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Myanmar And Bangladesh In US’ China-Containment Strategy – Analysis

Now, you are talking about India. India will do this, India will do that. But, again a guy like you brag BD is not a US pawn. What a double standard? Very strange! Do not you think India is already messing up things by encouraging Burma? So, what is the point of fearing India? Let India do all those nasty things, but we don't keep the ball in the court of India or Burma. The ball must be in our court.

We must demand a route through Burma to China, and at the same time we will keep the Arakani Mujahids' guns fully loaded. Only a double dealing will force Burma to open a route to China. No country ever respects another country who lack self-respect and courage when dealing with another country.

Well like Kalu luffy idune minded people think they can create an axis of BD-Burma-Chinese to put against India. But they fail to understand that we are on our own at the end of the day. Burma will always put their own national interest first and they really dont have anything against India. Why would Burma back BD against India to start with?
Well like Kalu luffy idune minded people think they can create an axis of BD-Burma-Chinese to put against India. But they fail to understand that we are on our own at the end of the day. Burma will always put their own national interest first and they really dont have anything against India. Why would Burma back BD against India to start with?

Some people do not want to see the real world in its true state. They think world is revolving around their thinking. Usually these people point towards India, but refrain from doing so against Burma. They do not see that Burma is already guilty of duplicity. It is dealing both with China and India at the same time. So, these two big countries respect Burma. This is very simple and this is how things are done among the countries.

Take also the case also of China. It is friendly with both BD and Burma, and also talks nicely with India on the surface. This is politics. USA is same. It is friendly with both India and BD. But, here some people think India is behind anything Burma does as if that country is a one year old toddler. To them Burma is a good baby, but India is a bad guy.

Reality is these posters themselves are immature. They just do not know anything about international relationship. Sk. Mujib knew. He told Ne Win of Burma that his LA troops are ready to move to Arakan if Burma does not take care of its citizens. Thing is Arakan was never a part of Burma until it was made so by the British in 1824 for administrative purpose. It was separated from Bengal Presidency on that year.
Bangladesh is not fool enough to do anything that will hamper growth prospect of Bangladesh considering present government of Myanmar is moderate...

Based on the current news government has taken 2 stage policy to deal with this refugee problem... 1st discussion while internationalize the matter...

Details below...

Already Bangladesh has reached an agreement with the newly elected government of Myanmar regarding this refugee and government of myanmar has agreed to take the registered refugees though no agreement has been reached for not registered refugees which make up bulk of the refugee...


Not only that Bangladeshi government has internationalized the issue by putting this refugee issue before OIC and UNHCR....



Hope this will be helpful....

But putting some control or influence in arakan is always beneficial for Bangladesh in longer term considering Muslims may become majority in near future over there....but not for destructive purpose...

UNHCR was involved with Rohingya's from 1992. I have also heard that OIC was involved and Saudi Arabia was trying to help us with this problem. I have also heard that "Bangladeshi" crime spree in Saudi Arabia and other gulf states are mostly of Rohingya origin. Thanks for posting the thread links.

Could you please explain and elaborate on the bold part in above post. Thanks.
Well you are too afraid of India and your sheer fear made it impossible to do the right thing for the future of this country. You must come out of that mindset that if we ask our right share from Myanmar will put us in odd with India. In fact taking the offensive stand against Myanmar will help us even containing India. We are not boxed up country with our without Myanmar.

Lets see, you think I am afraid and fearful of India? This is your level of comprehension from all the posts I have made in pdf, amazing.

Before you speak of my mindset I want to know a few things:

- if you are not afraid and fearful of India and if you are going to support insurgency inside another neighbor, let me see your stand about insurgency inside Indian NE states. Do you support insurgency in Indian NE states? YES or NO, please give one word answer
- and how is it going to help us with India "if we ask our right share from Myanmar"?
- what exactly does this "right share" mean?

