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Myanmar Defence Forum

students visiting programme between Myanmar Army and Royal Thai Army.







You source the ERA from Russia, China, India etc?...or make yourself?
our source of T-72 Tanks is from Ukraine. not sure where ERA come. nope. as we have very few number of tanks ( between 150 or 200 ) which are installed that kind of ERA, importing from original countries would be more cheaper. So may be from Ukraine or india, Russia dont give any service for the products from ukraine.

They dont have steel processing mills, let alone any industries capable to producing complex composite armor or explosive armor in scale.
we have. sis the products from the plant are used in body parts of BTR 3U and MTLB AFV which are assembling in Myanmar long time ago. but not sure it can produce in large scale. may be a small plant.
Interesting News!!!
Myanmar will participate in tank biathlon 2018 which will be held in Russia. This is the first time for Myanmar taking part in an international tank competition.
New frigate will not be ready before 2020.

Unlike our BD counterpart, they are dreaming of building a frigate in just 2 years, building of a frigate normally take 5 years in Myanmar.
you need 5 years for a frigate to build because of budget unless you have some technical faults issue.
SLC 2 weapon locating radar of Myanmar Army.
SLC 2s were tested during the Battle of Lauk Kai in 2014 the results were very promising.
Myanmar currently operating as many as 27 SLC 2 radars.
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