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full report on 4 years Military upgrade of Bangladesh (2009-2013) according to forces goal 2030
The Awami League-led grand alliance government has so far procured military hardware worth Tk 15,104 crore as part of its initiative to modernise the armed forces and enhance defence capabilities.
Procurement of another Tk 10,000 crore military hardware and technology is in the pipeline under two deals — one signed with Russia in January and the other with Belarus last month, said sources in the army.
Moreover, a move to buy two off-the-shelf submarines for the navy is on. A letter of intent has already been issued in this regard. The two submarines might be bought either from the US or China under a government to government agreement.
Those already procured include radars, tanks, various types of aircraft, helicopters, missiles, frigates, survey ships and self-propelled guns. These were procured from China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, Serbia and the UK.
Statistics of defence purchase from fiscal year 2008-09 to 2012-13 show highest Tk 5,407.27 crore was spent for the army followed by Tk 4,975.49 crore for the navy. Air force purchase stood at Tk 4,722.13 crore.
China remains Bangladesh’s largest supplier, accounting for more than half the country’s defence purchase worth Tk 7,400 during the current government.
During the time, the army got 44 tanks(BD has a plan to get more 3rd generation tank), three armed recovery vehicles (ARV) and two weapon-locating radars from China while 184 three-tonne capacity Japanese lorries, 275 armed personnel carriers (APC), 15 ARV ambulances and 113 tank destroyer equipment (ATGW) from Russia. It also got two helicopters from France and 18 self-propelled guns from Serbia, according to the sources.
Given the importance of maritime boundary, the government has put the highest importance on equipping the navy with new frigates, patrol ships, warships, missiles and maritime aircraft in the last four and a half years.
Two frigates, two new small warships, two large patrol ships and five patrol craft were procured from China. Two radars and fire control systems and missiles (C-704) were also bought from China.
In addition, two Italy-made maritime helicopters and MK-2 missiles, two German-made maritime aircraft and three ships made by the UK were added to the navy force.
The navy is also hoping to be equipped with two submarines by 2016. The government is in talks with China and the US in this regard. Estimated cost of a China-made submarine is Tk 4,000 crore while a US-made one may cost double the sum.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina inaugurated three warships in Chittagong on Thursday.
A move is underway to acquire land in Pekua upazila (near Kutubdia channel) of Cox’s Bazar to establish a submarine harbour.
Six navy personnel are now in Golcuk, Turkey, for training on operation of submarine. Five more will be sent once they return, said sources in the navy.
There was no purchase for the air force in fiscal year 2009-10 but the following three years saw a huge purchase from China and Russia. These include 16 F-7 BG1 planes from China and three MI-171SH helicopters from Russia.
The air force also got SHORAD, an air defence system, overhauling facilities for F-7 planes, PL-9C missiles for F-7 plane, four air defence radars and overhauling of MIG-29 planes during the time.
Justifying expenditure on defence hardware, former army chief Maj Gen (retd) Mahbubur Rahman said, “Considering our geopolitical, geostrategical, geoeconomical and geographical context, the purchase was very much important to strengthen our armed forces.”
He said Bangladesh’s neighbours India, Myanmar and China have multiplied their military might.
“We have the Bay of Bengal. If we want to establish our rights and authorities on the water territory and its resources, we have no alternative but to strengthen the army, navy and air force,” said Mahbubur, a standing committee member of the BNP.
He termed “very much logical” the move to buy submarines for the navy. “We of course need submarines.”
Former chief of army staff Lt Gen (retd) Harun-Ar Rashid has said Bangladesh armed forces operate not only in the country. They also work with militaries of other countries in the UN Peacekeeping Mission.
“So our armed forces must be modernised so they can remain in the race with other countries’ armed forces,” he said.
Asked how he looked at such huge defence budget, the former army chief said the issue of modernising the armed forces had not got due priority in the past. “It has got due attention from the government this time. Everybody should take it positively.”
Harun, however, added that education, health and housing should get priority over the armed forces in terms of the budgetary allocation.
Both the former army chiefs said they believed defence allocation in Bangladesh was the lowest in the sub-continent.
A former navy chief said strengthening the navy became very important given the fact that Bangladesh now had more maritime area than its land area.
“A good navy equipped with air, marine and submarine equipment is a must to ensure a good economy. It is more so because 99 percent imports of the country come through the sea,” he said.
The navy is on duty round the clock to check piracy, provide security to trade and oil and gas exploration. Strengthening the navy also means it will be able to play a stronger role in the UN Peacekeeping Mission, he added.

