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Myanmar Rejects China’s Offer to Resolve Row With Bangladesh Over Rohingya

Now you are talking. This land belong to Rohignyas. So they must have full right like any other citizen of Burma.
Lol outsiders will always in status of outsiders. Will never be ethnic people.
Why Myanmar government keep insist not to give Rohinyas the citizenship.@Aung Zaya
Clear bro.
These immigrants don't want only citizenships what they deserve. But want to be ethnic and own state which is impossible.
What..!!!? Do u ever heard outsiders can decided one country's citizenships process..? They can be consultant but can't be main body. And as for me , China is ok. But how about UN..? UN itself is not neutral body. They are one side with those Bengalis. But agreed Russia , China and India involvement.
When a group of people are subject to ethnic cleansing then in some point of time consultation process also ceased and referred to ICJ (International Criminal Court of Justice). MM is in danger of moving in that direction if situation is not altered. Not everytime China will come to your rescue if you keep pretending like North Korea

These immigrants don't want only citizenships what they deserve. But want to be ethnic and own state which is impossible.

@wanglaokan Now you know it..
What..!!!? Do u ever heard outsiders can decided one country's citizenships process..? They can be consultant but can't be main body. And as for me , China is ok. But how about UN..? UN itself is not neutral body. They are one side with those Bengalis. But agreed Russia , China and India involvement.

1.First of all, stick to facts. The King of Ava invaded and occupied Arakan in 1784. The Arakanese FFs - both Muslim and Buddhist, lobbied with the English Co in Bengal to expel the Burmese invades. This was done in 1826. ALI (The Arakan Light Infantry) was raised with the Arakanese and some Monipuris to guide the English into Arakan. The crafty/wicked English thereafter continued to rule till 1948. Under their divide and rule doctrine, the British did not return Arakan to the Arkanese. Instead it was attached with Burma to create a violent issue.
2. Burma should just leave and let the Arakanese rule themselves.
1.First of all, stick to facts. The King of Ava invaded and occupied Arakan in 1784. The Arakanese FFs - both Muslim and Buddhist, lobbied with the English Co in Bengal to expel the Burmese invades. This was done in 1826. ALI (The Arakan Light Infantry) was raised with the Arakanese and some Monipuris to guide the English into Arakan. The crafty/wicked English thereafter continued to rule till 1948. Under their divide and rule doctrine, the British did not return Arakan to the Arkanese. Instead it was attached with Burma to create a violent issue.
2. Burma should just leave and let the Arakanese rule themselves.
No need to say anymore. @Nilgiri did it.. :D
1.First of all, stick to facts. The King of Ava invaded and occupied Arakan in 1784. The Arakanese FFs - both Muslim and Buddhist, lobbied with the English Co in Bengal to expel the Burmese invades. This was done in 1826. ALI (The Arakan Light Infantry) was raised with the Arakanese and some Monipuris to guide the English into Arakan. The crafty/wicked English thereafter continued to rule till 1948. Under their divide and rule doctrine, the British did not return Arakan to the Arkanese. Instead it was attached with Burma to create a violent issue.
2. Burma should just leave and let the Arakanese rule themselves.
South Tibet problem, Kirshmir problem, Arakan problem. I hate UK colonizer to death.
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Made some modification for description

It is a contiguous land and the border is only recent. One fine morning a ethnic group was called illegal immigrant and asked to pack. I dont think any civilized nation ever did that to a entire group of people.
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South Tibet problem, Kirshmir problem, Arakan problem. I hate UK colonizer to death.

Add Af - Pak - Durand Line to your list.

Hating them will not solve issues, we need to show maturity and resolve issues.
Hating them will not solve issues, we need to show maturity and resolve issues.
Do not expect politicians of our day to show maturity. Regardless.of whether they are Bangladeshi, Indian, Pakistani, Burmese or Chinese

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