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Myanmar Defence Forum

I don’t see any requirements of J 10C or any other fighters except for the dedicated ground attack fighters.
Inducting new types of aircrafts will create logistical nightmare for MAF.
We have Su 30SME for multirole, MiG 29SE/M for air superiority, JF 17 for maritime strike and frontline fighter.
What we need most urgently is the medium and light transport helicopters.
We haven’t inducted transport helicopters for almost 5 years.
even the Z 20 would not be too bad right now.
I don’t see any requirements of J 10C or any other fighters except for the dedicated ground attack fighters.
Inducting new types of aircrafts will create logistical nightmare for MAF.
We have Su 30SME for multirole, MiG 29SE/M for air superiority, JF 17 for maritime strike and frontline fighter.
What we need most urgently is the medium and light transport helicopters.
We haven’t inducted transport helicopters for almost 5 years.
Myanmar still has a weak air force compared to other ASEAN nations like Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam.
Myanmar still has a weak air force compared to other ASEAN nations like Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam.

Yes. Agereed to certain extent.
But Air Defence units of Myanmar are one of the best among the ASEAN countries.
Only the Vietnamese AD units are better equipped than Myanmar.
So SAM systems coupled with fighter aircrafts give us credible deterrence against any aggressors within the region.
Yes. Agereed to certain extent.
But Air Defence units of Myanmar are one of the best among the ASEAN countries.
Only the Vietnamese AD units are better equipped than Myanmar.
So SAM systems coupled with fighter aircrafts give us credible deterrence against any aggressors within the region.
Lol in actual war scenario that won't happen. MAF lacks both quality and quantity. No need to buy fancy fighter jets. Just produce JF-17 block 1,2,3 in large quantities that will be enough.
Yes. Agereed to certain extent.
But Air Defence units of Myanmar are one of the best among the ASEAN countries.
Only the Vietnamese AD units are better equipped than Myanmar.
So SAM systems coupled with fighter aircrafts give us credible deterrence against any aggressors within the region.

You are far off from Singapore too, as they maintained six Formidable class (with Aster missile) and integrated the AD system on board with their SPYDER SAM , ASTER 30 and Hawk system along with mobile IGLA to cover area less than 1000 km square.
Yes. Agereed to certain extent.
But Air Defence units of Myanmar are one of the best among the ASEAN countries.
Only the Vietnamese AD units are better equipped than Myanmar.
So SAM systems coupled with fighter aircrafts give us credible deterrence against any aggressors within the region.
Also Myanmar army does not have a good armoured regiment and the Myanmar navy does not have advanced equipments.

Myanmar army is using old Type 88 tanks and Type59 tanks. Also your submarine fleet is poor with just an old kilo submarine.

Yes. Agereed to certain extent.
But Air Defence units of Myanmar are one of the best among the ASEAN countries.
Only the Vietnamese AD units are better equipped than Myanmar.
So SAM systems coupled with fighter aircrafts give us credible deterrence against any aggressors within the region.
You only have 18 JF-17 and 6 SU-30. Chengdu J-7, Mig29 and A-5C fantan cannot do anything.

Transportation vehicles are necessary to fight insurgency but MAF should also buy aircrafts.

Ta’ang Armed Group Attacks Myanmar Military Convoy in Shan State

By LAE LAE 29 May 2020

YANGON—Within hours after the Arakan Army (AA) launched attacks on a border guard police outpost in Rakhine State early Friday morning, its ally the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) intercepted a military convoy in northern Shan State, according to Myanmar military spokesman Brigadier General Zaw Min Tun.

The TNLA attacked the military convoy en route from Muse with remote-detonated mines near Namkut Village near the Union Highway in Kutkai Township, Brig-Gen Zaw Min Tun confirmed to The Irrawaddy.


“The military convoy on patrol between Kutkai and Nam Phet Ka was attacked with remote-detonated mines near Namkut Village, according to the latest information. There was some damage to trucks but no injuries or deaths. They carried out the mine attacks on the Union Highway,” Brig-Gen Zaw Min Tun told The Irrawaddy.

On Friday around noon, the TNLA Information Department shared photos online of the damaged military trucks and weapons it allegedly seized from the Myanmar military.

“It appeared that Palaung [TNLA] troops were watching as the soldiers came down. The clash happened near the village. We heard gunshots from heavy and small arms. We don’t know if anyone was hit. We dare not go outside,” a local resident of Namkut Village told The Irrawaddy on condition of anonymity.


The clash between the TNLA and the Myanmar military lasted for an hour-and-a-half, according to TNLA Information Officer Major Mai Aik Kyaw. But he said he did not know further details.

“I heard that as our troops crossed the road, they encountered Myanmar military troops who were going down from Muse and there was shooting. I still don’t know the damage,” said Maj. Mai Aik Kyaw.

The fighting took place on the highway that forms part of a major border trade route between Myanmar and China. Passenger and cargo vehicles on the highway at the time of the fighting took shelter in Namkut Village, said a local villager.

