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Myanmar And Bangladesh In US’ China-Containment Strategy – Analysis

Bangladesh figures in the strategic calculus of the United States militarily in the Navy and Air Force domains. In the United States China Containment Strategy, with Bangladesh strongly in its fold eventuality exists where the US Navy and US Air Force could use Bangladeshi bases.

:blink: :blink: :blink:

You know, I just went to Dhaka's main international airport's airfield, and man, there's unused space! Lots of it!! Enough to fit B-2s and B-52s to be stationed.

Although, I can't say just how true this statement is. Seems more of an opinion.
Bangladesh is no US pawn and Insha-Allah never will be one. We are good friends, that is all. We have interest in joining ASEAN and reduce Indian influence in this region. If US can help us with that we should side with the US, if China can help us more for our above goals, then we should side with China. It is pure business onlee. No hard feelings.

For the moment it seems the idiots in charge of creating geopolitical strategies in US state dept. have decided to work with India in the region, which will be suicidal for the US in my opinion, but they never were a very bright bunch of people, looking at the track record. So my inclination and recommendation for Bangladesh now is to lean towards China rather than the US, as it seems that with this level of competence in strategic affairs, the US will eventually be defeated globally by China.

We traditionally had deep brotherly relations with GCC specially KSA but thanks to Awami dalali
foreign policy our relations with GCC is strained. Once these awami dalals are ousted from power
relations will be back on track. But I think our relations with Myanmar is the most important one.
you know what I mean. :)

Hah I called this few months back. Bangladesh will have to join the anti China gang, willingly or unwillingly.

Useless Brain farts as usual from Raybot Dada. BTW when are you retiring dada? 10 days are already

Bay of Bengal hitherto fore viewed by Indian policy establishment as exclusive military backwaters of India.

Wrong. Bay of bengal is exclusively a miliraty backwater of BD.:coffee:
Bangladesh is no US pawn and Insha-Allah never will be one. We are good friends, that is all. We have interest in joining ASEAN and reduce Indian influence in this region. If US can help us with that we should side with the US, if China can help us more for our above goals, then we should side with China. It is pure business onlee. No hard feelings.
It seems, for people like you, that the only issue for BD is to counter Indian interests in the region. Nothing else matters. You have a totally myopic view of the geostrategic imperatives of the region. You must remember that BD has no contiguous borders with China and therefore looking for a strategic tie-up is more political in nature, never mind the so called Bangladesh-China Defence Cooperation Agreement that doesn't count for much.

More important to the US is the southern transit route, which runs through the strategically important Strait of Malacca, which is vital for China. If it were closed, China's economy would not be able to survive even for a month. That is why the U.S. created a permanent group of warships that will be located in Singapore. Strategic depth will be provided by the U.S. military in Australia and the Philippines. Thus, the strait can easily be blocked by Washington.

The formation of an anti-China coalition consisting of the USA, Russia, India, Japan, South Korea, Australia and Southeast Asia could put China in a desperate situation. BD doesn't count for much in this equation.
Useless Brain farts as usual from Raybot Dada. BTW when are you retiring dada? 10 days are already

Ah the Bangladeshi intellectual strikes again. Seriously your vocabulary is very limited, you need to learn more words. :lol:

Is that the new Bangladeshi way of debating? Like Juvenile school kids say brain farts to everything you hear. Keep at it, you have a bright future.
Damn our turn's already over, next inline SL/Mauritius ;)

Your turn is not only over, US may have another strategy to contain India inside the bottle, too. You can bet on it. So, be a good boy all the time.
Any Idea anyone of what's India's take is in this matter?

India's take in the BD-US security arrangement, or the strategic partnership, is a big minus. By recognizing BD as the sole master of BoB, the USA has hit India with a hard slap. Now, big DADA will be scared to come near our sea territory.

Hah I called this few months back. Bangladesh will have to join the anti China gang, willingly or unwillingly.

I hope, you did not wish us to join Indian camp to become anti-China. We still remain committed to China. USA will give us those kinds of support that cannot be given by China.
India's take in the BD-US security arrangement, or the strategic partnership, is a big minus. By recognizing BD as the sole master of BoB, the USA has hit India with a hard slap. Now, big DADA will be scared to come near our sea territory.

I hope, you did not wish us to join Indian camp to become anti-China. We still remain committed to China. USA will give us those kinds of support that cannot be given by China.

1 Kolkata Class Destroyer is So Heavily Armed, It can Annhilate Entire Bangladesh Navy. It will Join the Eastern Fleet in September. Seriously, Don't Mess Up with Kolkatta. ;)
Bangladesh is no US pawn and Insha-Allah never will be one. We are good friends, that is all. We have interest in joining ASEAN and reduce Indian influence in this region. If US can help us with that we should side with the US, if China can help us more for our above goals, then we should side with China. It is pure business onlee. No hard feelings.