Seeking a weak position has made Bangladesh the target of humiliation at the hands of Burma. Unless BD can give trouble to Burma, it will never respect BD and it will keep on denying any route to China. What good this MIU MIU policy of Bd has brought to us except that Burma keeps on pushing its Arakanese people towards BD and denying a route to China?

So, keep on with the gentlemanly behaviour with that country and they will keep on kicking our *** all the time. This has been happening since the last 40 years. So, how many years more do you guys want to continue this policy? A country should not talk from the position of weakness.

Our govt and military must sit together and write down an Arakan policy.

Seeking a weak position has made Bangladesh the target of humiliation at the hands of India. Unless BD can give trouble to India, it will never respect BD.

So, keep on with the gentlemanly behaviour with that country and they will keep on kicking our *** all the time. This has been happening since the last 40 years. So, how many years more do you guys want to continue this policy? A country should not talk from the position of weakness.

Our govt and military must sit together and write down an India policy.

I have used your words and replaced the words Burma with India. Now please answer, are you going to support insurgency in Indian NE states, according to your policy of getting tough with neighbors?
You have to understand, we not only housed their Rohiyngia but also Rakhain. Even Chakmas were also chased out by Burmese and they settled in our CHT. Its time we take over whole of Arakhan.

What about Indian NE, India have been stealing our water from there, what do you want to do with Indian NE, do you want to take that over too?
Some people do not want to see the real world in its true state. They think world is revolving around their thinking. Usually these people point towards India, but refrain from doing so against Burma. They do not see that Burma is already guilty of duplicity. It is dealing both with China and India at the same time. So, these two big countries respect Burma. This is very simple and this is how things are done among the countries.

Take also the case also of China. It is friendly with both BD and Burma, and also talks nicely with India on the surface. This is politics. USA is same. It is friendly with both India and BD. But, here some people think India is behind anything Burma does as if that country is a one year old toddler. To them Burma is a good baby, but India is a bad guy.

Reality is these posters themselves are immature. They just do not know anything about international relationship. Sk. Mujib knew. He told Ne Win of Burma that his LA troops are ready to move to Arakan if Burma does not take care of its citizens. Thing is Arakan was never a part of Burma until it was made so by the British in 1824 for administrative purpose. It was separated from Bengal Presidency on that year.

Burma is influenced by both China and india like Bangladesh. To outer world many see BD events as influenced by india or China likewise for Burma many see the same way. During last bnp era people saw some activities that were clearly China and ISI influenced and now we see everything influenced by india. This is a fact for Burma too. Thing is they have a junta govt. which is really stupid, greedy and unreliable.

In diplomatic relationship it's customary to talk nicely and do anything against by backdoor policy or on war field, during cold war era definitely USA and USSR didn't fight in a diplomatic meeting. China who talks nicely friendly with india also recently proposed breaking india in some pieces.

Break India, says China think-tank

There is clear evidences that some of Burmese events were influenced by india. The 1991 attack, 2008 BoB events are such ones backed by india. Just 2/3 days before 2008 conflict pranab visited Burma. There's a long story on 1991 too. Thing is after 90 when we started to be weaker on leadership they've been doing these by influence of third hand. Just look over the chess board-whole BD's 3/4th border is with india which is definitely acting as master, then there's Burma. If Burma is declared an enemy, who'll be friend as neighbor? Also, the only way out and in from BD is BoB which is possible by indian navy to have a naval blockade should a hostile situation arise and BD is completely locked on all corners. So, there's clear persuading to make them hostile against us. Also, military official told me the same. There's nothing emotional, immature, it's the fact. Look at current fire in Burma, just a couple of days ago indian pm visited Burma. Every time a big one visits from india, there's something. So far I remember (not sure though) just few days ago of BDR mutiny a such big one from india visited BD.

It's true we can't bow down to anyone otherwise all will start riding over us, a simple logic but unfortunately we lack that leadership now. Definitely BD should unite Rohingya people to liberate them as they're being oppressed for long and there should always be a key in neighboring country to treat when required like Zaiur Rahman started something long ago which current bal govt. destroyed and the result is increase of border killing with lots of misdeeds.

