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Myth and Facts about Syrian war

@Sargon of Akkad
>>You do realize that the entire, albeit small overall, Kurdish-controlled area of Syria was lost by the Al-Assad regime to dada Kurds, right?
Of Course, They are Opportunists,They took wherever they could.

>>What are you blabbering about?
Quote Specific line from my reply.

>>YPG and other Kurdish militias have backstabbed the Syrian opposition and the Al-Assad regime countless of times. They are only interested in their own region and in ethnically cleansing native Arabs and Assyrians and Turkmens so they can expand their territories.
They took what is theirs so you can't call it expansion.
Heard some reports about their issues with arabs but then again Arabs are fighting and dying in entire MENA region without help of Kurds so you can't actually blame them.

>>Let ISIS and YPG kill each other for all I care.
IS is mostly done they are under pressure from all sides. YPG/SDF has mush better perspective from all parties in Syrian Conflict.

>>Better than ISIS but other than that no.
Explanation needed.

>>I am an Arab and I know Syria well as I have visited it many times. I know Syrians in Syria and in KSA and Syrian culture. Syrian Sunni Arabs have no desire to live under a ISIS-style system. Every army/group in the ME uses religion as a motivation. Does not mean much.
Diverges from your previous stand but if you say Secular Syria as a Solution I totally agree with you.

>>Ironically you totally omit the fact that Shia Islamists are more religiously motivated as they are foreigners and they are supposedly "defending" imaginary shrines (that are actually not located inside Syria) unlike native Syrians who albeit using religion as a motivation have 100 other reasons to fight for. Starting with defending their family, city/town/village, country, friends etc.
I didn't mention them because they were out of our focus of discussion but i don't support or mask them in anyway. I never said anything about them.
>>Since you mention I will clear that for me they are also terrorists. I don't support any non-state actors using insurgency for whatever reason may be.

>>There are much fewer of them on the Syrian opposition. Not even comparable.

You are wrong, current opposition is Sunni Islamic Extremists giving jihadi teachings to upcoming generation. Not even comparable. Some Al-Nusa (Now JaF:haha:) teachings

>>That is a blatant lie as the Syrian opposition is barely supported by anyone expect a few countries, mostly KSA, Qatar and Turkey, although the latter might change their policy after Erdogan has tried to become friends with Putin again.
Consider hypothetically
if US do not support them then Russia will freely turn rebels held syria into Rubble (Current bombing is nothing compared to what Russia can do).
If US stop selling TOW and other weapons,You know how much advance tech KSA,Turkey,Kuwait etc have on there own. (Practically None).
If US oppose them and restrict Arms supply from Bulgaria etc.
If US start Air-strikes against them.
If US advocate sanction against Rebels Supporting countries.

Rebels will collapse even without US approval let alone if they withdraw support and start opposing.

>>What is the point of me posting several such videos and articles when Mr. Google has been invented and Mr. Youtube?
Probably you caught in propaganda videos and articles. Read to both sides judge by yourself.
I asked for specific articles & videos supporting your claim like i put in my replies.

>You reply was similar to what Pakistani members reply when asked about Pakistani contributions in JF-17<
There answer is always "Search in the forum".

>>Because why should they when the most important fights take place in the other end of Syria? You can use the same logic in regards to Kurds but unlike all other parties the Al-Assad regime are supposedly the legitimate rulers of Syria, lol.

Importance of fight is determined by what is your goal and there goal is to remove current Syrian Govt. so IS is not that much important to them.

>>You can use the same logic in regards to Kurds
No, Kurds faced certain slavery/extinction like Yazidis at the hands of IS and their only chance was to fight and win. That is why they majoly fight IS. This proves my point of having certain Goals not yours.:yahoo:

>>I am an Arab and thus by default affairs in Syria are as dear to me as anywhere else in the Arab world. Besides I have not told Syrians to do anything unlike you. All I have said to you is that Islam plays a role in the lives of Syrians and that you, as an Indian, not even a fellow Arab, should not tell Syrians what they should do.
Arabs are also slaughtering fellow Arabs in Syria and Iraq.
India helped Iraqis during Iran-Iraq and Gulf war with medical supplies and other support while your fellow Arabs was one funding war and then fighting with Iraq.
This put us Indian in much better light to speak than so called Fellow Arabs.

