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Najam Sethi Exposed

Loji...nawan supp thailey choun kadta......so his master was someone from India at that time ?

Pakistan's interest is independent of what a Journalist rants. Your policy makers are free to decide the fate of your nation irrespective of what N.Sethi et al opine.

We commoners on the other hand are suppose to find a balance and not to feed on all what is served by/in media. This is from where we draw our comparisons as well on individual personalities who have mediums to present analysis for us; if they are good or not. This is where our reach ends, going beyond that like many of us do (even in India); declaring others traitors, floating new conspiracy theories on the hoof (like you have just done) without proves is sign of incompetent minds doing unproductive/less intelligent propaganda.

That is my point.

My argument still stands, although I have strayed from referring to him as that which is printed in bold, I have yet to find reason how any of his remarks are in favour of the people of Pakistan. Freedom of speech and alternate views are a good thing but you cannot justify what he says as anything other than pointless in retrospect of the peoples needs and thus one shan't refer to him as anyone but a propagandist of ideologies not conducice to the prosperity of his homeland.
TO summarize his job: "DIS-INFO AGENT" .like many foreign journalist present in the war torn OR freedom project countries :)

No 1 : Profession for SPies is "Journalism", being easiest to infilterate
No 2: Photographer/tourist on holiday visit to a courtry
No 3 : INvestor/Banker
Why so defensive ?

Because Indians think that some sane voices left in Pakistan must prevail.

You are the same guy who posted a comment against N.Sethi on a news article related to that street bully mentality, easy sell off Mubasher Luqman, now you are opening a thread with some edited video on N. Sethi again.

N.Sethi's recent moral victory against all compulsive lairs (who outshout everyone to make their superfluous lies sell like hot cakes in Pakistan) might be hurting you, isn't it ?

When people like you speaks against any of your own national we Indians straight away know that the person insulted is definitely sounding reasonable. Its all about credibility posters like you craft about themselves on different Issues purely related to India or Pakistan or both. Lurking in or participating in threads related to Pakistan gives us good insight about state of mind and level of intellect of individual Pakistani posters which further help us when we interact with them on Indian topics.

I hope now you wouldn't rant or try to describe Indian obsession cause we have already over done with such comments on this open forum. Its not our obsession but our guts that we try to put sense or give our opinion which may diversify your thought of school, if you have one, other than trolling.

PS: I am not justifying few Indians who might be really trolling in threads related to Pakistan only. Moderators are free to do their job BTW.

Mr Sethi is neither sane nor an intellectual. He is just the opposite of Mr Zahid Hamid. Perception of thoughts.

Mr Sethi's every interview/debate - against PAKISTAN - PAKISTANI's do not like it :disagree: - Favourite for INDIANs :agree:

Mr Zahid's every interview/debate - against WEST & INDIAN's - INDIAN's do not happy with :disagree:- Favourite for PAKISTANIs :agree:
Why so defensive ?

Because Indians think that some sane voices left in Pakistan must prevail.

You are the same guy who posted a comment against N.Sethi on a news article related to that street bully mentality, easy sell off Mubasher Luqman, now you are opening a thread with some edited video on N. Sethi again.

N.Sethi's recent moral victory against all compulsive lairs (who outshout everyone to make their superfluous lies sell like hot cakes in Pakistan) might be hurting you, isn't it ?

When people like you speaks against any of your own national we Indians straight away know that the person insulted is definitely sounding reasonable. Its all about credibility posters like you craft about themselves on different Issues purely related to India or Pakistan or both. Lurking in or participating in threads related to Pakistan gives us good insight about state of mind and level of intellect of individual Pakistani posters which further help us when we interact with them on Indian topics.

I hope now you wouldn't rant or try to describe Indian obsession cause we have already over done with such comments on this open forum. Its not our obsession but our guts that we try to put sense or give our opinion which may diversify your thought of school, if you have one, other than trolling.

PS: I am not justifying few Indians who might be really trolling in threads related to Pakistan only. Moderators are free to do their job BTW.

It Is Nice To Know How Indians Are Concerned About The Sane Voices In Pakistan.There Is Also A Very Sane Voice In India By The Name of Arunditi Roy,I Wonder How You Guys Treat Her ........LOL :lol::lol::lol:

tats b coz we lov da pakistan and her ppl.

Oh Puhleez.... Just Reading The Extremely Nauseating Insults and Abuses Your Fellow Country Trolls Post On Sites Like Youtube
Is Enough Proof Of How Much You Love Us And Our Country
To Those Indians Who Do Not Know Najam Shitty is The Asif Zardari Of The Media.Even Members Of His Journalist Community Do Not Like Him.What To Talk Of Talat Husain, Haroon Ur Rasheed, Khalid Masud Khan Mubasher Luqman Junaid Saleem and The List Goes On and On.He Never Replied To Talt Husain's Challenge and Disclose His Financial Information The Way Talat Husain Did.Up Todate He Has Not Answered This Video.The Reports Of US Diplomats Visiting Him Smack In The Middle Of The Night

America’s PR-ship or interference

It will be an election year budget

Pakistanis Have Got Good Reason Not To Like Him
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