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Najam Sethi Exposed

Why do Pakistanis hate Najam Sethi so much ?

Yesterday Some Pakistani had altered his description on wikipedia and described him as a CIA agent ,today it seems to have come back to what it originally was . Why such a venomous campaign of defamation against him ?

I can see what breed of Pakistanis hate Najam Sethi , on the video the guy with the maximum likes has his username as ' Indiakmaankich00t' .

Disgusting people . I am sure he and people like him have the support of the 'real' civil society of Pakistan however small it may be .
lets be mature
anybody can print a paper & write so & so persons name on it etc,etc the bahria town list is a made up list faking a document for Internet consumption is no big deal, i agree what mubashir luqman & mehr bukhari did was wrong, but let not get irrational & paint everybody with the same brush' people have different views but that does not gives a good enough reason to label someone as agent of so & so
Who ever disagree with these Jamatis, are either American agent or Indian agent...

I remember in 60's and 70's there use to happen "Yahoodi Agent". Pakistanis are emotional people. The accusation made here is cleared by him. And hounarable supreme court have given clear order for not to defame him... Let me search video for that...

Stupid man accusing Nazam sethi... and Nazam sethi clearing the doubt...

Hope Pkaitsni frnds listen to this as well
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Who ever disagree with these Jamatis, are either American agent or Indian agent...

I remember in 60's and 70's there use to happen "Yahoodi Agent". Pakistanis are emotional people. The accusation made here is cleared by him. And hounarable supreme court have given clear order for not to defame him... Let me search video for that...

Stupid man accusing Nazam sethi... and Nazam sethi clearing the doubt...

Hope Pkaitsni frnds listen to this as well

Not the Jamaatis but the security forces , spy agencies and their supporters
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Najam Saiti never comes to Pakistan. Last i heard the U.S spends like $500 million to buy journalists. I guess he is one to be bought.

In 70's Najam was Russian agent, before that He was Yahoodi Agent, Now he is American and Indian agent... When Jamati and Army will level him Chinese agent..
In 70's Najam was Russian agent, before that He was Yahoodi Agent, Now he is American and Indian agent... When Jamati and Army will level him Chinese agent..
Mr because he was the one who started civil war in Baluchistan and He is the one who visits American on their funds and is funded by them and also India Lobby there
Mr because he was the one who started civil war in Baluchistan and He is the one who visits American on their funds and is funded by them and also India Lobby there

Don't Blame him without any proof, He can drag you to court and you will get into financial trouble.

1. American money: he is not only one who enjoyed American Dollars, If using american money is treason, then may be half of your Army is traitor..
2. He worked for Indian interste: He is a person who believe in Good relation with India. I don't know how it is not Pakistani interest.
3. He started the Baloch war: Baloch were betrayed by Pakistan, Mr Jinna promised them limited sovereignty (republic like strtucture) where as Bhutto wanted Punjabi supermacy with center in Punjab. NWFP, East Pakistan and Balochistan opposed it. While East pakistan got her freedom, rest couldn't... If Pakistan will fulfill Jinna's promise , Baloch will stop...
Strangely Indians always show great concerns in such matters.....Honestly I would give two rats if someone paints an Indian journalist as a traitor or a Patriot.....an honest professional or a miserable money sucking *****...... Why on earth should I care about him or her??? What good can it serve me??? Simply it shouldn't bother or concern me at all.....Unless if someone is serving my agenda (or to put it mildly... if I find commonality of interests).... I should then fight hard defending him/her and his/her case.... shouldn't I ???

Strangely Indians always show great concerns in such matters.....Honestly I would give two rats if someone paints an Indian journalist as a traitor or a Patriot.....an honest professional or a miserable money sucking *****...... Why on earth should I care about him or her??? What good can it serve me??? Simply it shouldn't bother or concern me at all.....Unless if someone is serving my agenda (or to put it mildly... if I find commonality of interests).... I should then fight hard defending him/her and his/her case.... shouldn't I ???


Journalism is not about posing Agenda of Ram or Raheem... Rest is pink Journalism.


its strange that indians take much intererst in every matter of Pakistan.

its strange that indians take much intererst in every matter of Pakistan.


Why so defensive ?

Because Indians think that some sane voices left in Pakistan must prevail.

You are the same guy who posted a comment against N.Sethi on a news article related to that street bully mentality, easy sell off Mubasher Luqman, now you are opening a thread with some edited video on N. Sethi again.

N.Sethi's recent moral victory against all compulsive lairs (who outshout everyone to make their superfluous lies sell like hot cakes in Pakistan) might be hurting you, isn't it ?

When people like you speaks against any of your own national we Indians straight away know that the person insulted is definitely sounding reasonable. Its all about credibility posters like you craft about themselves on different Issues purely related to India or Pakistan or both. Lurking in or participating in threads related to Pakistan gives us good insight about state of mind and level of intellect of individual Pakistani posters which further help us when we interact with them on Indian topics.

I hope now you wouldn't rant or try to describe Indian obsession cause we have already over done with such comments on this open forum. Its not our obsession but our guts that we try to put sense or give our opinion which may diversify your thought of school, if you have one, other than trolling.

PS: I am not justifying few Indians who might be really trolling in threads related to Pakistan only. Moderators are free to do their job BTW.
Why so defensive ?

Because Indians think that some sane voices left in Pakistan must prevail.

You are the same guy who posted a comment against N.Sethi on a news article related to that street bully mentality, easy sell off Mubasher Luqman, now you are opening a thread with some edited video on N. Sethi again.

N.Sethi's recent moral victory against all compulsive lairs (who outshout everyone to make their superfluous lies sell like hot cakes in Pakistan) might be hurting you, isn't it ?

When people like you speaks against any of your own national we Indians straight away know that the person insulted is definitely sounding reasonable. Its all about credibility posters like you craft about themselves on different Issues purely related to India or Pakistan or both. Lurking in or participating in threads related to Pakistan gives us good insight about state of mind and level of intellect of individual Pakistani posters which further help us when we interact with them on Indian topics.

I hope now you wouldn't rant or try to describe Indian obsession cause we have already over done with such comments on this open forum. Its not our obsession but our guts that we try to put sense or give our opinion which may diversify your thought of school, if you have one, other than trolling.

PS: I am not justifying few Indians who might be really trolling in threads related to Pakistan only. Moderators are free to do their job BTW.

He presents the Indian/American viewpoint so naturally he will sound sane to you and inevitably we will be wary of his statements. The most respected journalist in Pakistan who are not too patriotic and give fair and balanced views will also criticize Pakistan and the various institutes inside including Army or Judicary, but where Najam sethi differs is his whole outlook is to press upon issues which are not the main concern of the Pakistani people and there too overstate the issue, like wheras most media personal will talk about the issues the common man has to confront like load-shedding or the corrupt goverment, Sethi almost exclusively attacks the Army or the Judiciary- two institutions which need the backing of the people to fight terrorism and bring justice to the corrupt criminals who run country and the terroists. He, like the rest of the world, sees a Pakistan where only the Army exists and the sensitivities of the People and what they are going thorugh are never taken into account. If he is not a traitor then saying he is good for Pakistan is only looking through the Indian/American eye where "Pakistan Army must do more" and devour all the money that should be given to the people- at the end of the day the people are the one who has to suffer.
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