of Islam.
Im sorry, that is what Pakistani's want to believe or maybe countries like i dunno Ghana or such countries might look at Pakistan as a fortress of Islam. The way i see it, the leaders if they can be called as such of the Muslim world would be Saudi Arabia, Iran and maybe Egypt. Pakistan doesnt figure half way around it. Its something most Pakistani's assume.

Besides, Babur, Qasim, Tipu and Ghuri - all of them has one thing in common and that is they have ruled over India and Hindus. Secular and educated Indians like yourself look at past as past but majority of Indians have no love for these rulers.
So the logic of Pakistani weapon systems name's is that anyone of anything that is Muslim who has ruled over what is present day India is a valid nominee?

Then it hardly matters, because India being secular should also lay claim to these people.
Then i should say that Pakistan as a nation has not evolved beyond these childish acts of defiance which were best suited till the 70's. It also indicates that there is not much which binds Pakistan together as a nation apart from religion or war with India(which again is presented to the masses as a war against Hindu's). National identity is weak then.

The secular and educated Indians like me(arguable some would say!) are growing at astronomical numbers in India.
Out of so many systems you are able to quote one system named after a Muslim king Akbar.

Last year a BVR missile was tested by India and it was called Astra. Coincidentally this is also from Mahabharata:


Brahma-astra (-asthra). Brahma's weapon of infallible destruction.

Please name each and everything referencing Hinduismwhich is your God given right but don't try to judge us.

Do research before you post. Astra implies a weapon. It can be anyone's weapon.
Out of so many systems you are able to quote one system named after a Muslim king Akbar.

Last year a BVR missile was tested by India and it was called Astra. Coincidentally this is also from Mahabharata:


Brahma-astra (-asthra). Brahma's weapon of infallible destruction.

Please name each and everything referencing Hinduismwhich is your God given right but don't try to judge us.

Where have I tried to judge any one ???
I strongly pupport that ship should be named after Pakistani lands occupied by India????????
Do research before you post. Astra implies a weapon. It can be anyone's weapon.

India laucnhes nuclear submarine Arihant ... This name is driven from Jain-Hindu believe and is the name of a God(s) in Hindu Methology.


Why didn't you name it Tipu? Tipu Sultan was the first know king who developed a navy.

Tipu Sultan - Biography

As India likes to take pride in its Hindu heritage, Pakistan likes to take pride in its Mulsim heritage.

So lets not question how Pakistani weapon systems and ships are named?
Well the reason we name our ships and Missile Babar Gaznavi Gauri is coz that makes Indian nervous.
India laucnhes nuclear submarine Arihant ... This name is driven from Jain-Hindu believe and is the name of a God(s) in Hindu Methology.

Why didn't you name it Tipu? Tipu Sultan was the first know king who developed a navy.

As India likes to take pride in its Hindu heritage, Pakistan likes to take pride in its Mulsim heritage.

So lets not question how Pakistani weapon systems and ships are named?

"The word Arihanta is made up of two words: 1) Ari, meaning enemies, and 2) hanta, meaning destroyer. Therefore, Arihanta means a destroyer of the enemies. These enemies are not people, but rather inner desires known as passions. These includes anger, ego, deception, and greed. These are the internal enemies within us. Until we control our passions, the real nature or the power of our soul will not be realized or manifested. When a person (soul) wins over these inner enemies he/she is called Arihanta." :enjoy:
Well the reason we name our ships and Missile Babar Gaznavi Gauri is coz that makes Indian nervous.


It seems you always laugh on your (in)ability. (This is not for all pakistani, just few above, who post non-sense)

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