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Myanmar And Bangladesh In US’ China-Containment Strategy – Analysis

US and India should try impressing Myanmar and establish democracy there , because once myanmar is our ally BD would be locked and it will be forced to work with us . (oh what im talking BDs except zabaniya made my mind like that)

Huh? :confused:

Since when Bangladesh and the US were enemies? :lol:
US and India should try impressing Myanmar and establish democracy there , because once myanmar is our ally BD would be locked and it will be forced to work with us . (oh what im talking BDs except zabaniya made my mind like that)

Sounds great...BD will then resort finding route through independent Assam (as well as all independent NE states) to communicate with China...oh it's dam far away Kunming from Cox's Bazar than the mere 100 km comfortable Assam route from North Bangla :tup: !
Instead of responding to specific post, here is my generic response to chest thumping types:

What important for Bangladesh is to achieve its goals – that is have a friendly relation with Myanmar so that we can gain connectivity and leverage their resource for mutual development. Adapting standoffish noise and posture are good for chest thumping types but would not achieve Bangladesh goals. Specially, in the environment when Myanmar has more friends today and more countries including US, EU and india warming up to Myanmar opening up to political reform.

In such geo political backdrop, india is constantly working on plot to promote animosity between Bangladesh and Myanmar and sabotage Bangladesh relation. Taking emotional and chest thumping types into consideration india set out its latest traps of ethnic tension inside Myanmar. It is no surprise eastwatch and iajdani types are more than willing to walk into Indian traps just like they once did with Awami stooge acts.

As far as I am aware, in near future there is visit of Hasina scheduled in Myanmar but with indian instigated unrest that visit will be in question now. It’s getting more clear that india stand to benefit from this latest ethnic suppression in Myanmar at Bangladesh cost.

In relation with other country specially when significant geo political, business, trade, energy and connectivity are at stake for Bangladesh, standoffish attitude has no place. At the same time just extending helping hand and building trust is no way sign of weakness or submission. That is specially true in case of Myanmar because in most cases Myanmar is less or equal to Bangladesh capabilities.

In this situation proper Bangladesh response should be neutralize indian subversion and build trusting relation with Myanmar. Sending a high level delegation to Myanmar and assure them of cooperation not only for immediate crisis but also long term problem resolution should be immediate order of business for Bangladesh. A joint and coordinated effort could go long way. But it is too much to ask from a indian subservient regime.
LOL..........just few days back only bangaladesh and myanmar were fighting for rights over EEZ in bay of bangal and now u saying indian is instigating it for ur kind information china has big influence on myanmar not india.
its china dats playing the tricks not INDIA.:lol::shout:
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