Deal with Russia
On January 15, Dhaka and Moscow signed a $1 billion (around Tk 8,000 crore) deal under which Bangladesh will procure military arms and equipment from Russia.
They include armoured vehicles and infantry weapons, air defence systems, training aircraft, anti-tank missiles and Mi-17 transport helicopters.
RIA Novosti, one of the largest news agencies in Russia, reported that details of the deal were unknown but Russian military analyst Igor Korotchenko said Bangladesh was likely to buy about New 80 to 100 Russia-made BTR-80 (Source said that Russia had already sold over 1000 BTR-80 APC’s to the Bangladesh Army already). amphibious armoured personnel carriers (APCs) and some missile defence systems.Moreover The Bangladesh Army is constructing a maintenance, repair, overhaul factory for Arzamas Machinery Plant BTR-80 armoured personnel carriers with Russian technical assistance according to Nikolay Dimidyuk.

Deal with Belarus
Bangladesh signed seven deals with Belarus during Hasina’s visit to the East European country last month. A deal on military and technological cooperation was also signed during the visit but it was kept entirely secret.
Like many past deals, the government disclosed nothing about the defence pact.
However, bits and pieces of defence purchase became public through various speeches of the prime minister, who on February 27 offered some details in this regard in her speech in parliament.
Hasina said her government had moved to purchase two submarines and a coast guard cutter for the navy.
“Moves are on to purchase two submarines from a friendly country,” she said without naming the country. But she said the coast guard cutter will be bought from the US.
In her scripted answer, the premier said her government had already bought missiles and torpedoes for destroying ship and depth charges, rocket launchers, canons, radars and other weapons for the navy.
She said two new army commands and an infantry division, two air defence brigades and more than one armoured, artillery and engineering battalion and other supportive units will be added to the army to strengthen the force as part of implementing the force’s goal-2030.
The goal will be implemented in four phases in light of the defence policy formulated by the Bangabandhu-led government in 1974.
Besides, Hasina said, the government had moved to purchase fourth generation MBT-2000 tanks, multi-launcher rocket system, weapon-locating radar, automatic grenade launcher, anti-tank weapon, non-guided anti-tank weapon and anti-tank guided missiles for the army.
She also mentioned that a process was underway to purchase modern euro-copter, light fixed-wing aircraft and armoured and anti-air weapons for the army.
To modernise the air force under the goal-2030, she added, her government had moved to buy air defence radars, fighter planes and air-to-air missiles.
On June 13 last year, Planning Minister AK Khandker, who is in charge of the House committee on the defence ministry, told parliament that the government had moved to purchase two off-the-shelf frigates, two large patrol craft, two maritime patrol aircraft and five patrol craft for the navy.
The government allocated Tk 14,458 crore for defence in the budget for fiscal year 2013-14, the second highest after education, which got Tk 25,114 crore.

Forces goal 2030
Prime Minister (PM) and Leader of the House Sheikh Hasina said 'Forces Goal 2030' of Bangladesh Army would be finalised and implemented in five-year terms in four phases each in the light of the defence policy framed by Bangabandhu government in 1974, reports BSS.

Replying to a tabled question from Jatiya Party lawmaker Nasrin Jahan Ratna, the PM said through implementation of the Forces Goal 2030, two new army commands, an infantry division and other brigades and units necessary for the division, two air defence brigades, two mechanical brigades, a number of armoured, artillery and engineer battalions and necessary supportive units would be inducted.

The Leader of the House said her government has taken various effective steps to modernise and develop the armed forces.

