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Myanmar's Rohingya insurgency has links to Saudi Arabia, Pakistan: report

not surprising, all islamic terror can be traced back to the evil kingdom.
Pakistan is really inproving its global terrorism footprint
In other breaking news it has now been confirmed that Pakistan was responsible for starting WW1, Communism and the collapse of the Austrian-Hungarian empire which spanned must of Central Europe. Independent analysts say it was all planed in Rahim-Yar Khan district of Southern Pakistan.

DNA evidence shows that Gavrillo Princip was actually Gohar Bhatti from Rahim Yar Khan district of Southern Pakistan. He shot Franz Ferdinand because of Islamic Blasphemy Laws and believed in an extreme form of Moslem Sharia.

It has also been proven that Vladimir Illych and Josef Stalin, leaders of Russia's Communist Party, were in fact Walliullah Ilyas and Yusuf Sohail from the troubled neighborhoods of Karachi, Pakistan's largest metropolitan city plagued by crime and violence.

Furthermore, evidence suggests that they all used spy pigeons trained by Pakistan's notorious ISI intelligence agency to aid in their nefarious plots.

Experts believe that the ISI planned all this and then used a time distortion device based on Chinese flux-capacitor technology to implement their evil plans.
For peace anywhere, Muslims(or any religious group) should stop converting others, trying to change local customs, and forcing their laws on other people.
Respect local/international human rights, and no one will bother you.
This is not acceptable to Muslims. For every 10 moderate ones there will be 5-6 radical ones. Moderates are silent supporters of the radical ones. Besides, the belief of One Ummat and no real patriotism or love towards own nation or own culture (embracing Arabic culture) makes them look like enemies for the other people. That surely makes it difficult. Since, their belief is from the Quran and Hadiths, we cannot really tame that also. Ultimately, a situation where Muslims believing they are truly peaceful and righteous believing their religion (which is really harsh towards Non-Muslims, Non-Muslim Countries and Cultures) and thus making themselves looks like enemies for the Non-Muslims. This is a special nature of Islam as it cannot be moderated or modernized which includes editing Quran and Hadiths to a moderate version. Other religions have this violent phases almost over including Christianity. But, Islam and Muslims - stick on more to their beliefs creating eternal potential for conflicts with other religions and culture.

But, somehow many Muslims indirectly accepts the local cultures and traditions hence creates a temporary peaceful situation. We are safe may be because many, if not most Muslims are Murtad and they have fallen for the Kuffar culture and they have religious tolerance and identifies with countries and shows patriotism - like in India.
This is another RAW-MOSSAD-CIA combined operation to malign the name of Pakistan and ISI. The have launched similar operations in Xinjiang to create differences between Pakistan and China. Luckily Pak and China were able to see through the enemy conspiracy and relations were not damaged.

This is not acceptable to Muslims. For every 10 moderate ones there will be 5-6 radical ones. Moderates are silent supporters of the radical ones. Besides, the belief of One Ummat and no real patriotism or love towards own nation or own culture (embracing Arabic culture) makes them look like enemies for the other people. That surely makes it difficult. Since, their belief is from the Quran and Hadiths, we cannot really tame that also. Ultimately, a situation where Muslims believing they are truly peaceful and righteous believing their religion (which is really harsh towards Non-Muslims, Non-Muslim Countries and Cultures) and thus making themselves looks like enemies for the Non-Muslims. This is a special nature of Islam as it cannot be moderated or modernized which includes editing Quran and Hadiths to a moderate version. Other religions have this violent phases almost over including Christianity. But, Islam and Muslims - stick on more to their beliefs creating eternal potential for conflicts with other religions and culture.

But, somehow many Muslims indirectly accepts the local cultures and traditions hence creates a temporary peaceful situation. We are safe may be because many, if not most Muslims are Murtad and they have fallen for the Kuffar culture and they have religious tolerance and identifies with countries and shows patriotism - like in India.
RAW is sponsoring terrorism in Afghanistan
DNA evidence shows that Gavrillo Princip was actually Gohar Bhatti from Rahim Yar Khan district of Southern Pakistan. He shot Franz Ferdinand because of Islamic Blasphemy Laws and believed in an extreme form of Moslem Sharia.