>>75% of all Syrians are Syrian Sunni Arabs. It is only natural that this group of people will dominate Syria again. Your Mughal example makes no sense.

I will write a separate post on that but Try to see from my point of view then you will see it fitting.

>>As for the Byzantines, the native population remained the same, and many Roman/Byzantine Emperors had Arab ancestry (Philip the Arab for instance). Anyway the Byzantines were non-local invaders and events 1400 years ago have nothing to do with the demographics of Syria in the year 2016.

Well, Then we can also ignore if Sunni Arabs Ruled Syria in past as all is history now including Byzantine, French,Sunni Arabs etc.

>>Why are you blabbering about some very short French rule?

It was an example and is in no way foolish.

>>Why don't you take a look at 500 posts in this thread?
If you notice in my previous post i mentioned 500 to answer one of my post he missed.
So, i read his posts and i am already clarifying any doubts/conflicts have on those.:coffee:

>>You don't know anything about Tunisia?
Rofl,Why? :rofl:

>>90% of all the 1.7 billion Muslims worldwide are Sunnis. We are going NOWHERE.

Don't worry, All Sunnis are not terrorists and extremist ,some are much more secular. Nobody need to go anywhere just extremists needs to adapt to current world or rooted out.

>>We will only get stronger on all fronts and more numerous for each month.
Only some counties will actually get stronger. If there were no Oil most of Islamic countries would have been in bad economic shape.
Turkey is one that sets itself apart.
Terrorism also grows with you strength unless extremist values are rooted out it will remain as cancer to your strong world.

Your last lines of post reflect as if i offended you somehow but i assure you if you find anything offensive in my previous or any post, it is purely unintentional.

Well, I am just disputing your initial claim that made it sound like the Al-Assad regime and the Syrian Kurds had never fought against each other.

You wrote that the currently Kurdish-controlled areas of Syria were conquered by rebels (I believe that you are here referring to FSA) which never was the case. That is what I mean with, "what are you blabbering about".

Arabs "dying all over the MENA" region is inaccurate as that only goes for the main 4 hotspots currently which are Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Libya. All of those countries are Arab countries. Besides Arabs are by far the biggest ethnic group in the MENA region, number 450 million people (at least) worldwide and are also the second largest ethnic group in the world after the Han Chinese.

As for Kurds killing/displacing native people, that is not a light crime.

I know that ISIS are in a hard place (good news) but I do not believe that they are "done" in Syria as in that they are going to disappear completely tomorrow or in say 1 years time.

FSA and your regular Syrian opposition group is not discriminating or targeting minorities in Syria. That is what I meant.

You have a very strange view of Muslims and "Islamists". I am not an Islamist myself but I would like to see KSA retain some link to Islam and Islamic culture. That can be done in many, many ways. What ISIS has done is a total extreme.

Fair enough. That is good to hear.

When I say Syrian opposition I do not include ISISa and Al-Nusra (now under a different name. Foreigners in other groups are very limited. We are talking no more than 1000-2000 people. Most foreigners have joined ISIS and Al-Nusra (much less the latter).

US can obviously impact them negatively but the true is that those states that you have mentioned have hardly helped them with much. It is NOTHING compared to what kind of support Russia, Iran (billions upon billions) have been giving the Al-Assad regime.

They are not propaganda videos or articles.

