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Myth shatterd "india won 65 war?"

Peter Preston, The Guardian, London.
September 24, 1965.

"One thing I am convinced of is that Pakistan morally and even physically won the air battle against immense odds.
Although the Air Force gladly gives most credit to the Army, this is perhaps over-generous. India with roughly five times greater air power, expected an easy air superiority. Her total failure to attain it may be seen retrospectively as a vital, possibly the most vital, factor of the whole conflict.
Nur Khan is an alert, incisive man of 41, who seems even less. For six years until July he was on secondment and responsible for running Pakistan civil airline, which in a country, where now means sometime and sometime means never, is a model of efficiency. He talks without the jargon of a press relations officer. He does not quibble about figures, immediately one has confidence in what he says. His estimates proffered diffidently, but with as much photographic evidence as possible, speak for themselves. Indian and Pakistani losses, he thinks are in something like the ratio of ten to one.
"The Indians had no sense of purpose, the Pakistanis were defending their country and willingly taking greater risks. The average bomber crew flew 15 to 20 sorties. My difficulty was restraining them, not pushing them on".
" This is more than nationalistic pride. Talk to the pilots themselves, and you get the same intense story"
Patrick Seale, The Observer, London.
September 12, 1965.

"Pakistan's success in the air means that she had been able to deploy her relatively small army___ professionally among the best in Asia___ with impunity, plugging gaps in the long front in the face of each Indian thrust.
By all accounts the courage displayed by the PAF pilots is reminiscent of the bravery of the few young and dedicated pilots who saved this country from Nazi invaders in the critical Battle of Britain during the last war".
Roy Meloni, Correspondent of ABC,
September 15, 1965.

"I have been a journalist now for 20 years and want to go on record that i have never seen a more confident and victorious groups of soldiers than those fighting for Pakistan right now.
"India is claiming all out victory, i have not been able to find any trace of it. All i can see are troops, tanks and other war material rolling in a steady stream towards the front.
If the Indian Air Force is so victorious, why has it not tried to halt this flow?
The answer is that it has been knocked from the skies by Pakistani planes. These Muslims of Pakistan are natural fighters and they ask for no quarter and they give none.
In any war, such as the one going on between India and Pakistan right now, the propaganda claims on either side are likely to be startling, but if i have to take bet today, my money would be on Pakistan side.
Pakistan claims to have destroyed something like one third of the Indian Air Force, and foreign observers, who are in a position to know say that the actual kills may be even higher, but the PAF authorities are being scrupulously honest in evaluating these claims. They are crediting PAF only those killing that can be checked and verified from other sources.
Everett G Martin, General Editor, Newsweek,
September 20 1965.

"One point particularly noted by military observers is that in their first advances the Indians did not use Air power effectively to support their troops. By contrast, Pakistan, with sophisticated timing swooped in on several Indian bases and destroyed dozens of planes without any resistance from the Indians.
By the end of the week, it was clear that the Pakistanis were more than holding their own".
September 11 1965.

"The chief of Indian Air Force could no longer ensure the safety of Indian air space. A well known Indian journalist, Frank Moraes, in a talk from All-India Radio also admitted that Indian Air Force had suffered severe losses and it was no use hiding the fact and India should be prepared for more losses.........".
September 11 1965.

"The chief of Indian Air Force could no longer ensure the safety of Indian air space. A well known Indian journalist, Frank Moraes, in a talk from All-India Radio also admitted that Indian Air Force had suffered severe losses and it was no use hiding the fact and India should be prepared for more losses.........".

in war both the side was suffer loses....

Pakistan was attacker & India was defender....
& India was able to contain Pakistan.......
Pakistan was unable to win Kashmir
so india wins
in war both the side was suffer loses....

Pakistan was attacker & India was defender....
You need to enlighten yourself with a few doses of history as it was India who attacked Pakistan on the night of 5/6th Sept. without even formally declaring a war, following General Choudhary's invitation to all his top brass to join him in a victory celebration in a Lahore club.
Pakistan was unable to win Kashmir
so india wins
Firstly the main war had nothing to do with Kashmir, and if your logic made sense then it would be like Indra Gandhi orders an assault on the Golden Temple killing thousands, later her Sikh body guard takes her out.................... who wins. !!!???
Firstly the main war had nothing to do with Kashmir, and if your logic made sense then it would be like Indra Gandhi orders an assault on the Golden Temple killing thousands, later her Sikh body guard takes her out.................... who wins. !!!???

india wins..as terrorism swept out in punjab...
india will also win in kashmir


these reporters give personal accounts of what they feel was happening.
even if they did a fine job at that...the fate of a war are judged from the it's genesis and it's aftermath...
more precisely...

what did you seek to achieve?
and what did you end up achieving?

critics are good PR.

yes and kashmiris don't want independence for themselves!!!

@Windjammer & s6 demon

forget it no matter how many sources we give them they will still ONLY BELIEVE BHARAT RAKSHAK! SO FORGET IT!!
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Firstly the main war had nothing to do with Kashmir

yeah these schisms of convenience don't work like that when describing a war...
I guess there are two main parts...

part a)when you triblas initiate border mischief..
and part b)the enemy invades you...(which has nothing to do with the auxiliary war as described by part a...)
yeah right...
how very convenient.
yeah these schisms of convenience don't work like that when describing a war...
I guess there are two main parts...

part a)when you triblas initiate border mischief..
and part b)the enemy invades you...(which has nothing to do with the auxiliary war as described by part a...)
yeah right...
how very convenient.
Some here to contribute while others thrive in the art of nit pick.
You used the term aftermath, well last i heard was that the Kashmir issue was the main hurdle thus a tumbling block to any bilateral talks or ties. History is a witness that you can't quash any freedom movement by mere use of brute force.
Albeit some members are adamant to digress the topic, never the less a reply was in place.

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You need to enlighten yourself with a few doses of history as it was India who attacked Pakistan on the night of5/6th Sept.without even formally declaring a war, following General Choudhary's invitation to all his top brass to join him in a victory celebration in a Lahore club.

Firstly the main war had nothing to do with Kashmir, and if your logic made sense then it would be like Indra Gandhi orders an assault on the Golden Temple killing thousands, later her Sikh body guard takes her out.................... who wins. !!!???

The Indo-Pakistani War of 1965 was a culmination of skirmishes that took place between April 1965 and September 1965 between India and Pakistan. This conflict became known as the Second Kashmir War fought by India and Pakistan over the disputed region of Kashmir, the first having been fought in 1947. The war began following Pakistan's Operation Gibraltar, which was designed to infiltrate forces into Jammu and Kashmir to precipitate an insurgency against rule by India.

Pakistan attempted to ignite the resistance movement by means of a covert infiltration, codenamed Operation Gibraltar The Pakistani infiltrators were soon discovered, however, their presence reported by local Kashmiris, and the operation ended in a complete failure.

so i think you should enlighten yourself with history
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