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Myanmar May Have Just Bombed Chinese Territory -- Now What?

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There was an old thread here which showed Wa and Kokant APCs which were clearly of Chinese origin. Whether the support is official or not, whether low key or high key, it remains that they get their arms through China and many Kokant rebels reside in China. Their leader, infact, is a Chinese national.

What happened yesterday was very unfortunate. You won't get any arguments there. Again I offer my sincerest condolences and if the situation were reversed I would be fuming.

What needs to happen is more state level coopoeration to coordinate against, what in my opinion, is a mutual threat.

What China govt do these years? China govt helped those minority to abandon opium agriculture and production. China govt or ordinary businessmen trade and invest in the areas. Don't consider China the same way as USSR, this is American trap. USSR can only provide weapons. Please note China can provide both security and economy development.

You pointed Wa minority. In the first place it's America provide them with weapons in 60's and 70's to fight against communism. The Shan minority has more close relations with Thailand.

For the time being, I don't understand Myanmar govt. I don't know what ideas in their mind. Play the balance game? American can help Myanmar improve economy, I think nobody will oppose it. A prosperous Myanmar is beneficial to neighbor especially China.
Well, Phone Kyar Shin is the one who ordered the attack. What he's up to is anyone'a guess.

The Wa were communists in the 60s and 70s.

I do concede that this is playing in the army's favour. It's an election year so they probably want to make themselves look useful.

As an aside, it will probably mean a fairer election.

It should be Kachin minority, right? As an ordinary Chinese, I pay little attentions to the areas before conflicts happened again and again there recently. Maybe I mix Wa state and Kachin state.

Well, Phone Kyar Shin is the one who ordered the attack. What he's up to is anyone'a guess.

The Wa were communists in the 60s and 70s.

I do concede that this is playing in the army's favour. It's an election year so they probably want to make themselves look useful.

As an aside, it will probably mean a fairer election.

What's your race in Myanmar?
It should be Kachin minority, right? As an ordinary Chinese, I pay little attentions to the areas before conflicts happened again and again there recently. Maybe I mix Wa state and Kachin state.

What's your race in Myanmar?

Yeah, you're confusing them.

I'm 1/2 Burmese proper and half other ethnicities.
Where are chinese airdefences these is avenue to show your weapons see how israel takes down those gaza rockets and is proud and that makes their defence machines sell as top notch. Ffs a house was destroyed this is no longer a mistake. If china can't preempt such attacks then I belive all xis crap of winning modern war is hubris.

Well , i myself im speechless to see their air defence systems didnt detect these aircrafts and subsequently scramble fighter jets to intercept them. Its rather embarassing for such a big country allowing its airspace to be violated not once but several times and even bombed/its civilians killed in its own territory. This sure is a HUGE embarassment. If their air defence system couldnt detect and shoot down a poorly trained/armed country like Burma, then what chance do they have of detecting western/U.S/Japanese and even Russian aircrafts/fighter jets if/when they ever enter their air space?? We should note that this isnt the first time the Burmese airfoce has entered their airspace and strike, they have done it several times in the past with total impunity. So this shows the Chinese air defences has some serious flaws which they need to correct/rectify.

Anyway, its always better when you can see your mistakes in such situations/peace times, than when you start encountering them in a major war with a bigger/more powerful ennemy. So guess its a good learning curve for the Chinese. Seems this conflict is turning into their own Crimea.lool

Funny enough i agree with the Chinese member on here who said that if China was a democracy, it would have long invaded/or at least replaced the current regime in Burma with the one it likes/intervened. Had the KMT/nationalists won the Chinese civil war then Asia will be a totally different place today. For one they would have taken all the islands in SCS l,ong ago, like they did with the largest island in spratlys threy currently hold. they would have had the senkakus islands from the U.S back since they will have been allies. any little provocation from countries like myanmar would have been met with brute force, since any democracy needs to heed its people calll, especially when they are attacked from within threir own country(nnno censors like the CCP to delete their peoples posts online.lol) , they would have done all these without much noise from our media//politicians since we would have been allies/partners. In short China would have been mucvh more bigger and its neighbours would have had it much worse to be honest. this is the irony, since the one party authoritarian CCP is rather good for china's neighbours.lool

Anyway RIP to the Chinese farmers.:(

SO they just sit there and let their people die?

Well to be honest with you Yes they should. They have no other choice, except they are willing to change their foriegn policy to an interventionist one like the west/U.S/Russia and even India.:) hihihihihihihihi:D........as they grow more and more powerful/influential, they too will come to realise that this policy is unrealistic/untenable.:) then we will see if they will still be quick to judge the U.S/west. with great power comes great responsibility my friend.:):big_boss:
Yeah, you're confusing them.

I'm 1/2 Burmese proper and half other ethnicities.

Do you agree with the concept that your govt find measures to treat every minority equally and peacefully in future?