Look, that is not an intelligent answer. Most of the population of Syria is located in the West. Aleppo is the largest city in Syria. Millions of civilians in Western Syria, mostly Syrian Sunni Arabs, have been starving/in a catastrophic situation thanks to the Al-Assad regime. The priority will obviously be to defend oneself in those areas of Syria rather than attacking an isolated city in the East of the country (Al-Raqqah) which is the capital of ISIS. That would be suicide.

As for Syrian opposition groups, not long ago, they attacked ISIS in Al-Bukamal but of course the international community did not really help them so they were outnumbered.


CIA, KSA and Jordan were apparently involved but it appears to me that nobody wants to really fully support the Syrian opposition as Russia has been supporting Al-Assad for instance. The infamous "red lines" of Obama come to mind and empty rhetoric of many MENA leaders in regards to helping Syrians.

Yazidis are Yazidis, not Kurds. Nor did they face extinction as there are no Yazidis (barely any) in Syria. Kurds where nowhere to be seen either until the Americans interfered.

Well, Syria is suffering from a civil war and Iraq was too/is albeit at a much lower intensity so this is not surprising. You are confusing the invasion of Kuwait (one man's work = Saddam) with the Iraq-Iran War. Yes, most, as in almost every Arab country supported Iraq against Iran which is something completely normal. Expect ironically neighboring fellow Ba'ath ruled Syria due to bad ties between Hafiz and Saddam and Libya-ruled Gaddafi due to the similar reason. However all Libyans and Syrians supported Iraq more or less. Nor did/do those regimes speak for Libyans or Syrians. Not anymore than the regime in KSA speaks for Saudi Arabians when it comes to the policy in Syria.

I cannot see the logic of that comparison for the reasons that I have stated. We are in 2016 and the Syrian Sunni Arabs are a clear demographic majority like they have always been since Syria (current nation state) was created and for the past 1400 years. Mughals were a tiny, tiny, tiny minority/dynasty that ruled parts of India. A foreign one too at that. A dynasty that does not exist in year 2016.

We are talking about the present and the recent past. Not what happened 15 centuries ago.

500 clearly showed, which is common knowledge for those who know the recent history of Syria, that secularism was present long before the Al-Assad dynasty took power and Ba'athism became popular. Nor do I know any example of Syrian Sunni Arabs (75% of the population) killing minorities during that time.

You seem not to know much about Tunisia.

I do not consider people fighting against the biggest genocidal dictator of this century, for their families, country, lands etc. for being terrorists at all. In this regard I do not care about their religion or sect the slightest. Speaking about terrorism, as I already wrote, Al-Assad is the PRIMARY reason for the rise of terrorism.

For instance the Arab world, which is in the vast majority Sunni Muslim, is the cradle of civilization and was one of the most wealthy areas of the world for millennia. Long before any oil and gas was found. The last many decades are a wrong period to use as a measuring stick. Also things are bound to improve on this front.

The point was merely that 9/10 Muslims that you see worldwide, are Sunni Muslim, and it seems that you have a bias/problem with us Sunni Muslims that is bound in ignorance.

Anyway you seem like a friendly person and as a person that is more informed about Syria than most of your counterparts here. I will give you that.

Anyway I shared/share the exact same opinion about Gaddafi who was a Sunni as 99,9% of all Libyans are so my opposition against Al-Assad has nothing to do with sect but what his regime has done, represents and their "friends". Not to say that those dictators/regimes had no legitimacy left and them staying longer in power would just mean more misery.

Anyway I will continue to insist that Al-Assad's time is numbered and that he and his "friends" are just prolonging the inevitable just to stay in control of the heavily damaged throne for a bit longer. He could have followed Ben Ali's example or Mubarak's and Syria would have looked much, much more differently today and for the better.
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If Kurds are not fighting or have not fought the Al-Assad regime how come are they (YPG and other Kurdish militias) able to control the mainly Kurdish inhabited areas? Before the civil war Kurds were second class citizens on all fronts.

Oh, the myth of every anti-Assad Syrian being an "Islamist". I wonder when people will open their eyes?