On May 9, the Myanmar military announced a unilateral ceasefire across Myanmar except for places where terrorist organizations are based. Both the Myanmar government and the Myanmar military have declared the AA to be a terrorist organization.


The military alliance of the AA, the TNLA and the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army, collectively known as the Brotherhood Alliance, had already announced a unilateral ceasefire on May 3. However, in a joint statement issued the following day, the armed groups said they would cooperate as necessary in response to political and military developments in the country.


Ta’ang Armed Group Attacks Myanmar Military Convoy in Shan State

By LAE LAE 29 May 2020

YANGON—Within hours after the Arakan Army (AA) launched attacks on a border guard police outpost in Rakhine State early Friday morning, its ally the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) intercepted a military convoy in northern Shan State, according to Myanmar military spokesman Brigadier General Zaw Min Tun.

The TNLA attacked the military convoy en route from Muse with remote-detonated mines near Namkut Village near the Union Highway in Kutkai Township, Brig-Gen Zaw Min Tun confirmed to The Irrawaddy.


“The military convoy on patrol between Kutkai and Nam Phet Ka was attacked with remote-detonated mines near Namkut Village, according to the latest information. There was some damage to trucks but no injuries or deaths. They carried out the mine attacks on the Union Highway,” Brig-Gen Zaw Min Tun told The Irrawaddy.

On Friday around noon, the TNLA Information Department shared photos online of the damaged military trucks and weapons it allegedly seized from the Myanmar military.

“It appeared that Palaung [TNLA] troops were watching as the soldiers came down. The clash happened near the village. We heard gunshots from heavy and small arms. We don’t know if anyone was hit. We dare not go outside,” a local resident of Namkut Village told The Irrawaddy on condition of anonymity.


The clash between the TNLA and the Myanmar military lasted for an hour-and-a-half, according to TNLA Information Officer Major Mai Aik Kyaw. But he said he did not know further details.

“I heard that as our troops crossed the road, they encountered Myanmar military troops who were going down from Muse and there was shooting. I still don’t know the damage,” said Maj. Mai Aik Kyaw.

The fighting took place on the highway that forms part of a major border trade route between Myanmar and China. Passenger and cargo vehicles on the highway at the time of the fighting took shelter in Namkut Village, said a local villager.

On May 9, the Myanmar military announced a unilateral ceasefire across Myanmar except for places where terrorist organizations are based. Both the Myanmar government and the Myanmar military have declared the AA to be a terrorist organization.


The military alliance of the AA, the TNLA and the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army, collectively known as the Brotherhood Alliance, had already announced a unilateral ceasefire on May 3. However, in a joint statement issued the following day, the armed groups said they would cooperate as necessary in response to political and military developments in the country.

Weapon looks like Chinese
You only have 18 JF-17 and 6 SU-30. Chengdu J-7, Mig29 and A-5C fantan cannot do anything.

Transportation vehicles are necessary to fight insurgency but MAF should also buy aircrafts.

The fleet of 6 Su 30, 18 JF 17 and 26 MiG 29SE/M (4 Mig 29 UB are cosidered not combat worthy in air to air scenario) is not bad.

With R 77 AAM, MAF's Mig 29SE and MiG 29 M are still the deadly fighters in the region.

MAF also planning to buy second batch of 6 Su 30SME. Since the acquisition of Yak 130, MAF buy aircraft batch by batch and each batch consists of 6 aircrafts.

If you compare the regional AF, no country has clear advantage over other.

Myanmar has 50 (6 Su 30SME, 26 MiG 29 SE/M and 18 JF 17M)
Thai AF RTAF has 64(11 Gripen C/D and 53 F 16A/B)
Malaysian AF has 26 (18 Su 30MKM and 8 FA 18D)
Indonesian AF has 49 (5 Su 27SK, 11 Su 30MKK and 33 F 16 A/B/C/D)

Only the Sigapore AF outnumbered MAF.
The fleet of 6 Su 30, 18 JF 17 and 26 MiG 29SE/M (4 Mig 29 UB are cosidered not combat worthy in air to air scenario) is not bad.

With R 77 AAM, MAF's Mig 29SE and MiG 29 M are still the deadly fighters in the region.

MAF also planning to buy second batch of 6 Su 30SME. Since the acquisition of Yak 130, MAF buy aircraft batch by batch and each batch consists of 6 aircrafts.

If you compare the regional AF, no country has clear advantage over other.

Myanmar has 50 (6 Su 30SME, 26 MiG 29 SE/M and 18 JF 17M)
Thai AF RTAF has 64(11 Gripen C/D and 53 F 16A/B)
Malaysian AF has 26 (18 Su 30MKM and 8 FA 18D)
Indonesian AF has 49 (5 Su 27SK, 11 Su 30MKK and 33 F 16 A/B/C/D)

Only the Sigapore AF outnumbered MAF.
Su-30 is expensive for MAF. Better you produce more JF-17. That would be much cheaper. MAF will have both quality and quantity.
Also Myanmar army does not have a good armoured regiment and the Myanmar navy does not have advanced equipments.

Myanmar army is using old Type 88 tanks and Type59 tanks.