As part of the short-term plan, she said, new artillery and air defence units, marine engineers, technical and ordnance battalions and field hospitals have been inducted under the short-term plans through restructured activities of organogram and reorganized manpower.

The PM said new modern tanks, locating RADAR and helicopters have already been procured under the measures to be taken in four phases.

news for Bangladesh Navy from an International source
As of mid-March 2013, AMI continues to receive information in regards to the Bangladeshi Navy (BN) modernization efforts. These developments fulfill the requirements for a three dimensional naval force consisting of air, surface and subsurface units that was announced by the Minister of Defense in 2009.
Continuing and new projects are as follows:
A. Type 056 Corvette: Source indicates that Wuchan Shipyard
in China began construction on the first two units on 08 January
2013. Additional units (at least two) will be built a Bangladesh's
Khulna Shipyard (KSY).
B. South Korean Corvette: Source indicates that that the BN
ordered two South Korean corvettes with delivery scheduled for
2013. These corvettes could be additional Ulsan I class frigates of
which one was built for the BN in 2000 or it could be a scaled
down version of the Incheon (FFX) class being built for the
Republic of Korea Navy (ROKN). A third possibility is that these vessels could be used Ulsan class frigates or Pohang class corvettes that will be retiring from the ROKN over the next several years as the Incheon class begin entering service. AMI is attempting to verify this information and will update this article as appropriate.
C. 64-Meter corvette: The first two 64-Meter corvette built at Wuchang Shipyard in China were commissioned into the BN as the BNS Durjoy (P811) and BNS Nirmul (P812). Source indicates that six additional units will be built in country at KSY. Information received on 17 September 2012 indicated that the BN increased 64-Meter FAC program from four hulls to eight. The first unit of the additional four hulls is expected to be ordered by the end of 2013.
D. 50-Meter Patrol Boat: On 22 January 2013, the first 50-Meter patrol boat built at KSY, BNS Padma (P312), was commissioned. AMI estimates that 24 additional units of the Chinese designed patrol vessel will be built at KSY through the end of the decade.
E. Used Vessel Transactions: The BN is expected to take delivery of two used Chinese Type 053H2 frigates that were offered in late 2012. These will supplement the BN's aging surface force until Type 056 corvettes are delivered. The BN may also order the larger F22P frigates in the next decade following completion of the Type 056 program and the 62-Meter FAC program.
Sources continue to state that the BN will procure diesel-electric attack submarines (SSK) from China. The latest information suggests that up to US$1B has been provided for the program. AMI believes that two used Chinese Song class SSKs could be the candidates for this program. Bangladesh is reportedly training submarine crews in Turkey. Assuming that the US$1B funding figure is correct, this could entail the purchase of two used Song class followed by two new construction submarines after 2020, possibly the Yuan class.

Bangladesh air force
The BAF has an ongoing modernization program that includes plans to introduce some 4.5 generation fighter aircraft. In Defence IQ 2011 International Fighter Aircraft Conference in London, Chief of air staff of the Bangladesh Air Force (2007-2012), Air Marshal Shah Mohammad Ziaur Rahman revealed Bangladesh Air Force's long-term procurement and modernization plan.
On the mean time, one squadron of stop-gap light fighter Chengdu F-7BGI have been delivered in 2013. These aircraft are based on the Chengdu J-7G in service with PLAAF and are equipped with advanced avionics that includes HOTAS Control, three MFD displays and a HUD. The aircraft is also equipped with both air-to-air and GPS guided munitions.

Meanwhile, the existing MiG-29 fleet will also be upgraded to Mig-29SMT standard for operational use for another 15–20 years.

Bangladesh Govt. is negotiating for a total of 24 Yakovlev Yak-130 Lead-in fighter trainer and 5 Mil Mi 171Sh from Russia.and 10 Jl-8 also ordered first rows radar as well .

Bangladesh is also negotiating with US government for the regeneration, overhaul, modifications and logistics support for 4 off-the-shelf Lockheed Martin C-130E, 20 engines and associated parts, equipment, and training for an estimated cost of $180 million.