Funnily enough the Assad regime would not survive without SWARMS of foreign Shia Islamists.

There are plenty of videos, material and articles on the internet that you can research or watch.

You wrote that the Syrian opposition and ISIS has never fought against each other which is complete and utter nonsense as the Syrian opposition has fought more against ISIS than ISIS has fought against the Al-Assad regime and allies.

Whether you like it or not the vast, vast majority of Syrians are Muslims and they want Islam to play a role in their lives and society. Anyway the degree of that influence is highly exaggerated. Also with all due respect, you are an Indian, how are you going to tell Syrians how to live? Would you like if Syrians meddled in internal Indian affairs and told you what to do or follow? I doubt it.

A rather dumb example, with all due respect, as Mughals were a tiny, tiny minority of India. Meanwhile Syrian Sunni Arabs form at least 75% of Syria's population. What is the number of Mughals in India today? Hint, nobody knows and it is probably not more than a few thousand.

This thread already disproved your nonsense claim of "Sunnis" this and that.

Syria has never been in a better shape than when it was ruled by Syrian Sunni Arabs before the Ba'ath Party and later Al-Assad regime took power.

Tunisia is one of the most democratic Arab and Muslim countries (if not the most democratic) and they are 99% Sunni Arabs.

When will people understand once and for all that nobody in the Arab world is wearing a burqa? It is a Persian word and that dress is worn mainly in Afghanistan and nearby regions and countries. The most conservative dress worn in Syria and the Arab world as a whole is a niqab.

Besides that is never going to happen and even if that did occur it would be their own choice. I personally do not care how women dress in the UK although I know that many women, barely teenagers, dress very slutty as I have seen it myself plenty of times. Each to his own.

they have to wear slutty otherwise they are not recognized :)
@Sargon of Akkad

>>Well, I am just disputing your initial claim that made it sound like the Al-Assad regime and the Syrian Kurds had never fought against each other.
I talked about the intensity of fight that is still not present in Hurds vs Syrian Govt. case. (See my previous post here & I still stand by that claim)

>> You wrote that the currently Kurdish-controlled areas of Syria were conquered by rebels (I believe that you are here referring to FSA) which never was the case. That is what I mean with, "what are you blabbering about".

Kurds took over when Syrian Govt couldn't hold areas and lost to rebels/IS.
In case you forgot IS was also part of rebels in initial phase. (Remember VICE documentary about Division 17 Base).

>>Arabs "dying all over the MENA" region is inaccurate as that only goes for the main 4 hotspots currently which are Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Libya. All of those countries are Arab countries. Besides Arabs are by far the biggest ethnic group in the MENA region, number 450 million people (at least) worldwide and are also the second largest ethnic group in the world after the Han Chinese.
But those hotspot come in MENA Region , that's what i meant. I never said every Arab is fighting. (Link to me if you somehow managed to read that.)

>>As for Kurds killing/displacing native people, that is not a light crime.
Even when compared to crimes of IS (Sunni extremists) in IRAQ and Syria?

>>I know that ISIS are in a hard place (good news) but I do not believe that they are "done" in Syria as in that they are going to disappear completely tomorrow or in say 1 years time.
Done means their large offensive capabilities are mostly gone, they are more in defensive than offensive. Tomorrow no but in a year they may disappear from iraq completely and in another or two from syria as well.

>>FSA and your regular Syrian opposition group is not discriminating or targeting minorities in Syria. That is what I meant.
You backed down from your own stand in same thread,Rofl. See your own post here and tell it is not true or you learn entirely different things each day. They are minority ? (I don't think those women fought against moderate beheaders of fought their husbands war.):pleasantry:

>>You have a very strange view of Muslims and "Islamists".
No, That was truth. I have some friends who follow Islam but they are much more social than secular minded than those extremists.
:offtopic: (Here in india many people who follow Islam bad mouth about India even when they live in india, Eat indian food, use Indian facilities & they don't even immigrate to "Land of Pure":haha:.)