Now decision is up to you if you really want to declare Burma an enemy which may materialize some third hand's ultimate view.
Authorities imposed martial law in an area of Myanmar's western Rakhine State on Saturday after Muslims allegedly torched hundreds of houses and killed at least five people.
State media announced that Maung Thaw district, about 230 kilometres west of Yangon, was under a dusk-to-dawn curfew.
One official claimed the attackers came from a "neighbouring country".

Martial law in Myanmar district | Bangkok Post: news

One official claimed the attackers came from a "neighbouring country".

That's not a benign statement and can cause bad feelings between you too. I believe for the sake of both countries a good relationship is a must in order to have bright futures. Good luck to both of you.
Martial law in Myanmar district | Bangkok Post: news

One official claimed the attackers came from a "neighbouring country".

That's not a benign statement and can cause bad feelings between you too. I believe for the sake of both countries a good relationship is a must in order to have bright futures. Good luck to both of you.

No, to attain a good relationship it is necessary to play strong and with duplicity, just like Burma does with us. Myammar does not want to be in good terms with Bangladesh, a country of Blackies, as is termed by the silver/gold skinned monkey Myammarians. To them Rohingyas are another group of Bangali blackies living in their midst who have stolen Myammar land. But, the opposite is true. Myammar has been occupying Arakan since 1824 and is expelling the blackies from their own land. This is untolerable.

It is not war that a country should want to solve an issue. But, an issue cannot be solved if one country is too eager to be nice with the other. Niceties are seen as weakness. We want to live in peace, but then Burma amassed more than 50,000 troops in our border in 1992 after there was a problem when its Nasaka entered a BGB (then BDR) camp, killed one troop and stolen arms. It is myammar that amasses troops in the border time to time to threaten us.

It was again in 2008 when Myammar sent drilling ships to our part of BoB. Gen. Moin sent warships and the Myammarians resolve collapsed and withdrew its ships. So, showing of force seem to work with Burma. Niceties will not work and Burma will not open its land for a BD-China connection.

A kind of limited war may be needed to show off our resolve after which a comrehensive compromise can be brought about. Perhaps, this is what the Myammarians want from BD in order to co-odinate their own policy towards BD.
No, to attain a good relationship it is necessary to play strong and with duplicity, just like Burma does with us. Myammar does not want to be in good terms with Bangladesh, a country of Blackies, as is termed by the silver/gold skinned monkey Myammarians. To them Rohingyas are another group of Bangali blackies living in their midst who have stolen Myammar land. But, the opposite is true. Myammar has been occupying Arakan since 1824 and is expelling the blackies from their own land. This is untolerable.

It is not war that a country should want to solve an issue. But, an issue cannot be solved if one country is too eager to be nice with the other. Niceties are seen as weakness. We want to live in peace, but then Burma amassed more than 50,000 troops in our border in 1992 after there was a problem when its Nasaka entered a BGB (then BDR) camp, killed one troop and stolen arms. It is myammar that amasses troops in the border time to time to threaten us.

It was again in 2008 when Myammar sent drilling ships to our part of BoB. Gen. Moin sent warships and the Myammarians resolve collapsed and withdrew its ships. So, showing of force seem to work with Burma. Niceties will not work and Burma will not open its land for a BD-China connection.

A kind of limited war may be needed to show off our resolve after which a comrehensive compromise can be brought about. Perhaps, this is what the Myammarians want from BD in order to co-odinate their own policy towards BD.

I wonder your nationalistic view is in line with your government policy concerning Myanmar, if so it sound a little dangerous because many lives are properties are at stake. Skirmishes, however small, can expand especially if Myanmar's internal problems intensified she might use the war against your country to rally supports from other mishmash groups. Even though, IMO, the scenario is unlikely because both the US and China will probably intervene diplomatically considering both are friends of both sides and have interests to see your respective countries working together peacefully, especially China.