In this world, there are three main methods to treat minority. One is like American or Australian kill most of native Indians, another is like the South America nations who make race reconciliation and the third is like East Asia nations' assimilation.

You can research this. It's important for your country.
Do you agree with the concept that your govt find measures to treat every minority equally and peacefully in future?

In this world, there are three main methods to treat minority. One is like American or Australian kill most of native Indians, another is like the South America nations who make race reconciliation and the third is like East Asia nations' assimilation.

You can research this. It's important for your country.

I know very much the issues that face my country and as much about world history. This thread doesn't have the adequate scope to talk about it in detail so I'm just dealing with the matter at hand.
Well , i myself im speechless to see their air defence systems didnt detect these aircrafts and subsequently scramble fighter jets to intercept them. Its rather embarassing for such a big country allowing its airspace to be violated not once but several times and even bombed/its civilians killed in its own territory. This sure is a HUGE embarassment. If their air defence system couldnt detect and shoot down a poorly trained/armed country like Burma, then what chance do they have of detecting western/U.S/Japanese and even Russian aircrafts/fighter jets if/when they ever enter their air space?? We should note that this isnt the first time the Burmese airfoce has entered their airspace and strike, they have done it several times in the past with total impunity. So this shows the Chinese air defences has some serious flaws which they need to correct/rectify.

Anyway, its always better when you can see your mistakes in such situations/peace times, than when you start encountering them in a major war with a bigger/more powerful ennemy. So guess its a good learning curve for the Chinese. Seems this conflict is turning into their own Crimea.lool

Funny enough i agree with the Chinese member on here who said that if China was a democracy, it would have long invaded/or at least replaced the current regime in Burma with the one it likes/intervened. Had the KMT/nationalists won the Chinese civil war then Asia will be a totally different place today. For one they would have taken all the islands in SCS l,ong ago, like they did with the largest island in spratlys threy currently hold. they would have had the senkakus islands from the U.S back since they will have been allies. any little provocation from countries like myanmar would have been met with brute force, since any democracy needs to heed its people calll, especially when they are attacked from within threir own country(nnno censors like the CCP to delete their peoples posts online.lol) , they would have done all these without much noise from our media//politicians since we would have been allies/partners. In short China would have been mucvh more bigger and its neighbours would have had it much worse to be honest. this is the irony, since the one party authoritarian CCP is rather good for china's neighbours.lool

Anyway RIP to the Chinese farmers.:(

Well to be honest with you Yes they should. They have no other choice, except they are willing to change their foriegn policy to an interventionist one like the west/U.S/Russia and even India.:) hihihihihihihihi:D........as they grow more and more powerful/influential, they too will come to realise that this policy is unrealistic/untenable.:) then we will see if they will still be quick to judge the U.S/west. with great power comes great responsibility my friend.:):big_boss:

I can find your deeply crazy worship of America. You must hate your ancestor didn't go to North America in 19th century and you lack ability of settling there nowadays.
Nah, Myanmar don't issue an message with force knowing what is China and I don't think China has any interest to harbor the rebel at the expense China -Myanmar relation, if China really wants to help the rebel, we might as well arms them and help them to pin point the location of Myanmar army position with SAT photo.

Ironically, i agree with kiss of Dragon, i dont think the Chinese government really harbours or officially supports these rebels per se(maybe some individuals in China/groups, buut not the government, since if the government was really involved then things will look quite different in Myanmar today. The government still has quite close relations with the leaders in Myanmar, plus the oil pipeline and their strategic interests in the country. There is no reason for them to support the rebel that much, peace and stability will serve them far more better than instability and war.

However, i think the Chinese air defences and preparedness is seriously lacking. Normally a major/big country like she should at least have a minimum air defence/airforce patrolling its border with a neighbour that is in civil war/conflict, and who has violated its airspace several times before without any actions being taken. Guess the Burmese have gotten used to doing this, the only reason it backfired this time is that they killed civilians in the country this time, otherwise it would have been business as usual.lol No matter how we look at it, its a huge embarassment for China and the CCP to be honest, even more so to the PLAAF.

I Can't imagine Ukrainian fighter jets(even with all our backing in the west/U.S) doing this to Russia? They can't even come close to Russian border(even in their own country) , much less violate/strike deep inside Russian territory, less their whole airforce be wiped out.lol .
The best way to cure a disease is to prevent it from happening in the first place. The Chinese should up their air defences and fighter jets(not J-7s lol) to patrol the region and avoid such unfortunate things like this one happening in future. In that case no one will be hurt and their relation with Myanmar will remain cordial and friendly.:) So prevention is better than cure always.:)
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Ironically, i agree with kiss of Dragon, i dont think the Chinese government really harbours or officially supports these rebels per se(maybe some individuals in China/groups, buut not the government, since if the government was really involved then things will look quite different in Myanmar today. The government still has quite close relations with the leaders in Myanmar, plus the oil pipeline and their strategic interests in the country. There is no reason for them to support the rebel that much, peace and stability will serve them far more better than instability and war.

