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N-capable sub-launched missile operationalised, India in select triad club

But still pm Nehru leader of Indian gov ran to UN meaning he knew it couldn't be won ;)

Firstly Nehru is not competent authority on defence matters. General thimappa Who was leading men in J&K wanted this to be put off and informed GOI to stop going ahead to UN, as he was sure he would finish his objective in couple of weeks.
Firstly Nehru is not competent authority on defence matters. General thimappa Who was leading men in J&K wanted this to be put off and informed GOI to stop going ahead to UN, as he was sure he would finish his objective in couple of weeks.
More bs fed to stupid bhagats
Nehru was the PM him going to un was in consultation with other
The same Nehru orchestrated the trsnstra of gordaspur to India by his british connection which gave India land route to jammu in first place and also used those connection to influence raja this same Nehru gave go ahead to annex junagarh and Goa
Without him India would not have Kashmir in first place so if that Nehru went to un
This would be only because it was made.clear that there is no other option :)
To hurt India Pakistan would not need weapons of high class. Just divide the Indians and they will fight among themselves. Neither their nuclear triad would work not their LCA. And same goes for the Pakistanis too. The people in Indian subcontinent are highly vulnerable to psywar.
More bs fed to stupid bhagats
Nehru was the PM him going to un was in consultation with other
The same Nehru orchestrated the trsnstra of gordaspur to India by his british connection which gave India land route to jammu in first place and also used those connection to influence raja this same Nehru gave go ahead to annex junagarh and Goa
Without him India would not have Kashmir in first place so if that Nehru went to un
This would be only because it was made.clear that there is no other option :)

I think u wanted to say bhakts ...
next this is a recorded fact and I learnt this news before I knew the name Modi. So bhakts concept doesn’t apply to me. I think ur school books teach lollywood scripts not actual history so don’t want much to do with movie scripts.
But still pm Nehru leader of Indian gov ran to UN meaning he knew it couldn't be won ;)

PM Nehru ran to UN to make it an issue. It didn't require their input or attention. He was a British stoolie....controlled by his foreign masters to do their bidding...
PM Nehru ran to UN to make it an issue. It didn't require their input or attention. He was a British stoolie....controlled by his foreign masters to do their bidding...
PM Nehru ran to UN to make it an issue. It didn't require their input or attention. He was a British stoolie....controlled by his foreign masters to do their bidding...
The same Nehru orchestrated the transfer of gordaspur to India by his british connection which gave India land route to jammu in first place and also used those connection to influence raja this same Nehru gave go ahead to annex junagarh and Goa
Without him India would not have Kashmir in first place so if that Nehru went to un
This would be only because it wasmade.clear that there is no other option ;)
I think u wanted to say bhakts ...
next this is a recorded fact and I learnt this news before I knew the name Modi. So bhakts concept doesn’t apply to me. I think ur school books teach lollywood scripts not actual history so don’t want much to do with movie scripts.
And your hindutva propaganda that's why India Is most ignorunt country in the world Google it ;)
As for Pakistan, I believe they are making do with whatever technological resources they can muster from China. The cruise missile approach to a triad shows their limitations.
I wonder why are you, in particular, concerned...since the SLCM test launches were fake/CGI according to you.
I wonder why are you, in particular, concerned...since the SLCM test launches were fake/CGI according to you.
@The Deterrent
Hi Deterrent, The first launch was indeed fake, no doubt about that, the second launch however was real. Also in order to completely operationalize the SLCMs, PN would need the chinese subs, so as and when they are inducted, PN will use it to mount the nuclear baburs.
@The Deterrent
Hi Deterrent, The first launch was indeed fake, no doubt about that, the second launch however was real. Also in order to completely operationalize the SLCMs, PN would need the chinese subs, so as and when they are inducted, PN will use it to mount the nuclear baburs.
1. So, if we are believe you, Pakistan had a seemingly irresistible itch to fake a missile's launch which it had the capability to launch again within a year, "for real". Could you enlighten us on what would be the probable reason for doing so?

2. Also, since you have "no doubts", could you please kindly explain us peasants that how exactly was the launch "fake"? Do you have any clear technical data? Any photo/video analyst corroborating the claims? Did anybody, besides the retired colonel (with access to internet, GE and his pea brain), refute Pakistani claims? Did any non-Indian entity raise similar suspicions?

3. The denial on A-90Bs is so sweet. Wish I could have a candy every time you said that.
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The denial on A-90Bs is so sweet. Wish I could have a candy every time you said that.
Hi @The Deterrent
I do not wish to highlight the gigantic inaccuracies in the first video and how ISPR is trust worthy. I'll leave it to you to believe your fantasies.
Yeah of course, unless and until French are not actively involved in (1) Modifying, (2) Certifying the source code of CMS of Agosta-90B, not even Chinese can mount their cruise missiles on French submarine. Perhaps you've no idea how it all works, or maybe the laws and regulations are different in Pakistan?
Also I have reduced my comments because I realized that Pakistan is way too opaque and folks have no regard for genuine research. Maybe you don't like what I say, but don't forget I've same standards for our development as well. Guidance, Navigation and control using AI is my research area. I do know about what I'm saying here. If you're "genuinely" interested in interfacing CMs with combat management system, we can have a discussion.
Thanks in advance!
Hi @The Deterrent
I do not wish to highlight the gigantic inaccuracies in the first video and how ISPR is trust worthy. I'll leave it to you to believe your fantasies.
Running away already? Too bad, I was hoping for some "genuine research" here. Should have expected from likes of you.

Yeah of course, unless and until French are not actively involved in (1) Modifying, (2) Certifying the source code of CMS of Agosta-90B, not even Chinese can mount their cruise missiles on French submarine. Perhaps you've no idea how it all works, or maybe the laws and regulations are different in Pakistan?
Tch tch, as always, being a bookworm. Maybe this will tell you something:

Also I have reduced my comments because I realized that Pakistan is way too opaque and folks have no regard for genuine research. Maybe you don't like what I say, but don't forget I've same standards for our development as well. Guidance, Navigation and control using AI is my research area. I do know about what I'm saying here. If you're "genuinely" interested in interfacing CMs with combat management system, we can have a discussion.
Thanks in advance!
I'm in absolute awe of your research achievements. I honestly wish there were more people like you on PDF.

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