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Myanmar Rejects China’s Offer to Resolve Row With Bangladesh Over Rohingya

Myanmar shall kindly solve the Muslim minority issue. They can't treat them like animals.

Myanmar seriously has to address its cleaning policy against it minority's in the north and south, why is that? Is that kinda of nationalistic racism? They need to calm down.
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Syed Amar Khan

Two Myanmar Military Officers and two other men were arrested by Myanmar Border Guard Police in Rakhine state with 444,000 methamphetamine pills destined to be smuggled to neighbouring Bangladesh. The street value of the drugs are estimated to be 880 million kyat ($650,000).

A local border guard police officer said the four men were arrested at a checkpoint while travelling from Rakhine’s Butheedaung township to Maungdaw.

‘A major and his fellow soldier and two Rakhines were arrested with stimulant tablets by a combined team on Monday morning,’ he said.
‘The military officer and soldier will be dealt with according to the military’s rules and regulations, so we have already transferred the two to the local military command.’

Myanmar is one of the largest drug-producers in the world, churning out vast quantities of opium, cannabis and millions of caffeine-laced methamphetamine pills known as ‘yaba’.

Last year police confiscated a record 98 million of the tablets, nearly double the 50 million seized in 2015. Drug prosecutions also jumped by around 50 per cent to 13,500.

Most pills are made by armed ethnic groups along Myanmar’s eastern border with China and then exported across Southeast Asia, with clients running the gamut from truck drivers to wealthy party-goers.

Military figures have also been accused of profiting from the drug trade but prosecutions of army officers are rare in the former junta-run country.

Meth tablets headed for Bangladesh are often smuggled across the Naf river that divides the two countries by Rohingya Muslims, a poor and persecuted minority.

More than 70,000 Rohingya fled to Bangladesh in recent months to escape a bloody army crackdown in northern Rakhine.
State media has been reporting almost daily seizures of the pills in the area over recent months. In February a Buddhist monk was caught hiding more than four million tablets in his monastery according to the news report.
Whats the fuss ?

China offered to mediate, Myanmar said "Thanks but No thanks , we'll sort it out amongst ourselves"

Posters here are going into tizzies over nothing.

Rohingya refugees who recently fled violence in Myanmar wait in a long food line in Ukhia, Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh, March 5, 2017.

The Myanmar government has rejected an offer by its powerful neighbor China to mediate a diplomatic dispute that the Southeast Asian country is having with Bangladesh over the recent exodus of minority Rohingya Muslims, a government spokesman said on Monday.

On April 25, China offered to step in between the two nations that are butting heads over the plight of tens of thousands of Rohingya who fled to Bangladesh during a violent crackdown in western Myanmar’s Rakhine state that began last October.

The stateless Rohingya have been living in refugee camps in Cox's Bazar near the border with Myanmar while the two countries hash out which one should take responsibility for them. Many people in Myanmar believe the Rohingya are illegal refugees from Bangladesh and refer to them as “Begalis.”

“Myanmar and Bangladesh are already trying to solve the Rakhine issue,” Zaw Htay, spokesman of the State Counselor’s Office, said at a news conference in the capital Naypyidaw on April 29. “Our government’s policy is to resolve this problem bilaterally between Myanmar and Bangladesh.”

“We can understand China’s offer for mediation, as it has its interests in the region such as with the Kyaukphyu pipeline but, as I have said, our policy is to resolve it [the issue] between Myanmar and Bangladesh ourselves,” he said.

The U.S. $1.5 billion oil pipeline connects Rakhine state’s deep-water port in the town of Kyaukphyu in the Bay of Bengal with the city of Kunming, capital of southwestern China’s Yunnan province, but has not begun pumping crude from Myanmar to China because the countries have yet to finalize the terms of the deal and sign a contract.

China also wants to mitigate the row between Myanmar and Bangladesh to ensure that its infrastructure development interests in both nations remain secure.

