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Myth and Facts about Syrian war

Do you know I'm the kind of person that would smack Sudies across his face while he's making Adhaan in the Masjid Al Haram for being a hypocrite of first order? That's how you can tell I'm an honest and fair individual, who would be serious about implementing justice. You can have beard, and thobe, and be promoted and praised by 6 million people, I could care less, if you're not what you claim to be, I will make justice.
I don't get why you keep complaining, this was never about 'protests' in the first place. And we know if these 'protests' took place in KSA, Egypt, Jordan or elsewhere, how the narrative would be framed against the 'protestors'. You're trying to assert one side has moral high ground, when it isn't true. And also the majority does not side with the opposition. The opposition is full of Salafi's who lower everyones IQ on an annual base, while they receive monthly paychecks from US, Saudi Arabia and other nations, while they demand everyone marry their daughters to them, and slander anyone they don't like as an infidel, on top of that claim to be the 'true' Muslims, and exercising ultimate authority through force, which dispels the whole notion of being 'true' Muslims, as they are largely hypocritical in their practices.

You don't care for democracy in the region, so stop bothering. You're either for a serious revolution across the region or not. And that's not happening anytime soon, as long as there are power hungry players, but at least the government has the justification to remain in power as they came under attack by foreign conspiracies and not the other way around. You should work on getting rid of the Salafi sect, instead, you promote them as alternative to compete with MB ideology. Salafist's are by far the worst, they are hypocritical, they are very dumb and have no logic, sense of reason or basic education, they are also cruel, as they violate Islamic law in secret, they make fatwas left and right that are all inspired by state or foreign state policies, and they claim to be those who must and are upholding Islam, when really they're destroying it and ruining it's image, more so among Muslims themselves rather than non-Muslims.

I would start by toppling the monarchy, then kill all the monarchy clerics like Qurni, Sudeis , Arour, etc .... since they claim to be clerics of God, when all their crap fatwas and religious rulings, teachings, are all intended for personal benefit and benefiting the state government, and not a distinct Lord figure.

That's a Saudi and Israeli goal, along with a Salafi goal, we know what that 'better third option' entails of .... There is no consensus on your 'goal'.

I am complaining because over 300.000 Syrian brothers and sisters (civilians) have been killed by the same Al-Assad regime that you have now suddenly chosen to defend for God's know what reason.

Why are you talking about Egypt, Jordan and KSA here? Are the leaders in those countries mass-killing their own populations or carpet bombing half of their country in order to stay in power? Are they allied with regimes whose actions can only be judged as hostile in an Arab and certainly Sunni Arab context? Besides how are those leaders any different than the other camp led by Iran, the current Iraqi regime, Hezbollah, 100's of Shia militias, Houthis, Saleh (one of the longest rolling and most corrupt dictators in recent times) etc.? There is no difference.

I stand with the Arab people and since that is a large umbrella naturally I narrow it down to Sunni Arabs. Why should I support Hezbollah, Houthis or Iraqi Shia militias when they are against me, my country and Sunni Arabs by large and when they serve the agenda of our enemies?

Am I supposed to support a regime who are aligned with the same Mullah's of Iran who are causing much of the misery in the Arab world and who hate Arabs and in particular Sunni Arab Muslims who make up 85% of the Arab population? Or what about Russia who are represented by the heavily anti-Arab/anti-Muslim Russian users here who do not hide that they enjoy the misery that the average Syrian is going through?

Salafis are only a factor when it comes to ISIS and Al-Nusra. Nor are they any worse (for the future of Syria and the region) than radical Shia groups whose arguments and actions are as retarded but much less highlighted. Nor are even 10% of Syrians Salafis. They have no future in Syria or anywhere in the Arab world as they have a minority following everywhere.

State clerics are the same everywhere whether in those countries that you have mentioned or Palestine or Iran or Turkey. They both take orders from the regimes in power before anything else. That is no surprise and that has always been the case. Besides I do not care about them.

As far as regimes goes, you already know my opinion about that and I have already written it once again in this very thread. I see no reason to repeat myself. As for believing or not that is honestly not my problem as anyone can choose what he or she wants to believe in. I have no desire to convince Indians or Pakistanis here that not all Syrians are ISIS or that there are other options than Al-Assad out there.

Also Al-Assad sect is secondary. I was asking Gaddafi as well when he started to mass-murder his own population in order to stay in power. He was a Sunni Arab as is 99,9% of Libya's population. I was against Mubarak staying in power as well. Same story. Ben Ali too. Same story. If House of Saud did something similar when the people revolted I would be of the exact same opinion.

Although I prefer changes to occur peacefully due to everyone in the region wanting to use an unstable country for their own agenda by largely ruining it. But when a revolution happens you have to make your stand. I chose not to support the regimes/dictators in power but that does not mean that I support every opposition group or their agenda.
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Your numbers are false, you're also disregarding casualties of people killed on pro-Assad or neutral sides, you actually include them as numbers in opposition death toll.