>>I am not an Islamist myself but I would like to see KSA retain some link to Islam and Islamic culture. That can be done in many, many ways.
I don't want to comment here what i don't like when Islamic followers dream/interfere with secular nation and incite religious hardliners (& also Sharia imposers).

>>What ISIS has done is a total extreme.

>>When I say Syrian opposition I do not include ISIS and Al-Nusra (now under a different name. Foreigners in other groups are very limited. We are talking no more than 1000-2000 people. Most foreigners have joined ISIS and Al-Nusra (much less the latter).
But IS/Nusra/Al-Sham represent majority of opposition fighting force without them there is no significant land under Rebel control.
(*) Here i took Rebels = Opposing Syrian Government, Not according to their level of extremism.

>>US can obviously impact them negatively but the true is that those states that you have mentioned have hardly helped them with much. It is NOTHING compared to what kind of support Russia, Iran (billions upon billions) have been giving the Al-Assad regime.
Well if you unaware most soviet weapons used by rebels come from stockpiles of Old Soviet Block states like Bulgaria etc. Level of help can only be significant if look at lower scale ,if you say like countries contributed more than $10 Billion in Syrian war only some will qualify but if you say more than $50 million a lot of them will qualify, so matter more on your level of view.

>>They are not propaganda videos or articles.
They are actually propaganda videos.
From Those videos how can you actually conclude they are christians because of cross?
Please specifically include your logic in next reply i am looking forward to it.

>>Look, that is not an intelligent answer.
May be intelligence has different meaning where you live.

>>Most of the population of Syria is located in the West. Aleppo is the largest city in Syria. Millions of civilians in Western Syria, mostly Syrian Sunni Arabs, have been starving/in a catastrophic situation thanks to the Al-Assad regime. The priority will obviously be to defend oneself in those areas of Syria rather than attacking an isolated city in the East of the country (Al-Raqqa) which is the capital of ISIS. That would be suicide.
I always wonder from these statement why a Common Civilian will remain in warzone, they face certain death of other hazardous situations there also starvation but still they stay. Because they are not common people,they are opposition sympathisers.

>>As for Syrian opposition groups, not long ago, they attacked ISIS in Al-Bukamal but of course the international community did not really help them so they were outnumbered.


If you see, it is a one day fight of IS with casualties in one or two digits but in palmyra , kobani, manbij,eastern aleppo areas length of battles is some time in months and very high casualty count.


>>CIA, KSA and Jordan were apparently involved but it appears to me that nobody wants to really fully support the Syrian opposition.
You can apparently see why no one truly wish to back moderate beheaders.

>>Russia has been supporting Al-Assad for instance.
Russia is supporting him for their own interest.

>>Yazidis are Yazidis, not Kurds.
Please update yourself .

>>Nor did they face extinction as there are no Yazidis (barely any) in Syria. Kurds were nowhere to be seen either until the Americans interfered.

I meant from IS (Sunni Islamists) in ME not specifically in Syria


>>Well, Syria is suffering from a civil war and Iraq was too/is albeit at a much lower intensity so this is not surprising. You are confusing the invasion of Kuwait (one man's work = Saddam) with the Iraq-Iran War. Yes, most, as inalmost every Arab country supported Iraq against Iran which is something completely normal. Expect ironically neighboring fellow Ba'ath ruled Syria due to bad ties between Hafiz and Saddam and Libya-ruled Gaddafi due to the similar reason. However all Libyans and Syrians supported Iraq more or less. Nor did/do those regimes speak for Libyans or Syrians. Not anymore than the regime in KSA speaks for Saudi Arabians when it comes to the policy in Syria.
I mentioned them because you told me you are as fellow arab is in much better position to give opinion about them than indian like me. I showed their real face to you,they are their own enemies more than anyone else in world.

>>almost every Arab country supported Iraq against Iran which is something completely normal.