I wonder, from my chain of though, would the US or China or both be able to act as arbiters and help solve the issues. Sometimes when 2 contending nations have dialogues going in good faiths issues don't have to solve immediately and can, in many case, leave the future generations to solve, but for the meantime they both can work together in many projects harmoniously.

Sometime too when two countries have working relationships and people exchanges for period of generations, the previous problems become non issues. Just my two cents, and am a strong believer of Bangladesh Myanmar friendship are national securities for both countries and the region. Thank.
First USA wanted to contain China with Taiwan, now Taiwan has a pro-China government.

Then USA wanted to contain China with territorial disputes over Spratly Islands and Diaoyu Islands. But China spanked Philippines mercilessly and is now spanking Japan mercilessly too.

USA wanted to use South Korea to contain China. But North Korea sunk the warship Cheonon and artillery shelled South Korea without any consequences.

USA even wanted to use india to contain China. But China's deployment of airbases in Tibet and J-10 airstrike exercises struck fear deep into the heart of new delhi.

Now USA wants to contain China using Bangladesh? Just say "no" and the Western imperialists will be negotiating with fishes in the in indian ocean to contain China!
I wonder your nationalistic view is in line with your government policy concerning Myanmar, if so it sound a little dangerous because many lives are properties are at stake. Skirmishes, however small, can expand especially if Myanmar's internal problems intensified she might use the war against your country to rally supports from other mishmash groups. Even though, IMO, the scenario is unlikely because both the US and China will probably intervene diplomatically considering both are friends of both sides and have interests to see your respective countries working together peacefully, especially China.

I wonder, from my chain of though, would the US or China or both be able to act as arbiters and help solve the issues. Sometimes when 2 contending nations have dialogues going in good faiths issues don't have to solve immediately and can, in many case, leave the future generations to solve, but for the meantime they both can work together in many projects harmoniously.

Sometime too when two countries have working relationships and people exchanges for period of generations, the previous problems become non issues. Just my two cents, and am a strong believer of Bangladesh Myanmar friendship are national securities for both countries and the region. Thank.

Your post is completely logical. No one wants war. But, a country has to face it squarely when one is imposed on it. Burma always disturbs our peace by not making a compromise with the Arakani Muslim. The soldiers side with the non-Muslims when a riot starts. That forces Arakanese to cross the border and come to BD. I have seen their camps near Cox's Bazaar, it is an inhumane condition of living. But, they do so for fear of persecution in their own land by the Myanmarians.

This situation must not be allowed to continue. BD politicians must talk bold with the GoM. Otherwise, persecution will not stop in Myanmar. For one thing, Arakan was annexed with Myanmar in 1824 by the British and the Arakanese do not like to be called as Myanmarians. Myanmar has a racist policy. It is dominated by only one tribe-Barman. All other groups have to accept their dominance. This is why the GoM is at war with all its Provinces.
Authorities imposed martial law in an area of Myanmar's western Rakhine State on Saturday after Muslims allegedly torched hundreds of houses and killed at least five people.
State media announced that Maung Thaw district, about 230 kilometres west of Yangon, was under a dusk-to-dawn curfew.
One official claimed the attackers came from a "neighbouring country".

Martial law in Myanmar district | Bangkok Post: news

One official claimed the attackers came from a "neighbouring country".

That's not a benign statement and can cause bad feelings between you too. I believe for the sake of both countries a good relationship is a must in order to have bright futures. Good luck to both of you.

Neighboring country has been housing a good number of Burmese nationals as refugees for long. If some of these refugees were the attackers as the official claimed, the attackers are actually Burmese not Bangladeshi and it has no relation with Bangladeshi people.
US and India should try impressing Myanmar and establish democracy there , because once myanmar is our ally BD would be locked and it will be forced to work with us . (oh what im talking BDs except zabaniya made my mind like that)
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