Nobody is revolting against KSA, Jordan or Egypt governments, because they're biased Salafist's who have so much hatred directed at the MB , that Islam comes second to them in their directives and policies. Salafi's are not minority like you make them out to be, they are actually majority with the most power. The US and international community supported them in Afghanistan, Syria, Checheyna, etc..., all the clerics in Gulf nations are Salafi's. They are most popular too, and the people take their words as if a Prophet just addressed them.

Russians in my experience are not anti-Arab nor anti-Muslim. They are anti-Saudi because your history with them in Chechenya and Afghanistan, where you used your clerics to incite people to fight for US state interests. What about others who are anti-Arab and Muslim? You guys never seem to care about them as long as they're your allies. Again double standard showing.

And bull, clerics where I originate from do not promote state governments, they call out anybody for any hypocrisy and you're allowed to criticize Hamas more than any other Arab government. Nobody in Palestine is claiming leadership of Muslim/Arab world, and using religion to topple governments across the region.

Difference between me and you, is I believe principles and values will play a role in your success. You don't, this is why you keep pedaling the same arguments we hear from your government and state media. Me on other hand, if intention is not pure, fair, and there is double standard, then I believe the forces of nature(whatever you refer to it as) will not enable you to succeed. Let alone the people who will catch on to your games. I'm telling you to change, otherwise you won't succeed at all.

None of you want to change, and your media isn't saying crap about '300K civilians brothers and sisters', it's reporting anti-MB junk. So to hell with your likes, I'm not interested in supporting you or your policies as you've wronged so many other people in the region.
Most of the Syrians fighting on the ground in Syria (the vast majority of the people), among the Syrian opposition, do not belong to Al-Nusra.

Also I am talking about the 20 million Syrians as a whole. Nobody here is going to tell me that they only see two options for themselves and their country. Those two options being the Al-Assad regime and allies and ISIS/Al-Nusra type of people.

The problem here is that 90% of all Syrians are ordinary people (civilians) who take no direct part in the fighting. I know for a fact that the vast majority of those (millions of them escaped Syria thanks to the actions of those 2 parties) do not wish to live under the rule of either party.

Dude, it doesn't matter if they belong to Nusra or not. If they are fighting shoulder to shoulder with them, call them allies, send condolences to each other when their fighters die, they all belong to the same shit. It's like saying Italy's fascist regime was not the same as Nazi regime in Germany, which they were not, but they were allies with same goals.

Why are you talking about Egypt, Jordan and KSA here? Are the leaders in those countries mass-killing their own populations or carpet bombing half of their country in order to stay in power?
Yes if 'protesters' are nutjobs like those in Syria, and are armed and funded from outside, these countries would also bomb the hell out of their cities.
Your numbers are false, you're also disregarding casualties of people killed on pro-Assad or neutral sides, you actually include them as numbers in opposition death toll.

Nobody is revolting against KSA, Jordan or Egypt governments, because they're biased Salafist's who have so much hatred directed at the MB , that Islam comes second to them in their directives and policies. Salafi's are not minority like you make them out to be, they are actually majority with the most power. The US and international community supported them in Afghanistan, Syria, Checheyna, etc..., all the clerics in Gulf nations are Salafi's. They are most popular too, and the people take their words as if a Prophet just addressed them.

Russians in my experience are not anti-Arab nor anti-Muslim. They are anti-Saudi because your history with them in Chechenya and Afghanistan, where you used your clerics to incite people to fight for US state interests. What about others who are anti-Arab and Muslim? You guys never seem to care about them as long as they're your allies. Again double standard showing.

And bull, clerics where I originate from do not promote state governments, they call out anybody for any hypocrisy and you're allowed to criticize Hamas more than any other Arab government. Nobody in Palestine is claiming leadership of Muslim/Arab world, and using religion to topple governments across the region.

Difference between me and you, is I believe principles and values will play a role in your success. You don't, this is why you keep pedaling the same arguments we hear from your government and state media. Me on other hand, if intention is not pure, fair, and there is double standard, then I believe the forces of nature(whatever you refer to it as) will not enable you to succeed. Let alone the people who will catch on to your games. I'm telling you to change, otherwise you won't succeed at all.

None of you want to change, and your media isn't saying crap about '300K civilians brothers and sisters', it's reporting anti-MB junk. So to hell with your likes, I'm not interested in supporting you or your policies as you've wronged so many other people in the region.

With all due respect this kind of post is not worth a serious reply. I don't know what has happened to you.

Dude, it doesn't matter if they belong to Nusra or not. If they are fighting shoulder to shoulder with them, call them allies, send condolences to each other when their fighters die, they all belong to the same shit. It's like saying Italy's fascist regime was not the same as Nazi regime in Germany, which they were not, but they were allies with same goals.

Yes if 'protesters' are nutjobs like those in Syria, and are armed and funded from outside, these countries would also bomb the hell out of their cities.

