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Myanmar as an emerging military power

The limk which he shared that says BD tried to create problem in Pipeline project.That is very irresponsible on part of BD,you are behaving like Pakistan these days.
the water, border issues with india remember ? :D
Border issues have been resolved i thought.
huh ! ! when ? momota didi and BJP supported later ? :o:
and this is the bargaining power for us, otherwise you will not agree to give our right share:butcher:
huh ! ! when ? momota didi and BJP supported later ? :o:
and this is the bargaining power for us, otherwise you will not agree to give our right share:butcher:
Didnt we gave you 10000 acres of land??
Ironic that you advice someone else to calm down, while spewing vitriol yourself. Post reported buddy. Please don't indulge in such low level racist and anti-Hindu abuse.

dont care Hindu muslim . **** the Bastards,who are posting comments against my country . get it ?
Ha ha ! Just wait a few years not more than 10 . We will surprise the world . Myanmar always do unexpected things. btw Myanmar are not crying , the real crying is you Bangalis ! Expect us

LOL Jokes of they year . okay giving you 50 years Ok ?
Funny post. You make me laugh to die.

1. . .F 7BG/BGI are better than Myanmar MiG 29 SE equipped with RVV-AE? Then I will advise Govt of Russia to buy F 7BG/BGI from China instead of producing and upgrading MiG 29.

2. . . . Even though you increased you defence budget by 12%, defence budget of Bangladesh is just BTD145.6 billion (USD1.87 billion). With this low budget, tell me, how will you buy your dream shopping list? Myanmar defence budget for 2014-2015 is USD 2.39 billion.(+500 million USD than yours) Myanmar actual defence expenditure is as high as 3.2 billion USD in 2012-2013 because they are getting money from the Army owned firms like MEC, UME. Their Army got 200 millions USD alone from the quarrelsome Lat Padaung copper mine which they contracted with NORINCO of China. Their 2.39 billion USD defence budget is approved by the Parliament last month. In which they will spend more than 750 millions USD for new weapon systems. You can study about this in their newspapers. You are far more behind them in terms of defence budget. Low budget means low new weapon systems.

3. . . .Seems that you have little or no knowledge of their AD systems. Myanmar Army AD systems such as Pechora 2M, Kub, Tanguska M1 (shown in the first page of this thread) can easily shoot down your BG/BGI like sitting ducks. Myanmar MiG 29SE with RVV-AE can take on your BG/BGI and MiG 29 B even before your a/c lock on to them. So I may advise that only if you have more air crafts than their RVV-AE BVR missiles inventory, your BG/BGI and 29 B will be able to use your weapons (20 MiG 29SE can carry 80 RVV-AE.) ONE MORE IMPORTANT THING "YOUR AIR FORCE MAY REQUIRE MORE SEARCH & RESCUE HELI, COZ YOUR AIR FORCE WILL HAVE TO CARRY OUT MORE SAR MISSIONS THAN ATTK MISSIONS IF YOU ATTK MYANMAR WITH CURRENT LEVEL OF A/C.

4. . . Don't you know that 36 of Myanmar's F-7 fighters are retro-fitted with the Elta EL/M-2032 air-to-air radar, Rafael Python 3 infrared, short range AAMs, and Litening laser designator pods since 1999. (Source: Jane's Intelligence Review
March 1, 2000, Myanmar and Israel develop military pact By William Ashton). But as far as I know Myanmar AF is in the process of replacing their F 7 with MiG 29s. After completed induction of MiG 35 which they ordered in 2013, Myanmar AF F 7 will be phased out and put them in training and reserves.

5. . .. Myanmar is overhauling MiG 29 and Mi 17 in Meik Htilar AB, while you are taking pride on overhauling old PT 6 and F 7. Since 2002 Myanmar AF is overhauling all fixed and rotary wings internally in Meik Htilar AB. They even assembling K8G locally there.

6. . . .Myanmar AF no longer use A 5 since 2011 and are replaced by K 8G (FGA version) which they produced locally.

7. . . . Again "Soon Bangladesh will build Fighter Aircraft for its Air Force." Are you serious? I have no point to argue with you here. People surfing this thread are educated. They will decide your point whether possible or not. Your BD AF is more powerful than Indian AF coz IAF can't build their own fighter. They just tested HAL trainers. I appreciate that your BD AF as world class in this regard. I promise that I will advise the Govt of China to buy fighters from your country sometimes later.

