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Nabbed - who vandalised Amar Jawaan in Bombay

1] Pervez musharaf was a mojahir

2] yeah i have heard of ahmedi persecution...in way it is expected in Islam. Tolerance is very low. in the pursuit for purer ideology, they shun differences.
3] Shia -sunni conflict is part of pakistan . but same like we have teh caste probs in the north and tamil nadu
4] Good For Azimji.. he has made india proud and the indians muslims too.....never heard any equilvalent for him in Pakistan

Miyan Mushy is not representative of all Muhajir, I will request you to see some old video on this issue.
2. Our caste problem is diminshing, if you read my post, I have said that India is not perfect. We are moving in right direction, In last 5 decades castism is decreasing exponentially. If you don't trust me, ask your dad, ask him how castism was prevelant whn he was kid and how it is now..

And that is why India has the highest number of armed secessionist groups in the world.

I usually don't respond to those whose post count is lesser than 2000.. We will discuss when you will get 2000 posts under ur belt.
But Pakistan is the one where a part of the country actually seceded ;)

na na ...... we got our independence from the brits. remember, pakistan and india got their independence together. these secessionist groups, most of them are in NE india.
95% (or may be higher) of Muslims still practice the real Islam which is peaceful and serene.. Its the 5% extremist element that practices the distorted version of Mullahism that give a bad name to the whole religion...And from the look of it, a lot of them have descended on this forum :)

95% or 5% is your assumption , there is no fact behind it...
This guy who kicked the dabba is an Indian. I don't understand the outpouring of hatred against Pakistan.

my post showed no hatred...do point it out

What dabba are you talking about ??
But Pakistan is the one where a part of the country actually seceded ;)

na na ...... we got our independence from the brits. remember, pakistan and india got their independence together. these secessionist groups, most of them are in NE india.
95% or 5% is your assumption , there is no fact behind it...

True.. That's my experience, and may not the a valid sample size..

na na ...... we got our independence from the brits. remember, pakistan and india got their independence together. these secessionist groups, most of them are in NE india.

LOL.. I am talking about a part of Pakistan that went away ;)
True.. That's my experience, and may not the a valid sample size..

My experience is opposite... Just 5% bad eggs don't create problem world wide. These 5% are rotten egg. But there are more than it which are bad.

Terrorism is 10 step process, these 5% are critically ill (beyond cure). these 5% rotten eggs are on 10 step of terrorism.

The person who were involved in Vandalisation and protests in Mumbai/Ranchi/Lucknow/Hyderabad/Tumkur are level 5 terrorists.
There is more peace in india unlike your country :D

ha ha ha ...... you must be with the Indian mars mission and would have reached mars by now. peaceful over there, must be.

Peace normally in India is like a calm before the storm.
Man who desecrated Amar Jawan memorial in Mumbai detained

Mumbai: More than 15 days after a man was photographed desecrating the Amar Jawan Smarak at Mumbai's CST station, he has finally been identified and detained.

Sources say the police began a man hunt for him as soon as his picture vandalising the memorial appeared in the media. Police are also looking for his accomplice who was also photographed destroying the monument.

Police believe they was part of the mob in the riots that erupted on August 11 at Azad Maidan, where thousands had gathered to protest against the deaths of Muslims in ethnic violence in Assam. Two people had died and more than 50 were injured, most of them policemen.


This son of ****** should be Burnt Alive...
Good lord, such display of anger. Join the lynch mob - this guy is just kicking a dabba for heavens sake and has not passed in front of the mosque playing loud music at prayer time or have thrown some cow meat in the temple.
Anger yes....joining lynch mob yes....Reason being....These guys at CST committed biggest crime the molesting of females...And i 'll have every protester involved at CST lynched publicly for lying hands on women.............For me punishment of such types of men laying hands on women is straight forward as i always suggest shoot them with AK-47 to make a statement on the spot.I dont care about the damn religion of the men for me its men vs women issue.
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