I have an other conspiracy theory,, Indian armed forces are tierd of Modi,s expeditious behavior,they might have asked PA we don't want to mess with you but this pain chood modi wants to win elections so we will come with marrages to your side don't harm them and in return we will serve you with our flying cofins just shoot them and return the pilots, OR may be Modi is ISI asset they want him to win elections so they are clearing his way, because the end of a secular India and born of a extremist Hindu India will help Pakistani cause, because more the indians become extremists more there will be conflicts with in India with the minorities, Or India and USA might not want to leave Afghanistan so they just heated eastern pak border to distract China from CPEC ,China at this time is silent bcoz she thinks and independent Kashmir will let USA to put his boots in Kashmir just next to his doorsteps, so things are complicated,