8. . . .You need to read this thread from the beginning. Then you will see the photos about Myanmar Armed Forces which I downloaded from some Myanmar blogs and facebooks. Then you will see their MBTs and IFVs.

your points doesn't make any sense

1. You are a Moron because F-7BGI was stop-gap fighter for BAF Its good here some Info
1>F-7 BGI has a speed of Mach 2.2
2> It got 7 Hardpoints to carry Air to Air missiles , Laser guided bomb,GPS Guided Bombs, Drop tanks
3> Full glass cockpit
4> can carry 3000 kg Bomb
5> F-7 BGI has KLJ-6F radar Fire control Radar with 86 km+ Range which is near BVR or BVR considering what is the silver lining between them and can track 6 and engage 2 enemy aircraft (according to some news)
6> F-7 BGI can carry C-704 Antiship Missiles
7> afterburner: F-7 BGI (82 kN) thrust
8>Missiles are currently unknown for F-7 BGI but they can fire the 70-75 km range PL-12,PL-11 (according to some source) and also PL-2, PL-5, PL-7, PL-8, PL-9,PL-9C Magic R.550, AIM-9 .LS-6,LT-2,Unguided bomb ETC
9>F-7 BGI got J-7G2 Airframe with double delta wing.
10>G-limit: +8 g / -3 g Same for Both
11> Service ceiling: 17,500 m (57,420 ft)
12> It got 3 Multi functional displays and Hotase

F-7 BG
1. F-7BG 2200 km range
2. F-7BG has an aerodynamically superior design.
3. F-7BG has superior cannon armament; F-7BG has 2x 30mm cannon while Bison has 1x 23mm cannon.
4. F-7BG has superior HMS with +/-90°
5. F-7BG has efficient and reliable engine.
6. F-7BG has better cockpit and man machine interface.
7. F-7BG has full night time operations capability, with night vision goggles compatibility.
8. Multimode radar with BVR capability. F-7BG (BAF), F-7G (PLAAF) can fire the advanced PL-12 MRAAM with range of 70+km.(according to the Some source)
9. F-7BG has more fuel.
10. F-7BG has greater strike capability with the capability to deliver 2x LS-6 PGMs which are comparable to US JDAM and have range of 60km, additionally it can carry 250/500kg low-drag general-purpose or anti-runway bombs, BL755 600lb cluster bomb, 200kg anti-runway bomb as well as 57/90/130mm unguided rockets. F-7BG has night strike capability with Stand off Raptor 1 (H2) and LGB capability.
11. F-7BG has greater AAM options; AIM-9, PL-2/2A, PL-5B, PL-7, PL-9C, R.550 and Russian R-series AAMs.(PL-11.12 according to some source)
12. F-7BG has greater climb rate.
13. F-7BG has a greater maximum speed; F-7BG (Mach 2.35)
14. F-7BG does not have any stalling issues due to the merged double-delta wing design. The strong vortex of the inner wing re-energises the boundary layer of the outer wing, preventing span-wise flow towards the tips. This allows even more carefree manoeuvring at ultra-low speeds.
15. F-7BG has better RWR.
16. F-7BG has MAW sensors on rear, starboard and port sides.
17. F-7BG is more manoeuvrable with a G-Limit of around +8.5.
18. F-7BG can operate from shorter runways; it has lower take-off and landing speeds and distances.
19. F-7BG has a greater turning rate; with maximum instantaneous turn rate of 25.2 degrees/sec while the maximum sustained turn rate is around 16 degrees/sec.
20. F-7BG has 84% combat effectiveness.
21. F-7BG is 43% better in close combat.
22. The trainer version of the F-7BG; the tandem twin-seat FT-7BG is also combat fully capable; it has 1x 30mm cannon and 4 hardpoints which can fire PL-7 and PL-9C AAMs as well as PGMs, LGBs, unguided bombs and rockets.

2. increased you defence budget by 12% Hahahahahahahah Morons . Hahahahahah you are responsible If i die laughing today . We use less than 1% of our total GDP its 2.5 or 2.6 billion usd while i got a news u guys use 12% but less than 2.3 which proved your fucked economy . ( I said in a post Bangladeshi economy 4+ times better than this Fucked economy ) Hahahah Boy our military Budget is for maintenance our Military as well such as weapons maintenance cost,salaries ETC new weapons budget comes from another source such as we bought 1 billion USD's weapons from China and Russia in 2009,1.5 billion naval weapons from China in 2009,1.5 billion for Submarine base and Submarine,1 billion BD,Ruski weapon deal 2013 E.T.C . those money came from another sources .you are following wiki Wow !!