For the moment it seems the idiots in charge of creating geopolitical strategies in US state dept. have decided to work with India in the region, which will be suicidal for the US in my opinion, but they never were a very bright bunch of people, looking at the track record. So my inclination and recommendation for Bangladesh now is to lean towards China rather than the US, as it seems that with this level of competence in strategic affairs, the US will eventually be defeated globally by China.

Height of delusion i will say ...
First of all South Asia Analysis Group (SAAG) is very well known RAW arm for propaganda analysis and should be treated as such. Indians like before will take every opportunity to sabotage Bangladesh eastward connectivity and close relation.

Connectivity with Myanmar and then to ASEAN and China is part of Bangladesh “Look East” policy that was undertook during last BNP govt. India played its part to sabotage the initiative and indo-Awami think tanks played their part against it. In fact one such Indian influenced so called “think tank” Policy Research Institute (PRI) just brought to life to paddle connectivity agenda with india.

But this time things are bit different, given current geo political environment in South-East and East Asia, US has special interest in Myanmar and Bangladesh is sitting at the crossroad. This time, US and Bangladesh interests (without going into detail) are converging on connectivity with Myanmar, ASEAN and even China and on growth of trade in the region.

“If you go left you go to Kunming in China: go right and you get to Southeast Asia,” the ambassador said.

Secretary Clinton, at a Town Hall meeting during her recent visit to Bangladesh had said that Bangladesh is strategically located between East and West of Asia.
“You have the opportunity to be a crossroads, as you historically have been. The Grand Trunk Road, the old Silk Road, all came to Bangladesh. And now you have an opportunity to serve the same role in the 21st century,
” – Dan Mozena, US Ambassador to Bangladesh.

From the US ambassador statement its clear, US like to see Bangladesh get connected to China. US interest and strategy is not one dimensional as Indians are trying to propagate. There are US business and trade interest in it. Bangladesh is no way fall within US “China containment” template; india unfortunately does. But Indians are clearly trying to label Bangladesh is in anti China camp to stroke Chinese thinking and perhaps action against Bangladesh interest. But China is far smarter and has their eyes and ears and can see through their own interest on their own. China has different level of understanding with US and US-China strategic dialogue held recently bare marks on such evolving understanding.

Here is a sample of it:
Exclusive: U.S. lets China bypass Wall Street for Treasury orders | Reuters

India will try best to use its Awami stooges to keep Bangladesh from any eastward connectivity. Indians used ESCAP and Awami stooges (Kibria, Rahmatullah type) to change Asian highway route. Just couple days ago Policy Research Institute (PRI) came out of hibernation to paddle indian connectivity agenda; just in line with Indian propaganda and sabotage plan. Anisul Islam Mahmud and Rahmatullah and folks were in the PRI conference are well known Indian cohorts in Bangladesh.

Infrastructure dev must to raise regional trade

This time one can expect India will go even extreme like

• Try to label Bangladesh is in anti China camp.
• Try to promote animosity with Myanmar.
• Lobbying to change US Ambassador and policy in Washington.
• Stage terrorism inside Bangladesh and Myanmar.
• Stage arms and drug scandal.
• And what not ….

All these nefarious indian acts will be to pursue US, Myanmar and China to back off from Bangladesh connectivity. SAAG and Policy Research Institute (PRI) are just mouth piece of these Indian agenda. While Awami League regime will be following indian instructions, for our own interest we need to be aware of indian deception and lie.
My question to the Indian Posters: What is the minimum distance gap between China And Bangladesh border? Hint: Chicken Neck, a permanent headache for Indians.

I believe the short border distance is the opportunity for US to look for.
First of all South Asia Analysis Group (SAAG) is very well known RAW arms for propaganda analysis and should be treated as such. Indians like before will take every opportunity to sabotage Bangladesh eastward connectivity and close relation.

Connectivity with Myanmar and then to ASEAN and China is part of Bangladesh “Look East” policy that was undertook during last BNP govt. India played its part to sabotage the initiative and indo-Awami think tanks played their part against it. In fact one such Indian influenced so called “think tank” Policy Research Institute (PRI) just brought to life to paddle connectivity agenda with india.

But this time things are bit different, given current geo political environment in South-East and East Asia, US has special interest in Myanmar and Bangladesh is sitting at the crossroad. This time, US and Bangladesh interests (without going into detail) are converging on connectivity with Myanmar, ASEAN and even China and growth of trade in the region.

From the US ambassador statement its clear US like to see Bangladesh get connected to China. US interest and strategy is not one dimensional as Indians are trying to propagate. There are business and trade interest in it. Bangladesh is no way fall within US “China containment” template; india does. But Indians are clearly trying to use propaganda to stroke Chinese thinking and perhaps action against Bangladesh interest. But China is far smarter and has their eyes and ears and can see through their own interest on their own. China has different level of understanding with US and US-China strategic dialogue held recently bare marks on such evolving relation.

