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Najam Sethi Exposed

Najam sethi is the most spot on person in Pakistani Media . He calls spade a spade thus why disliked by many what he says really does not need any logic its common sense .. he feeds reality instead of some silly imagined fantasy .. and he is not exposed its talat clearifying his position by explaining so much about stratfor
He presents the Indian/American viewpoint so naturally he will sound sane to you and inevitably we will be wary of his statements. The most respected journalist in Pakistan who are not too patriotic and give fair and balanced views will also criticize Pakistan and the various institutes inside including Army or Judicary, but where Najam sethi differs is his whole outlook is to press upon issues which are not the main concern of the Pakistani people and there too overstate the issue, like wheras most media personal will talk about the issues the common man has to confront like load-shedding or the corrupt goverment, Sethi almost exclusively attacks the Army or the Judiciary- two institutions which need the backing of the people to fight terrorism and bring justice to the corrupt criminals who run country and the terroists. He, like the rest of the world, sees a Pakistan where only the Army exists and the sensitivities of the People and what they are going thorugh are never taken into account. If he is not a traitor then saying he is good for Pakistan is only looking through the Indian/American eye where "Pakistan Army must do more" and devour all the money that should be given to the people- at the end of the day the people are the one who has to suffer.

He was very vocal anti American when your Govt. and establishment was providing/training Mujahideens for USA against Russia. We all know what has happened since then in Pakistan.

He has been sounding reasonable most of the time. Being an Indian I do not like his comments about J&K so what shall I do ? Issue a fatwa against him ?
I can see many indians supporting Najam Sethi or I would like to say "Najam Shetty":cheesy:.................HE LOVES INDIA MORE THAN PAKISTAN.:azn:
Pakistanis are emotional people. l

Irrationality prevails in the religious societies. You have to abide by the following rules if you want to be respected as a true Muslim in Pakistan (patriotic Pakistani is a misnomer as nationalism is haram in Islam).

- always curse the West and its values, especially USA and Israel should be execrated in every discussion
- never say anything against the Army and ISI
- degrade democracy
- tell the imaginary stories of conspiracies the evil kafir is weaving to harm the ummah
- quote ahadits and Quran regularly and never forget to tell some exciting stories related to some sahabas (companions of prophet Muhammad).
1st of All of these guys are Pakistani SO to all indian stop the troll :D =)) our persnl matter we gone deal with it and when we gone need UR (indian) suggestion we gone tell you oka :D if u still wana show him ur so called love then do it on :D indian defence forum if u got 1 now after that dont put ur site here:D =)) i dont have the time to go their :D c ya :D
Why do Pakistanis hate Najam Sethi so much ?

Yesterday Some Pakistani had altered his description on wikipedia and described him as a CIA agent ,today it seems to have come back to what it originally was . Why such a venomous campaign of defamation against him ?

I can see what breed of Pakistanis hate Najam Sethi , on the video the guy with the maximum likes has his username as ' Indiakmaankich00t' .

Disgusting people . I am sure he and people like him have the support of the 'real' civil society of Pakistan however small it may be .

Most of you generalize way too much.....
1st of All of these guys are Pakistani SO to all indian stop the troll :D =)) our persnl matter we gone deal with it and when we gone need UR (indian) suggestion we gone tell you oka :D if u still wana show him ur so called love then do it on :D indian defence forum if u got 1 now after that dont put ur site here:D =)) i dont have the time to go their :D c ya :D
tats b coz we lov da pakistan and her ppl.
Indians should stay away from Pakistani politics or journalists. You are not welcome here.
He was very vocal anti American when your Govt. and establishment was providing/training Mujahideens for USA against Russia. We all know what has happened since then in Pakistan.

I told you I didn't want to get into a debate of who are his masters but clearly he doesn't work in Pakistans interest, If what you say is true then that was in Indias interest who was pro-soviet and not in Pakistan who would've been next in line of a soviet invasion to get to the warm waters. Again putting the army and peoples moral down by saying thier money was going into an unjust cause.

He has been sounding reasonable most of the time. Being an Indian I do not like his comments about J&K so what shall I do ? Issue a fatwa against him ?

Your just being emotional now, whose issuing fatwas against who? The point is when his opinions favour those of outside countries and against the interest of the people of Pakistan then how does he in anyway benefit Pakistan? People don't want anything to do with or hear about Kashmir or Americas wars, they have thier own issues. Tax-payers money is going into a futile war and at that time Najam sethis statements are not helpful. He should be focusing on the real culprits of the country. I'm not saying the army is 100% pure but they're are bigger issues, If he has to talk about Pak army then why doesn't he think up an exit strategy???----That is what people in Pakistan want.
I told you I didn't want to get into a debate of who are his masters but clearly he doesn't work in Pakistans interest, If what you say is true then that was in Indias interest who was pro-soviet and not in Pakistan who would've been next in line of a soviet invasion to get to the warm waters. Again putting the army and peoples moral down by saying thier money was going into an unjust cause.

Your just being emotional now, whose issuing fatwas against who? The point is when his opinions favour those of outside countries and against the interest of the people of Pakistan then how does he in anyway benefit Pakistan? People don't want anything to do with or hear about Kashmir or Americas wars, they have thier own issues. Tax-payers money is going into a futile war and at that time Najam sethis statements are not helpful. He should be focusing on the real culprits of the country. I'm not saying the army is 100% pure but they're are bigger issues, If he has to talk about Pak army then why doesn't he think up an exit strategy???----That is what people in Pakistan want.

Loji...nawan supp thailey choun kadta......so his master was someone from India at that time ?

Pakistan's interest is independent of what a Journalist rants. Your policy makers are free to decide the fate of your nation irrespective of what N.Sethi et al opine.

We commoners on the other hand are suppose to find a balance and not to feed on all what is served by/in media. This is from where we draw our comparisons as well on individual personalities who have mediums to present analysis for us; if they are good or not. This is where our reach ends, going beyond that like many of us do (even in India); declaring others traitors, floating new conspiracy theories on the hoof (like you have just done) without proves is sign of incompetent minds doing unproductive/less intelligent propaganda.

That is my point.
he is exposed everyday, time to stop wearing cloths and remain exposed.
Najam sethi is now CIA agent ..AND YESTERDAY someone was boasting of Pakistani being the 2nd largest growing community in USA. :mamba:
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