Myanmar has come under heavy fire by the international community and rights groups for possible “ethnic cleansing” of the Rohingya during the four-month crackdown and for its basic treatment of the members of the group, who are denied citizenship and other basic rights in the Buddhist-majority country.
actually it's fake new and propaganda from Western media like RFA and VOA. last time , RFA aired fake news over Myanmar army and didn't apologized yet. there is no such news in local. As far as i know , Aung San Su Kyi will negotiate about this in next her China trip.. after her ASEAN and Europe trip. nice try to make crack relationship of Myanmar-China and want not to use veto of China in next time. so Double moddle finger to RFA.. Fxxk you..
actually it's fake new and propaganda from Western media like RFA and VOA. last time , RFA aired fake news over Myanmar army and didn't apologized yet. there is no such news in local. As far as i know , Aung San Su Kyi will negotiate about this in next her China trip.. after her ASEAN and Europe trip. nice try to make crack relationship of Myanmar-China and want not to use veto of China in next time. so Double moddle finger to RFA.. Fxxk you..

Hoped you enjoyed this thread full of butthurt :P
Hoped you enjoyed this thread full of butthurt :P
They need to come down to a peaceful solution to the Robinyas. Why you instigate them to do the wrong things?

Aung sang is a woman I respect, but she seems don't have substantial control on Myanmar army. I think Aung Sang Suky always advocate ethnic reconciliation? Why Myanmar army push iron fist policy toward minorities?
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Hoped you enjoyed this thread full of butthurt :P
yes. bro
lol to see some BD's wanna to take military action over Myanmar. :P

They need to come down to a peaceful solution to the Robinyas. Why you instigate them to do the wrong things?

Aung sang is a woman I respect, but she seems don't have substantial control on Myanmar army.
Yes. we also hope to solve in peaceful ways and this will be one of important issue to be negotiated with China in next her trip.
yes. bro
lol to see some BD's wanna to take military action over Myanmar. :P

Yes. we also hope to solve in peaceful ways and this will be one of important issue to be negotiated with China in next her trip.
Aunt sang is welcomed to visit China, she is a peace keeper. A pragmatic and persistent lady. I think Myanmar and BD shall talk to each other to solve the dispute. We need a peaceful environment in this region to develop economy for both benefits.

It's very good that Myanmar want to talk with BD bilaterally. If you get stuck somewhere in the negotiation, China will come to help. We also can provide financial aid to your reconciliation process. War should be the last way resort to. If a war begin, everything is ruined.
China can easily instigate BD and Myanmar go to war and we can sell arms to both side to maximize our Benifits. sorry, we not gonna do it for the wellbeing of Bangladeshis and Burmese. Hold your horse and ready for negotiation. If war can resolve all the problem, USA won't have declined as of now.

Myanmar shall take care of those Rohinyas as how we treat Uyghers. It's time the majority Burmese ethnic to show their diversity and inclusiveness.

China will talk to Premier Aung Sang Suyki about our concern and I expect a positive outcome.
Yes, but will enough countries take part to make this effective?

I am not saying that BD should take military action against Myanmar, but it should retain option to do so.

As long as China does not protect Myanmar, then once BD's economy is stronger and military is modernised then
it will have options to force them to behave. If that means using the military or threatening to use it, then so be it.

Sorry to crush your dream..
Expecting China not to protec Myanmar is just like expecting China not to protect North Korea
Sorry to crush your dream..
Expecting China not to protec Myanmar is just like expecting China not to protect North Korea
If there is war occur, we will keep neutral. Myanmar is an independent country, China can't dictate it. We choose to talk to them and tell them the Pros and cons of their action like a big brother. In this world, no one can shove thing down to others throat.
Yes, BD is peace-loving but....

Waging an immoral wage against Iraq/Afghanistan is not the same as forcing that barbaric and racist Myanmarese state to act humane.

Anyway once BD is much stronger economically and militarily, I am sure that Myanmar will adjust its behaviour as it will know that BD military can cause immense damage to it's infrastructure and military - with it being helpless to do anything about it.
Yes, but will enough countries take part to make this effective?

I am not saying that BD should take military action against Myanmar, but it should retain option to do so.

As long as China does not protect Myanmar, then once BD's economy is stronger and military is modernised then
it will have options to force them to behave. If that means using the military or threatening to use it, then so be it.
I am sure they acknowledg that now. Else they would move their warship back to their coast 10 years back when we sent ours.

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