It has also been proven that Vladimir Illych and Josef Stalin, leaders of Russia's Communist Party, were in fact Walliullah Ilyas and Yusuf Sohail from the troubled neighborhoods of Karachi, Pakistan's largest metropolitan city plagued by crime and violence.

Furthermore, evidence suggests that they all used spy pigeons trained by Pakistan's notorious ISI intelligence agency to aid in their nefarious plots.

Experts believe that the ISI planned all this and then used a time distortion device based on Chinese flux-capacitor technology to implement their evil plans.

Thing you've got it wrong. Leading dna experts later corrected that BOTH Adolf Hitler & Joseph Stalin were not from Karachi but were both from Daadayal village in Mirpur district.
Thing you've got it wrong. Leading dna experts later corrected that BOTH Adolf Hitler & Joseph Stalin were not from Karachi but were both from Daadayal village in Mirpur district.
DNA evidence also proved that Modi belongs to same species of Monkeys who became extra intelligent after eating COW DUNG and drinking its P-i-ss
Good, train them and arm them. Let the monks pay the price, for too long they've slaughtered defenseless Rohingas. It must get expensive now.

So what's your budget? If you want I can arrange for contacts in Burma.
We do not want to be smart rather than prefer to be fool and protect our own Inidan brothers...

You may not be smart but intentions are there when you, as a nation, send a terrorist, butcher of Gujrat to the PM chair.

Before you talk about gujrat you should remember its muslims who started a roit by buring a train full of hindus..

What will have Muslims done if Hindus burned a train full of muslims?

That has been debunked that it was Muslims who burned that train in Gujrat. Infact you look at India history, the same blame game happened right after Samjhota express carnage where India had the audacity to blame that terrorist act on ISI and Pakistan as if we will kill our own citizens on Indian soil, and like all other non sense, later it turn out to be work of Hindu terrorists back by Hindu establishment in India.
You may not be smart but intentions are there when you, as a nation, send a terrorist, butcher of Gujrat to the PM chair.

That has been debunked that it was Muslims who burned that train in Gujrat. Infact you look at India history, the same blame game happened right after Samjhota express carnage where India had the audacity to blame that terrorist act on ISI and Pakistan as if we will kill our own citizens on Indian soil, and like all other non sense, later it turn out to be work of Hindu terrorists back by Hindu establishment in India.
Debunked by whom???? Any proofs..
Samjhauta was work of LET even US and UN believes that.. Check it
Debunked by whom???? Any proofs..
Samjhauta was work of LET even US and UN believes that.. Check it


Read and weep. India has long history of deception and lies. That "terror boat" incident is also another instance where India was "caught with pants down".

About the Gujarat train issue, how many "Muslims" have been convicted and punished for this? You lot are accusing Muslims, and when you cannot prove, that only mean that you are lying.
every wrong thing happening anywhere in the world is Pakistan's fault , by now we must have known that . By default Pakistan & Pakistanis are culprits . A 2 day old Pakistani baby can lead a terror ring :devil::chilli:
If Pakistani intelligence and Saudi money cannot bring down a state like Myanmar then trust me USSR is still alive and Russia never happened !

The fact is, Pakistan/KSA has nothing to do with whatever is happening in Myanmar
DNA evidence also proved that Modi belongs to same species of Monkeys who became extra intelligent after eating COW DUNG and drinking its P-i-ss

And no doubt the cause of which can be traced back to Pakistan.
DNA evidence shows that Gavrillo Princip was actually Gohar Bhatti from Rahim Yar Khan district of Southern Pakistan. He shot Franz Ferdinand because of Islamic Blasphemy Laws and believed in an extreme form of Moslem Sharia.

It has also been proven that Vladimir Illych and Josef Stalin, leaders of Russia's Communist Party, were in fact Walliullah Ilyas and Yusuf Sohail from the troubled neighborhoods of Karachi, Pakistan's largest metropolitan city plagued by crime and violence.

Furthermore, evidence suggests that they all used spy pigeons trained by Pakistan's notorious ISI intelligence agency to aid in their nefarious plots.

Experts believe that the ISI planned all this and then used a time distortion device based on Chinese flux-capacitor technology to implement their evil plans.
Are you serious? o_O
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