3.LOL First learn the ABC of Military what types of ADR USED by Burmis Monkeys I mean their military ? Is there any AESA radar like JH-16 ? C4I system ? your country uses junk 1960's junk weapons . its the real fact.

4.Hahahahahahah Cant hold my laugh again :D :'D boy do you know F-7M is a old variant of F-7 Elta EL/M-2032 air-to-air radar ? since when ? If they published it, then It will be a moron source called Jane's Intelligence Review . and why are you showing your own made Information MAF has 24 F-7M old junk.Do you kno Bangladesh used the same variant of F-7 ? It was F-7MB removed now i mean no longer use F-7MB since 2011 . By your comments you proved that you are a moron Python 3 is a Isreali Missile cant match with Chines system like you are a moron said Your Junk MIg's upgraded in Isreal to carry Kh missile Stupids first learn ABC of Military :v
F-7MB same as F-7M

5. . .. Myanmar is overhauling MiG 29 and Mi 17 in Meik Htilar AB, while you are taking pride on overhauling old PT 6 and F 7. Since 2002 Myanmar AF is overhauling all fixed and rotary wings internally in Meik Htilar AB. They even assembling K8G locally there. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOl LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha you are overhauling Mig-29 right,PT6 and F-7 ,assembling K8G locally there ? Pls kill your self or kill me LOL

6.Bangladesh's A-5 upgraded by China so now they can carry Guide missiles both air to air and air to surface (2000 kg load capability still a lot more better than K-8 though we ordered 10 jl-8 as a Basic trainer air craft . we are going to replace our A-5's by 24 Yak-130 which is a 5th generation trainer aircraft + it will increase the groiund attack capability of BAF (I already post the capability of a Yak-130)

7. Hahahhahahahahah I am not a moron like some burmis here. I said the exact Information I got it from official source newspaper (I mentioned ) its said by our PM . Remember Bangabandhu Aeronautical Centre, The centre has been established aimed at maintenance of the aircraft of the BAF by own engineers and technicians with own resources. BAF official sources said the centre is expected to manufacture prototype of a jet aircraft by 2021.

8.I already saw some morons blog and Buris military pages consist of Fake and Morons thinking . So you are trying to prove them as a good source ? WOW !!! LOL

your points doesn't make any sense

1. You are a Moron because F-7BGI was stop-gap fighter for BAF Its good here some Info
1>F-7 BGI has a speed of Mach 2.2
2> It got 7 Hardpoints to carry Air to Air missiles , Laser guided bomb,GPS Guided Bombs, Drop tanks
3> Full glass cockpit
4> can carry 3000 kg Bomb
5> F-7 BGI has KLJ-6F radar Fire control Radar with 86 km+ Range which is near BVR or BVR considering what is the silver lining between them and can track 6 and engage 2 enemy aircraft (according to some news)
6> F-7 BGI can carry C-704 Antiship Missiles
7> afterburner: F-7 BGI (82 kN) thrust
8>Missiles are currently unknown for F-7 BGI but they can fire the 70-75 km range PL-12,PL-11 (according to some source) and also PL-2, PL-5, PL-7, PL-8, PL-9,PL-9C Magic R.550, AIM-9 .LS-6,LT-2,Unguided bomb ETC
9>F-7 BGI got J-7G2 Airframe with double delta wing.
10>G-limit: +8 g / -3 g Same for Both
11> Service ceiling: 17,500 m (57,420 ft)
12> It got 3 Multi functional displays and Hotase