For the tanks, it depends on your doctrine and terrain.

Our country is completely surrounded by mountains and movement of tanks is restricted only to mountainous road. In this case no neighbors can launch attack against our country with large number of tanks. Their armour colums will be stuck along the narrow mountain.

So our doctrine is to disrupt and deny the enemy tank columns along the road axis by using tank destroyers and ATGM.

Armour reserves with MBTs are place centrally for general counter offensive.

Therefore we maintain limited amount of MBT. But we have large fleet of wheeled tank destroyers. Also tracked tank destroyers being assembled.

The terrain between Myn and BD has two distinct features. Northern part is mountainous and southern part has rivers and nalas.

Naf river is also a formidable tank obstacle and there are a number of creeks and streams between the Naf and the May Yu range.
So southern Rakhine is not a suitable terrain for tanks and armour warfare.
Should there be war between Myn and BD, it would be the battles of infantry and long range artillery.
That's why we concentrated our long range artillery and MLRS in that region.
You are far off from Singapore too, as they maintained six Formidable class (with Aster missile) and integrated the AD system on board with their SPYDER SAM , ASTER 30 and Hawk system along with mobile IGLA to cover area less than 1000 km square.

Yes they have Spyder Python and Derby.
Anyway we are not going to attack Singapore. So we don't need take account of it.

I am talking about defence of our country.

As we already have formidable SAM systems with IADS and 50 modern aircrafts of Su 30, JF 17 and Mig 29, we don't need any new types of aircraft. What we need is just few more Su 30 probably the second batch of 6 Su 30.

Buying new type of aircrafts will put burdern on us.

My point is to maintain 60 or so aircrafts with 85% serviceability.
For the tanks, it depends on your doctrine and terrain.

Our country is completely surrounded by mountains and movement of tanks is restricted only to mountainous road. In this case no neighbors can launch attack against our country with large number of tanks. Their armour colums will be stuck along the narrow mountain.

So our doctrine is to disrupt and deny the enemy tank columns along the road axis by using tank destroyers and ATGM.

Armour reserves with MBTs are place centrally for general counter offensive.

Therefore we maintain limited amount of MBT. But we have large fleet of wheeled tank destroyers. Also tracked tank destroyers being assembled.

The terrain between Myn and BD has two distinct features. Northern part is mountainous and southern part has rivers and nalas.

Naf river is also a formidable tank obstacle and there are a number of creeks and streams between the Naf and the May Yu range.
So southern Rakhine is not a suitable terrain for tanks and armour warfare.
Should there be war between Myn and BD, it would be the battles of infantry and long range artillery.
That's why we concentrated our long range artillery and MLRS in that region.
SY-400 cannot do much against BD. SY-400 is not even a SRBM. It is a tactical BM.

Ta’ang Armed Group Attacks Myanmar Military Convoy in Shan State

By LAE LAE 29 May 2020

YANGON—Within hours after the Arakan Army (AA) launched attacks on a border guard police outpost in Rakhine State early Friday morning, its ally the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) intercepted a military convoy in northern Shan State, according to Myanmar military spokesman Brigadier General Zaw Min Tun.

The TNLA attacked the military convoy en route from Muse with remote-detonated mines near Namkut Village near the Union Highway in Kutkai Township, Brig-Gen Zaw Min Tun confirmed to The Irrawaddy.


“The military convoy on patrol between Kutkai and Nam Phet Ka was attacked with remote-detonated mines near Namkut Village, according to the latest information. There was some damage to trucks but no injuries or deaths. They carried out the mine attacks on the Union Highway,” Brig-Gen Zaw Min Tun told The Irrawaddy.

On Friday around noon, the TNLA Information Department shared photos online of the damaged military trucks and weapons it allegedly seized from the Myanmar military.

“It appeared that Palaung [TNLA] troops were watching as the soldiers came down. The clash happened near the village. We heard gunshots from heavy and small arms. We don’t know if anyone was hit. We dare not go outside,” a local resident of Namkut Village told The Irrawaddy on condition of anonymity.


The clash between the TNLA and the Myanmar military lasted for an hour-and-a-half, according to TNLA Information Officer Major Mai Aik Kyaw. But he said he did not know further details.

“I heard that as our troops crossed the road, they encountered Myanmar military troops who were going down from Muse and there was shooting. I still don’t know the damage,” said Maj. Mai Aik Kyaw.

The fighting took place on the highway that forms part of a major border trade route between Myanmar and China. Passenger and cargo vehicles on the highway at the time of the fighting took shelter in Namkut Village, said a local villager.

On May 9, the Myanmar military announced a unilateral ceasefire across Myanmar except for places where terrorist organizations are based. Both the Myanmar government and the Myanmar military have declared the AA to be a terrorist organization.


The military alliance of the AA, the TNLA and the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army, collectively known as the Brotherhood Alliance, had already announced a unilateral ceasefire on May 3. However, in a joint statement issued the following day, the armed groups said they would cooperate as necessary in response to political and military developments in the country.


Those rebels using standard backppack, while i see several wicker baskets on the ground seems Myanmar army own.
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