The Bangladesh Government has signed a $1 billion arms deal with Russia in 2013. Although the type of arms to be procured was not revealed, however, according to the various news agencies the deal includes Fighter trainers, Helicopters, APC, AFVs, anti-tank and anti-aircraft guided and unguided weapons, Howitzers, air-defence systems and infantry weapons.

Totally agreed with you.

The PM must be a moron then.

We don't have any Shitty, Poor,bone less,uneducated,bullshit,Moron country like yours . get it our economy is 5-6 times better than your shitty country(proved by my comments) by 2021 It will be 10-15 times better . PM must be a moron then but not Bangladesh's but Burmis PM a real monkey . though bark like cow Hahahahaha
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full report on 4 years Military upgrade of Bangladesh (2009-2013) according to forces goal 2030

Don't talk about your dream future plan without showing any references.
Every country has their own plans but the only problem is that most country are not able to materialize the plans.
Algeria had to abandon its plan to buy 30 MiG 29.
USA had to give up RAH 66 plan.
By the end of year 2030, most of your frigates will be 60-70 years old. Funny.
Myanmar may definitely have future plan but they will never disclose it.
Pechora 2 Ms, Kub M1s and Tanguska M1s alone are more than enough to shoot down F 7 fleet of BD.
2000 Konkurs ATGM on 1000 BTR 3Us are more than enough to knock out old chinese armors of BD.
I told you to show the references whenever you post here. You always type down your dream in this thread so many times without referring any reliable sources. This is not a play ground dude.
Don't bullshit again here like this.
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This is why you are a moron . saying BTR 3U's air filter as ATGM LOL and I mentioned Burmis got those tanks for test but it got fucked by your govt .

Oho man honestly you are giving me fun (A lot lot and a lot LOL :p :v) you are comparing these bullshit 1970's teach with my mentioned radar LOL pls kill your self moron :D Is there any AESA radar ? boy you are a moron and I am wasting mt time to talk with you google your self about AN/TPS-70 ,Kasta 2E2 , JH-16 ,Gamma DE,YLC-6M , AN/TPS-43 radars Okay ? Hahahahahahaahahaha

Haha, really? Seriously? U call urself as BD navy seal and cannot distinguish between ATGM and airfilter.

If you think we got these only a test, and what the hell are these?

One thing you are doing is the worst mistake human made in war, underestimating enemies and overestimating yourself. If you are strong, pretend you are weak. If you are weak, pretend you are strong. My friend.
Although the Govt of Myanmar kept quite on the submarine programme, some interesting reports are already in the international news. Here is an interesting one. . . . .Myanmar is getting 2 Kilo sub by end of next year.

A new arms race is exploding into Asia, with an expensive and extensive shopping list of new weapons. Who’s buying what — and where does Australia stand?

AIRCRAFT carriers. Submarines. Fighter jets. An international arms race is underway among the rapidly developing nations to our north. In this Asian deep-pocket contest, is Australia even a contender? ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

These stealthy but powerful weapons need a combination of long-range and ultra-quiet machinery to be effective in Asian waters. The problem is the two needs are not necessarily compatible. Diesel-electric is quiet and simple to operate. Nuclear has the range but requires enormous technical know-how. As Australia’s Collins Class submarines rapidly approach the end of their useful life, little progress has been made towards a decision on what to replace them with.

Myanmar: Myanmar will also have its first submarines by the end of next year. It has sent sailors to be trained in Pakistan while talks are well advanced for the purchase of two off-the-shelf Kilo-class diesel submarines from Russia.