Here is a sample of it:
Exclusive: U.S. lets China bypass Wall Street for Treasury orders | Reuters

India will try best to use its Awami stooges to keep Bangladesh from any eastward connectivity. Indians used ESCAP and Awami stooges (Kibria, Rahmatullah type) to change Asian highway route. Just couple days ago Policy Research Institute (PRI) came out of hibernation to paddle indian connectivity agenda; just in line with Indian prpaganda and sabotage plan. Anisul Islam Mahmud and Rahmatullah and folks were in the PRI conference are well known Indian cohorts in Bangladesh.

Infrastructure dev must to raise regional trade

This time one can expect India will go even extreme like

• Try to label Bangladesh is in anti China camp.
• Try to promote animosity with Myanmar.
• Lobbying to change US Ambassador and policy in Washington.
• Stage terrorism inside Bangladesh and Myanmar.
• Stage arms and drug scandal.
• And what not ….

All these nefarious indian acts will be to pursue US, Myanmar and China to back off from Bangladesh connectivity. SAAG and Policy Research Institute (PRI) are just mouth piece of these Indian agenda. While Awami League regime will be following indian instructions, for our own interest we need to be aware of indian deception and lie

:lol: that was cute, the problem is India is not even bothered about it. So there goes your BS theory out the window.
My question to the Indian Posters: What is the minimum distance gap between China And Bangladesh border? Hint: Chicken Neck, a permanent headache for Indians.

I believe the short border distance is the opportunity for US to look for.

lol..other side of chicken neck is Nepal..
First of all South Asia Analysis Group (SAAG) is very well known RAW arms for propaganda analysis and should be treated as such. Indians like before will take every opportunity to sabotage Bangladesh eastward connectivity and close relation.

Connectivity with Myanmar and then to ASEAN and China is part of Bangladesh “Look East” policy that was undertook during last BNP govt. India played its part to sabotage the initiative and indo-Awami think tanks played their part against it. In fact one such Indian influenced so called “think tank” Policy Research Institute (PRI) just brought to life to paddle connectivity agenda with india.

But this time things are bit different, given current geo political environment in South-East and East Asia, US has special interest in Myanmar and Bangladesh is sitting at the crossroad. This time, US and Bangladesh interests (without going into detail) are converging on connectivity with Myanmar, ASEAN and even China and growth of trade in the region.

From the US ambassador statement its clear US like to see Bangladesh get connected to China. US interest and strategy is not one dimensional as Indians are trying to propagate. There are business and trade interest in it. Bangladesh is no way fall within US “China containment” template; india does. But Indians are clearly trying to use propaganda to stroke Chinese thinking and perhaps action against Bangladesh interest. But China is far smarter and has their eyes and ears and can see through their own interest on their own. China has different level of understanding with US and US-China strategic dialogue held recently bare marks on such evolving relation.

Here is a sample of it:
Exclusive: U.S. lets China bypass Wall Street for Treasury orders | Reuters

India will try best to use its Awami stooges to keep Bangladesh from any eastward connectivity. Indians used ESCAP and Awami stooges (Kibria, Rahmatullah type) to change Asian highway route. Just couple days ago Policy Research Institute (PRI) came out of hibernation to paddle indian connectivity agenda; just in line with Indian prpaganda and sabotage plan. Anisul Islam Mahmud and Rahmatullah and folks were in the PRI conference are well known Indian cohorts in Bangladesh.

Infrastructure dev must to raise regional trade

This time one can expect India will go even extreme like

• Try to label Bangladesh is in anti China camp.
• Try to promote animosity with Myanmar.
• Lobbying to change US Ambassador and policy in Washington.
• Stage terrorism inside Bangladesh and Myanmar.
• Stage arms and drug scandal.
• And what not ….

All these nefarious indian acts will be to pursue US, Myanmar and China to back off from Bangladesh connectivity. SAAG and Policy Research Institute (PRI) are just mouth piece of these Indian agenda. While Awami League regime will be following indian instructions, for our own interest we need to be aware of indian deception and lie.

Excellent well thought out and well researched post, thank you idune Bhai. Indian biggest goal was to box in Bangladesh, but their game got exposed, as US and China are both for trade and connectivity and they will make sure that Bangladesh will get closer to ASEAN and eventually become part of it, hopefully, if we play our cards right, despite all Indian plans and designs to prevent this outcome. I think slicing off Indian so called "sphere of influence" is good convergence of interest for both US and China. As this is what the majority people of Bangladesh desire for greater interest of all Bangladeshi's future. Both US and China know that they are scoring brownie points with Bangladeshi public and stupid RAW analysts are getting mud in their faces. One more example of India's stupid foreign policy, which is fully exposed from posts after posts of many low mentality Indians here in pdf.
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