You were singing songs of fellow Arabs in previous post look how they back-stab each other.

>>Not anymore than the regime in KSA speaks for Saudi Arabians when it comes to the policy in Syria.
Can't comment. Never went to KSA.

>>We are talking about the present and the recent past. Not what happened 15 centuries ago.

That also comes under past.:what:

>>For instance the Arab world, which is in the vast majority Sunni Muslim, is the cradle of civilization and was one of the most wealthy areas of the world for millennia. Long before any oil and gas was found. The last many decades are a wrong period to use as a measuring stick.
You are not ready to measure syrian governance on same scale and is stuck on sunni arabs but you are ready to do that on economic scale.

>>Also things are bound to improve on this front.
May be but will going to take a quite lot of time.

>>The point was merely that 9/10 Muslims that you see worldwide, are Sunni Muslim, and it seems that you have a bias/problem with us Sunni Muslims that is bound in ignorance.
Actually it is Sunni extremist i don't like. And you will agree there are a lot of them.

>>Anyway you seem like a friendly person and as a person that is more informed about Syria than most of your counterparts here. I will give you that.

:enjoy:. You are also conversing patiently and in calm manner.

>>Anyway I shared/share the exact same opinion about Gaddafi who was a Sunni as 99,9% of all Libyans are so my opposition against Al-Assad has nothing to do with sect but what his regime has done, represents and their "friends". Not to say that those dictators/regimes had no legitimacy left and them staying longer in power would just mean more misery.
I think Libya was much calm and more united under Gaddafi than now what it is.
Any victory in Syria will Pyrrhic whoever wins but Rebels chances if you truly ask me are really Slim unless of course US forces help them.

>>Anyway I will continue to insist that Al-Assad's time is numbered and that he and his "friends" are just prolonging the inevitable just to stay in control of the heavily damaged throne for a bit longer.
Rebels are divided & no way strong enough to take all of Syria. Even if they do hate towards each other in general population will remain & may take form of insurgencies.

>> He could have followed Ben Ali's example or Mubarak's and Syria would have looked much, much more differently today and for the better.
It is true he should have settled matter in way beneficial to him and syrians when protests started before war, Syria would have been in much better shape.

PS: I didn't answer two of your questions here i will write a separate post on them. Good Day:victory1:
If Assad falls then every woman in Syria is going to be wearing a burqa like their sisters in Iraq. Given their beauty it would be tragic.
You just repeated the first myth. Assad is worst thing happened to secularism. Because he associates secularism with his brutal dictatorship, mass murder, industrial level torture...While Syria before Assad was both free and secular.

6) Myth: We should support Assad otherwise Syria will turn into another Libya.

Since 2012, after Qaddafi was ousted, we have some 5,000 killed in Libya. Most of the refuges have returned. In Syria in same period we have 400,000 killed + 10 million refugees and their number is growing, daily insane bombings and murder. So Syria is much much worse than Libya. We should pray that Syria to be like Libya today.
You just repeated the first myth. Assad is worst thing happened to secularism. Because he associates secularism with his brutal dictatorship, mass murder, industrial level torture...While Syria before Assad was both free and secular.

6) Myth: We should support Assad otherwise Syria will turn into another Libya.

Since 2012, after Qaddafi was ousted, we have some 5,000 killed in Libya. Most of the refuges have returned. In Syria in same period we have 400,000 killed + 10 million refugees and their number is growing, daily insane bombings and murder. So Syria is much much worse than Libya. We should pray that Syria to be like Libya today.
Gadaffi didn't let boat people form all over Africa cross to Europe. He cracked down ruthlessly on them.
By the way, Assad and his father have kept the truce over the Golan heights for 40 years. Do you think the Muslim brotherhood/Salafists fighting him would do the same?
Gadaffi didn't let boat people form all over Africa cross to Europe. He cracked down ruthlessly on them.
Refugees is problem of Europe. Do u see refugees coming to Singapore? I don't why?

