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Najam Sethi | How pakistan Army sabotages Peace process.

He's right, PA will lose its numero uno status and lions share of the budget and aid money if Nawaaz was even remotely close to ratify any peace treaty with India. Kayani did ask Nawaz to go slow on the talks with India, that was enough of a warning to the civilian govt from PA.

secondly ISI needs to push the maximum number of militants over the LOC so that attacks continue during winter as well when the snow covers most of the passes and moving terrorists over the LOC by PA becomes difficult.
Even if they (Hassan Nissar and Nazam Sethi) bash Indian Army , they will bash it logically. Even though I will keep liking them. They talk sense rather than Pakistani role models (Zaid Hamid/ hamid gul/Lakhvi/Mehsoods etc)..

One has all right to condemn Armed forces, but when they do it, do it logically.. Illogical rants hold no value..

As far as I know...soo far I keep seeing every tom dick and harry with an Indian flag keep going Zaid Hamid....seriously, you people are addicted to us!! Hell I know not even 1 of your such speakers...While PDF Indians know about 5!! :woot: Does India have any?! :unsure:
That does not say anything about this incident or others.

Life is just full of "unusual coincidences", ain't it?
Kargil Escapades......... 26/11 tourism.......... LOC fire-works; Unusual!.............. Coincidences?
Normally I never agree with najam sethi but here in this program he is absolutely right that civilian establishment of pakistan lacks thorough understanding of intricate strategic issues realted to national security and foreign affairs. And unless civilian leadership develops understanding of these isssues that is at par with that of military establishment, the steps taken by civilian leaders based on emotions will not materialize. He is right that pakistani civilian leaderships should come out of their kitchen cabinet decision making process and develop think tanks which are well equipped to talk on strategic isssues with the military establishment.
RIP English. :cry:
Indians dont know anything!! Stomach full of food once a day!! :blink:

he already answered...watch the video...

meida is controlled in India...Baniya!!

Talk about India dont drag Pakistan...reported for derailing thread! Tq try again!
He talks sense unlike Pakistani youth role model 'zaid hamid'.

Judging by the way you hindustanys flock around in over populated mobs to watch ZH and obcess over him I'd say either he's your role model or you suffer from some mental variant of stockholms syndrome :laugh:
My god are Indians fixated on proving Pakistan's army as evil. In their foolish attempts they come out as over reaching. Has anyone actually seen the video posted?

I bet you majority of members posted here didn't watch the whole video.. They just saw a scandalized eye-catching thread title, which the OP created out of his own ignorance, biased and hate towards Pak. And in came the onslaught of trolls and their cheap one-liners.

Since the OP carefully failed to mention the specific part of this 40 min long video, allow me. No where in this video does Najam Sethi stated that Pak army sabotages peace process. No where!

He did, however, talk about a "hypothetical" scenario of a disconnect between the civilians and the military leadership that when they talk about issues such as the peace process, each undermines the other. He elaborates by even saying, " let me give an example. You be a civilian leader and come to me, a military leader, and mention peace with India. I, as a military leader, will agree with you and when you leave, say to my subordinates, this idiot has no clue how India is coming after us and he's talking about peace."

He uses this as an example, but the idiot of the OP uses this as an opportunity to express his hate towards Pak army, and the Indian cheer squads wastes no time in jumping in and taking a few more jabs, in light of a number of their soldiers being killed.

What a waste of my one hour. Requesting mods to delete this propaganda piece and issue bans respectively. @WebMaster
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What else do you expect of indians - either the cyber pipsqueaks on the forum or their tv anchors

All they can do is blow hot air of anger and little else.

As for Army's role - in any country they must be on board when it comes to national security and providing policy advice especially on issues of foreign policy when it comes to hostile/troublesome states.

And that's how it shall remain.
What else do you expect of indians - either the cyber pipsqueaks on the forum or their tv anchors

All they can do is blow hot air of anger and little else.

As for Army's role - in any country they must be on board when it comes to national security and providing policy advice especially on issues of foreign policy when it comes to hostile/troublesome states.

And that's how it shall remain.

and will that remain so? ...track record has been pretty rotten till now:coffee:
and will that remain so? ...track record has been pretty rotten till now:coffee:

Hey c'mon now. The Pakistani Army's combat record is not that bad. It has combatted successive Civilian Governments in Pakistan over six decades.
And never ever lost to any of them! Always triumphant over Democracy! Now that is some combat record.
Pakistani Sarhadon Per Jharpein---Wajohaat By Nusrat MIrza (Dated: 19 August 2013)

Nusrat Mirza of Jang group in his today's column blames the Indian army for boarder tension .Also points on other reasons why Indians are violating the cease fire.Must read


Column is from today's Urdu newspaper of Jang and is not available in English
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