However, i think the Chinese air defences and preparedness is seriously lacking. Normally a major/big country like she should at least have a minimum air defence/airforce patrolling its border with a neighbour that is in civil war/conflict, and who has violated its airspace several times before without any actions being taken. Guess the Burmese have gotten used to doing this, the only reason it backfired this time is that they killed civilians in the country this time, otherwise it would have been business as usual.lol No matter how we look at it, its a huge embarassment for China and the CCP to be honest, even more so to the PLAAF.

I Can't imagine Ukrainian fighter jets(even with all our backing in the west/U.S) doing this to Russia? They can't even come close to Russian border(even in their own country) , much less violate/strike deep inside Russian territory, less their whole airforce be wiped out.lol .
The best way to cure a disease is to prevent it from happening in the first place. The Chinese should up their air defences and fighter jets(not J-7s lol) to patrol the region and avoid such unfortunate things like this one happening in future. In that case no one will be hurt and their relation with Myanmar will remain cordial and friendly.:) So prevention is better than cure always.:)

You are good at analysis. But it seems you didn't get the points. Ukraine govt has expressed and acted obviously hostilely against Russia and want to ally with NATO. Except gas, Russian can't provide anything to Ukrainian who want trade with west Europe and jobs. So far, Myanmar has not expressed similar gesture openly. Myanmar still need Chinese investment to improve their economy.
This shows there are gaps in the PLA's air defense it took this long to responsed, and the PLAAF in that area are still using outdated J-6 and J-7s. If somethinge like this happens again it will hurt the CPCS credibility, China better increase the pace of our military modernization. And not let down our guard even near friendly countries.

Your idea is quite similar with my idea which you deleted.
Agree. J-6, J-7 are only effective to control the airspace against threat of hijacked air passengers or heavy bombers without escort. The authorities may downplay the risk from such countries like Myanmar, BD... so it's a surprise.

As I see, J-6 is Mig-17, J-7 is Mig-21 domestic version. Are they not what used to fight American fighters 50 years ago? in Vietnam War, or 65 years ago in Korean War?


But, hey, Aung Phaya has the statement that it's by black hands of Kokang rebels. It really make sense.
They could do it with hope getting support of China. @Aung Zaya @alaungphaya

Anyone posted the picture of crashed Mig-29, could you guys help to make clear on that? before use it as brick evidence about the invasion of MM ?
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Your idea is quite similar with my idea which you deleted.
Agree. J-6, J-7 are only effective to control the airspace against threat of hijacked air passengers or heavy bombers without escort. The authorities may downplay the risk from such countries like Myanmar, BD... so it's a surprise.

But, hey, Aung Phaya has the statement that it's by black hands of Kokang rebels. It really make sense.
They could do it with hope getting support of China.

Who is Aung Phaya? Make sure his identity before you make sense.
Hi friends !!!
Chinese member here @cnleio posted the pic of a crashed Mig-29 that he quoted from China media claimed that belong to MM and crashed into China territory.
Could you check in MM source and make clear that news for us? Thanks?

The later batches are SMT.

It was a mere 1km away from our border. No excuse but there we are. The Burmese often used to cross into Thailand with impunity when we used to fight the Karen but I guess China is a different fish to Thailand.
Well, Phone Kyar Shin is the one who ordered the attack. What he's up to is anyone'a guess.

The Wa were communists in the 60s and 70s.

I do concede that this is playing in the army's favour. It's an election year so they probably want to make themselves look useful.

As an aside, it will probably mean a fairer election.

I'm sorry if I play a bit of conspiracy theory. It is the bold that make me want to play a bit baseless accusation. So it's an election year and your army want to make themselves useful, then play behind the door with someone (Kokang / China?) and ask the Kokang Rebel to attack so the Army can get popularity there?

Or the other baseless accusation that we can consider as conspiracy theory, someone want to disturb the relation between Myanmar and China by support the Kokang Rebel and armed them to teeth. Because this is just a conspiracy theory, I say maybe India and US, because they have benefit from this separation. And, if I'm not mistakenly remember, you said that Kokang Rebel had something with Kachin, which is Western Christian.

This is of course only a conspiracy theory. So don't consider it seriously, but hopefully you can tell me about it.
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I'm sorry if I play a bit of conspiracy theory. It is the bold that make me want to play a bit baseless accusation. So it's an election year and your army want to make themselves useful, then play behind the door with someone (Kokang / China?) and ask the Kokang Rebel to attack so the Army can get popularity there?

Or the other baseless accusation that we can consider as conspiracy theory, someone want to disturb the relation between Myanmar and China by support the Kokang Rebel and armed them to teeth. Because this is just a conspiracy theory, I say maybe India and US, because they have benefit from this separation.

This is of course only a conspiracy theory. So don't consider it seriously, but hopefully you can tell me about it.

If ASEAN has their own peacekeeper force, it was time for them to help MM
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