By the way, Assad and his father have kept the truce over the Golan heights for 40 years. Do you think the Muslim brotherhood/Salafists fighting him would do the same?
Assad kept truce not because he is nice, but because he was spanked hard. Same goes in Syria. Unless he gets spanked very very hard he wont keep truce with rebels.
Gadaffi didn't let boat people form all over Africa cross to Europe. He cracked down ruthlessly on them.
By the way, Assad and his father have kept the truce over the Golan heights for 40 years. Do you think the Muslim brotherhood/Salafists fighting him would do the same?
he want a regime change in Syria cutting supply route to hezbolah and he doesn't care if all Syrians die to accomplish this goal
he want a regime change in Syria cutting supply route to hezbolah and he doesn't care if all Syrians die to accomplish this goal
You are repeating myth #6. Dictator is only increasing killing and suffer dozens time. Those who insist to keep Assad are responsible for 400,000 deaths.
You are repeating myth #6. Dictator is only increasing killing and suffer dozens time. Those who insist to keep Assad are responsible for 400,000 deaths.
before the civil war Syria was not perfect but there were peace and the Syrians lived better than a number of countries in the middle east
You are repeating myth #6. Dictator is only increasing killing and suffer dozens time. Those who insist to keep Assad are responsible for 400,000 deaths.
NO those who had plan to remove Assad are responsible ... removing of Assad is not American, Saudis, Qataris or any other one concerns it's Syrian whom should decide ...
before the civil war Syria was not perfect but there were peace and the Syrians lived better than a number of countries in the middle east
1) Assad led Syria to civil war.
2) Instead telling him to go like Ben Ali or Mubarak, Russia and Iran told him slaughter everyone who oppose u. So we got a bloodshed. And they keep insisting to keep Assad even every month of Assad rule brings thousands of dead.

NO those who had plan to remove Assad are responsible ... removing of Assad is not American, Saudis, Qataris or any other one concerns it's Syrian whom should decide ...
Yep then remove all ur thugs out of Syria and let them decide. Thats exactly my point.

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1) Assad led Syria to civil war.
2) Instead telling him to go like Ben Ali or Mubarak, Russia and Iran told him slaughter everyone who oppose u. So we got a bloodshed. And they keep insisting to keep Assad even every month of Assad rule brings thousands of dead.

1 the same propaganda war and false media reports were used in Egypt after 30 june 2013
2 if assad leave do you think the terrorists will drop their weapons and go home ? they are even killing each other
NO those who had plan to remove Assad are responsible ... removing of Assad is not American, Saudis, Qataris or any other one concerns it's Syrian whom should decide ...

The start of the whole mess was Syrians protesting vs Assad during the Arab Spring.
This was put down by Assads security forces.
Only after that states like Iran, KSA/Gulf States, Hezbollah, Russia and the US (half heartedly) started to meddle.
You want to blame Syrians for getting rid of a dictatorship, that already before the revolt
had been mass murdering its own citizens?
1 the same propaganda war and false media reports were used in Egypt after 30 june 2013
Better think what would happen in army started slaughtering anti Mubarak protestors just like Assad did.I guarantee you we would have a bloody civil war all over Egypt now. Because I know that popular support was totally against him.

2 if assad leave do you think the terrorists will drop their weapons and go home ? they are even killing each other
Same as in Libya, chaos is too big now, so civil war will continue, but at much much lower scale.


The faster dictator is kicked the less blood is spelled.

And biggest terrorist in Syria is Assad hands down.
yes, and are you a Ikhwan and morsi fanboy as well or is general el-Sisi the true democratically elected president who represents the will of the majority sunni population ?

btw, I like him, Saddam and Gaddafi were also so much better then what we have now, and Assad is a much better option than handing over Syria to the islamists.

strongmen are good for that part of the world, and speaking off, I hope Trump wins and allies with Putin to end the war in Syria.

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