That's nonsense. Al-Nusra makes up a tiny percentage of the Syrian opposition. They are only fighting alongside each other due to fighting a bigger common enemy who happens to target all Syrians who do not support the Al-Assad regime. Speaking about WW2, the Brits/US/Allies fought with the Soviets against the Nazis. Side by side. That does not mean that they were in love with each other which the Cold War quickly proved.
Besides al-Nusra are no longer a part of Al-Qaeda and their leader has publicly stated that they are only interested in internal Syrian affairs. Nor has Al-Nusra ever conducted terrorist attacks outside of Syria and the attacks that they have conducted inside Syria have targeted the Al-Assad regime. You cannot cry about a few Al-Nusra attack while at the same time support daily barrel bombings of civilian areas in Syria which are 1000 times more bloody.

The main difference here is that such a thing has not occurred yet so it is pointless to discuss. The Syrian opposition is not made up by "nutjobs" but ordinary Syrians of all backgrounds and ideologies who happen to be anti-Assad regime. Did you expect those people to fight with sticks and stones and just lie down and get killed? Of course they are going to resist and rightly so.
Besides if those regimes were mass-murdering their own people and destroying their own country in order to stay in power, after "suffering" from million-big demonstrations all across their countries calling for an end to the regimes in power, I would not even waste a minute supporting them.

Al-Assad has lost all legitimacy and he is the most vile dictator of this century. Only insane people cannot realize this. Only insane people want us all to believe that it is about either the Al-Assad regime and friends or ISIS/Al-Nusra and that they can force those 2 options on Syrians.

Syrians will prove such people wrong eventually. Insha'Allah.
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Your numbers are false, you're also disregarding casualties of people killed on pro-Assad or neutral sides, you actually include them as numbers in opposition death toll.

Nobody is revolting against KSA, Jordan or Egypt governments, because they're biased Salafist's who have so much hatred directed at the MB , that Islam comes second to them in their directives and policies. Salafi's are not minority like you make them out to be, they are actually majority with the most power. The US and international community supported them in Afghanistan, Syria, Checheyna, etc..., all the clerics in Gulf nations are Salafi's. They are most popular too, and the people take their words as if a Prophet just addressed them.

Russians in my experience are not anti-Arab nor anti-Muslim. They are anti-Saudi because your history with them in Chechenya and Afghanistan, where you used your clerics to incite people to fight for US state interests. What about others who are anti-Arab and Muslim? You guys never seem to care about them as long as they're your allies. Again double standard showing.

And bull, clerics where I originate from do not promote state governments, they call out anybody for any hypocrisy and you're allowed to criticize Hamas more than any other Arab government. Nobody in Palestine is claiming leadership of Muslim/Arab world, and using religion to topple governments across the region.

Difference between me and you, is I believe principles and values will play a role in your success. You don't, this is why you keep pedaling the same arguments we hear from your government and state media. Me on other hand, if intention is not pure, fair, and there is double standard, then I believe the forces of nature(whatever you refer to it as) will not enable you to succeed. Let alone the people who will catch on to your games. I'm telling you to change, otherwise you won't succeed at all.

None of you want to change, and your media isn't saying crap about '300K civilians brothers and sisters', it's reporting anti-MB junk. So to hell with your likes, I'm not interested in supporting you or your policies as you've wronged so many other people in the region.
Egypt is not salafist most of them are with the brotherhood only their leaders are with the government and that is because they don't have any other option
You are recycling #1. You see, thats why I made this thread, because Assad supporters are recycling same silly arguments on and on.

1) Assads took free secular Syria.
2) Turned it into corrupt tyranny with shabihas and mass torture.
3) 40 year of shabiha rule led the country to bloody civil war and destruction.

Thats the legacy of ur Assad. How many more people Assad should kill before u realize that it does not work and he should be removed? Rhetorical question.

if assad would kill or bomb many 12er shia than he would realize it.. if he kills sunni its good, if he kills jews he is good.. thats the logic behind those users.. its like to talk to a hitler jugend boy who lived under nazi role his entire little life.. how can you convince him that he is wrong if there are still ppl feeding him with his version of life?
yes right and for Syria to have a democracy you need the rebels fighting right now to win then you will see elections between isil and al quaeda and other takfiri terror groups

No, we can see SISI winning in Syrian elections with 99%.
Minding your country & your collapsing economy would be much better! :)
No, we can see SISI winning in Syrian elections with 99%.
Minding your country & your collapsing economy would be much better! :)
do you have any kind of elections in your country ?
no country is without problems for some economy for others war you should mind your own business also
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do you have any kind of elections in your country ?
no country is without problems for some economy for others war you should mind your own business also

When a stooge of sisi the mafia boss talks about elections people fart. Fascist thugs think that the world does not know what they have been doing in Egypt. This only shows that these fascists are not only criminals but also morons of the highest order.
When a stooge of sisi the mafia boss talks about elections people fart. Fascist thugs think that the world does not know what they have been doing in Egypt. This only shows that these fascists are not only criminals but also morons of the highest order.
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