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My tour de UAE

Need to get in the party scene, hit me up. Otherwise keep a wallet full of cash.
What product are you talking about??
And are you planning to sell something??
I am sorry but I had a tough time decoding your post.

Well Bilal if it is about selling any random good then I dont think you are allowed to sell anything here unless you have the permission to do so.
Are you planning to setup a new business here??
If so you might have to sign on an MOA with a citizen of UAE.

Selling like a dozens of product or more like which have demand in UAE of Pakistani product to a retail shop or etc & can be sell easily that can generate a little revenue for me.

does this need permission ?
Selling like a dozens of product or more like which have demand in UAE of Pakistani product to a retail shop or etc & can be sell easily that can generate a little revenue for me.

does this need permission ?

To sell anything you'll need permission.Here you cant start a business by yourself,you'll need to have a local as partner.Even to sell something to a shop,you'll need permission.UAE laws are very strict,if they catch you then deportation + some good time in behind the bars is an assured thing.
Btw what are you planning to sell???
If you're travelling to the UAE be absolutely sure not to carry any food items with rare spices because the narcotics laws there are extremely strict. Also dress respectively and the purchase/consumption of alcohol is banned in some areas and is allowed in other areas with the possession of a drinking license only. Also to start a business/sell things you must have a local partner and permission. Other than that it's a fun place. Enjoy your trip.
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