China: China is replacing its six older ballistic missile submarines with a new class of 9000-tonne vessels. Each can carry a dozen ballistic missiles and puts China in an exclusive club including only the United States, Russia, France, Britain and India. Three nuclear-powered attack submarines are also soon to be replaced. At the core of China’s submarine fleet are 10 Kilo-class diesel-electric boats, with two of a new design on order.
A new arms race is exploding into Asia, with an expensive and extensive shopping list of new weapons. Who’s buying what — and where does Australia stand? | News.com.au
Hahahahhahahahahahahaha LOL LOL LOL LOL Cant hold my laugh LOL LOL LOL :v pls kill your self :D you are posting your own made history ENDian

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Indian Fun boy go and train your military first . Your military is consist of cowards They can kill innocent people only LOL
and Stop sucking Burmis's asshol . Exactly we do know Burmis poor Soldiers a lot more better than Indian Commandos and Infantry as you are sucking their foot as well LOl

hahahahaahahahahahahahahahahah Not 16 say 137 Coward asshols Hahahahaha BSF gay force :v

Wowo Wow and Wow Time to leave the earth as you are responsible if I leaving the earth laughing today :v to see some poor Junk weapons lol we Replaced HN 5 MPADS , Anti aircraft guns !!!! lol can the hit a single bird?

That's very cute a blocked country repairing their junks as
toys LOL
Blocked Country ?
The second ship of of Aung Zeya class, F12 Kyan Sit Thar, the Myanmar Navy’s first "stealth frigate", entered service in 2012. A third ship of this was under construction at Myanmar Navy Dockyard (Thilawar) and was expected to enter service in 2014. In all, the Myanmar Navy planned to build 6 frigates, combining Russian, Indian, Chinese and Western systems. These ships are equipped with Kh-35E anti-ship missiles, Oto Melara 76 mm Super Rapid Cannons, AK-630 6-barrel 30 mm CIWS guns and Chinese ASW rockets and torpedoes. Radars and electronic systems are mainly from Bharat of India.
The armament of F12 UMS Kyansittha:

Armament:2 x 2-canister C-602 Anti-Ship missiles
1 × Oto Melara 76 mm Super Rapid Canons
4 x AK-630 six-barrel 30 mm CIWS guns
Triple 324 mm YU-7 ASW torpedoes
Rocket Launchers, possibly ASWrockets or decoy rockets
Aircraft Carried:1
C-602 missiles or so-called YJ-62, has a 300 kg warhead (equivalent to the BrahMos) and with a range of 400 + km / 280 + km for export.
Reference:FFG Aung Zeya
Thai Blog:• View topic - กองทัพเรือพม่า
Stop Barking !Visit There ! Open your eye , look around . l Both ur Neighbours are hardcore Fker
BTW , dont bring the shits from BD Defence blog and BD Defence Facebook!
We know everything what you do !:triniti:

i think we should take all rohingyas.
Yes bro, you should ! Thxs
If you call them back , Myanmar shall be good neighbours ,like before.
Myanmar People will Thank BD gov and you !
Our view of point on BD will be changed
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This is the training of Civilian or villagers @ eastern Myanmar ! Where one of Myamar Christan Enthnic Rebels kill Buddhist Monks and villagers ! So Myanmar Army give training to villagers . Normally Buddhist Monks are not allowed to kill even a tiny insect , They are not allowed too to hold any guns or swords !
^The training is to slaughter innocent unarmed Rohinga's

The burmese are a cowardly ugly people's and should be shunned and hounded
This is why you are a moron . saying BTR 3U's air filter as ATGM LOL and I mentioned Burmis got those tanks for test but it got fucked by your govt .

Oho man honestly you are giving me fun (A lot lot and a lot LOL :p :v) you are comparing these bullshit 1970's teach with my mentioned radar LOL pls kill your self moron :D Is there any AESA radar ? boy you are a moron and I am wasting mt time to talk with you google your self about AN/TPS-70 ,Kasta 2E2 , JH-16 ,Gamma DE,YLC-6M , AN/TPS-43 radars Okay ? Hahahahahahaahahaha
OMG You have never seen BTR ATGM ?
You just stay down there , poor bangali !
Wider your eyes , Look the **** at !
Filter or ATGM ?

^The training is to slaughter innocent unarmed Rohinga's

The burmese are a cowardly ugly people's and should be shunned and hounded
Take them bro ! We would give free transporting and Free Gas for 1 year
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