F-7 BG
1. F-7BG 2200 km range
2. F-7BG has an aerodynamically superior design.
3. F-7BG has superior cannon armament; F-7BG has 2x 30mm cannon while Bison has 1x 23mm cannon.
4. F-7BG has superior HMS with +/-90°
5. F-7BG has efficient and reliable engine.
6. F-7BG has better cockpit and man machine interface.
7. F-7BG has full night time operations capability, with night vision goggles compatibility.
8. Multimode radar with BVR capability. F-7BG (BAF), F-7G (PLAAF) can fire the advanced PL-12 MRAAM with range of 70+km.(according to the Some source)
9. F-7BG has more fuel.
10. F-7BG has greater strike capability with the capability to deliver 2x LS-6 PGMs which are comparable to US JDAM and have range of 60km, additionally it can carry 250/500kg low-drag general-purpose or anti-runway bombs, BL755 600lb cluster bomb, 200kg anti-runway bomb as well as 57/90/130mm unguided rockets. F-7BG has night strike capability with Stand off Raptor 1 (H2) and LGB capability.
11. F-7BG has greater AAM options; AIM-9, PL-2/2A, PL-5B, PL-7, PL-9C, R.550 and Russian R-series AAMs.(PL-11.12 according to some source)
12. F-7BG has greater climb rate.
13. F-7BG has a greater maximum speed; F-7BG (Mach 2.35)
14. F-7BG does not have any stalling issues due to the merged double-delta wing design. The strong vortex of the inner wing re-energises the boundary layer of the outer wing, preventing span-wise flow towards the tips. This allows even more carefree manoeuvring at ultra-low speeds.
15. F-7BG has better RWR.
16. F-7BG has MAW sensors on rear, starboard and port sides.
17. F-7BG is more manoeuvrable with a G-Limit of around +8.5.
18. F-7BG can operate from shorter runways; it has lower take-off and landing speeds and distances.
19. F-7BG has a greater turning rate; with maximum instantaneous turn rate of 25.2 degrees/sec while the maximum sustained turn rate is around 16 degrees/sec.
20. F-7BG has 84% combat effectiveness.
21. F-7BG is 43% better in close combat.
22. The trainer version of the F-7BG; the tandem twin-seat FT-7BG is also combat fully capable; it has 1x 30mm cannon and 4 hardpoints which can fire PL-7 and PL-9C AAMs as well as PGMs, LGBs, unguided bombs and rockets.

2. increased you defence budget by 12% Hahahahahahahah Morons . Hahahahahah you are responsible If i die laughing today . We use less than 1% of our total GDP its 2.5 or 2.6 billion usd while i got a news u guys use 12% but less than 2.3 which proved your fucked economy . ( I said in a post Bangladeshi economy 4+ times better than this Fucked economy ) Hahahah Boy our military Budget is for maintenance our Military as well such as weapons maintenance cost,salaries ETC new weapons budget comes from another source such as we bought 1 billion USD's weapons from China and Russia in 2009,1.5 billion naval weapons from China in 2009,1.5 billion for Submarine base and Submarine,1 billion BD,Ruski weapon deal 2013 E.T.C . those money came from another sources .you are following wiki Wow !!
View attachment 16188

3.LOL First learn the ABC of Military what types of ADR USED by Burmis Monkeys I mean their military ? Is there any AESA radar like JH-16 ? C4I system ? your country uses junk 1960's junk weapons . its the real fact.

4.Hahahahahahah Cant hold my laugh again :D :'D boy do you know F-7M is a old variant of F-7 Elta EL/M-2032 air-to-air radar ? since when ? If they published it, then It will be a moron source called Jane's Intelligence Review . and why are you showing your own made Information MAF has 24 F-7M old junk.Do you kno Bangladesh used the same variant of F-7 ? It was F-7MB removed now i mean no longer use F-7MB since 2011 . By your comments you proved that you are a moron Python 3 is a Isreali Missile cant match with Chines system like you are a moron said Your Junk MIg's upgraded in Isreal to carry Kh missile Stupids first learn ABC of Military :v
F-7MB same as F-7M
View attachment 16191

5. . .. Myanmar is overhauling MiG 29 and Mi 17 in Meik Htilar AB, while you are taking pride on overhauling old PT 6 and F 7. Since 2002 Myanmar AF is overhauling all fixed and rotary wings internally in Meik Htilar AB. They even assembling K8G locally there. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOl LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha you are overhauling Mig-29 right,PT6 and F-7 ,assembling K8G locally there ? Pls kill your self or kill me LOL

6.Bangladesh's A-5 upgraded by China so now they can carry Guide missiles both air to air and air to surface (2000 kg load capability still a lot more better than K-8 though we ordered 10 jl-8 as a Basic trainer air craft . we are going to replace our A-5's by 24 Yak-130 which is a 5th generation trainer aircraft + it will increase the groiund attack capability of BAF (I already post the capability of a Yak-130)
View attachment 16190

7. Hahahhahahahahah I am not a moron like some burmis here. I said the exact Information I got it from official source newspaper (I mentioned ) its said by our PM . Remember Bangabandhu Aeronautical Centre, The centre has been established aimed at maintenance of the aircraft of the BAF by own engineers and technicians with own resources. BAF official sources said the centre is expected to manufacture prototype of a jet aircraft by 2021.
View attachment 16189

8.I already saw some morons blog and Buris military pages consist of Fake and Morons thinking . So you are trying to prove them as a good source ? WOW !!! LOL

In a lighter note , burma dont have that ball to fight against BD . They are flying without wing.

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