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My Real life struggle against Dark forces of Evil

Yes their are trolls here, some who follow the deen but reject black magic -- who themselves are disobeying Allah, these are half *** Muslims. :)

Honestly, you don't need to convince your father you've done enough, you need to do you.

Yaar I don't care about my life, I lost 30 years of my precious life years because of this shit show, if our lives are ruined than it means my Aunt wins over Allah and all the worship and recitation we as family did gone to vein ..
I try my best to keep a level head throughout the day in front of the person i hate the most, but when you hear them literally talking about doing things to you and you are so helpless to even do anything to counter it ..
First of all to Mods My apologies for if I started this thread in a wrong section because i don't know where this thread would fit in . I was unsure of if i should even discuss this issue here because of its personal and a bit superstition in nature .

So let me come straight to the point, So I have 4 aunts alive and 2 of them lives with us for over 30+ years in the same house ( ground floor ) , one is mentally and physically Paralyzed since birth and other is a unmarried women in late 50's . We did have ups and downs in our lives with her and arguments which almost every Pakistani or Desi family have their their Phuppies ,but things took a far more bizarre turn not so far in past when some long lasting family issues once again comes to highlight , I don't want to go in details but it surely involves Money, second thing that changes in last couple of years that After I got married and many on the Forum knows that I am married to a American girl, when i get married my aunts ( Phuppies ) tried their best with my father to stop this marriage by saying a lot of things against my girl without knowing her in person, It was clear that they are doing this out of jealousy because 1 of my aunt lives in Canada for years and other aunt although lives in Pakistan but often travel to USA and when she returns she comes to brag about places she visit but we are like yeah good for you ..But since i got married my aunts become hostile towards me and my family, and despite me being the youngest in my whole Father side family i used to be loved by everyone but sudden change in their attitude towards me shocked me , it was so bad, that I am putting Allah as my witness that none of my Phuppi has congratulate me or bless me on my marriage until today, and 1 aunt who lives with me have not even give wedding gift , I know its not a serious thing but in Pakistani families it does reflect people behavior and those who have family issues will understand.

One day, I was doing something at the main gate of my house, when i heard some talk my aunt was doing with someone on the phone, the doors and windows were closed and no way she would know if i was there , what shocked me when she mentioned my specifically by saying her exact words " Han Apni Auqaat se bahr jaa ker American Bhangan se shadi ker li , Lakin mai bhi dekhti hun Kese America jata hai , Esa Ammal Karawaya hai ke Karachi se bahr nai ja sake ga " Roughly translated in to ( Yes he married a American sewerage worker by exceeding his limit, I will see how he even go to America , I have done Black Magic or Voodoo that he wont be able to leave Karachi ) . Now usually in my life I believe such things exists like Evil eye , Black Magic and Voodoo , because it has evidence in Islam , sunnah and even Quran talks about it , since i heard her i reflect on my life since my marriage and how things change rapidly for me, when we were applying for our Visa process despite a lot of people I tried to communicate to help me, none of them come out and my Visa process was put under a thing called Administrative processing , which according to Lawyers from USA i talked to is a Black hole of Immigration , Since my marriage in 2017 , 2 of my other cousins both males married to American born Pakistani' green card holder girls and while i am waiting they both are already settled in America started their lives with their wives while I am here, Despite thinking rationally about how come a Black magic or Voodoo affect American embassy decision the words of my Aunt and incidents that follow since my marriage in my life is making me wonder if she is really up to something sinister ?

What do you think I should do ? and what are your thoughts about if I am overthinking on this and this is all in my head, despite her claiming to be doing some Ammal to stop me from going to America or even trying to make me and my wife Divorce . I am not a devoted Muslim that pray 5 times, I am not ashamed in accepting that I should be praying but I am weak and everything i try somehow my heart move away from Prayers and other things . I time to time before I sleep recite Surah Nas and Surah Ikhlaq and blow on myself as according to one hadeeth this is what Prophet used to do every night before sleeping .
If anyone of you knows or have any suggestions for me , or have anyone baba or as we call in our language " Allah wale " who can help ( us ) particularly me out I am open to suggestion .

Some of you might wonder or even thing that its wrong that I am discussing such personal issues on a Defense forum but unfortunately I can not discuss this with anyone else or find out how to deal with such situations , I consider myself to a person from a modern world and hence there is a struggle that is going in my head to either believe in all that or just not to and nothing of all that works . If this thread end up being closed or shut down feel free to message me on PDF to ask for my email to discuss further details on email .
Jazak Allah khair to all the nice people of PDF for listening , and helping out .

First of all, stories like these are extremely common in India as well. There is a sustained belief among many concerning dayans, churails, pret-aatmas, nishachars (flesh-eating demons), and a million other things. In Islamic belief system, all these entities are probably given a catch-all phrase: jinns. In Europe and America, of course, there is sustained belief in vampires, witchcraft, and other dark forces of nature.

The Qu'ran has some good lines to stave off these darker forces of nature: the Surah Al' Falak which means you implore Allah to give you refuge from such forces. The Bible has Psalm 23 "The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want....Valley of Shadow of Death". The Hindus have Hanuman Chalisa to ward off evil forces. Most will claim that it does work, so you might wanna try that one.

Religion aside, what is a rational mind supposed to do? Most of these thoughts you're having now are nothing but mind tricks. The eggs in your door step, the crazy aunts (trust me, we all have them even in India. Probably crazier.) are nothing but a figment of imagination. Just because you think your phupi wishes you harm does not mean that her wish will come true. Your own mental defences are weak, and if you should be angry at someone, make sure you blame yourself first. You have allowed your mind to be controlled by forces beyond your control. So, if the Jinns or churails/bhoot prets are winning, you have nothing but yourself to blame.

But really it sounds like you dislike being in the company of those people. You don't have to put up with them, just move out elsewhere. A US visa rejection is not the end of one's life. If you don't have more important things in your life than a US visa, that's also when you should blame yourself. Assuming you don't want to live in Pakistan, move to another country with easier visa systems. Ask your wife and kids to move to that country of your choice, if they want to live with you (maybe they don't want to live in Pakistan). I am sure you know how to convince them.

I wouldn't worry too much about your deluded phupis. They can babble all kinds of nonsense. It will have no bearing in your life unless you really want them to.

And if you do end up confronting evil Satan himself, say hello to him on my behalf. I think Satan has more important things to do than bother with ordinary humans. :woot:

My conclusion is you have a weak mind. Honestly if I were you, I'd be ashamed of myself before blaming any random phupis. You need a higher purpose in life which should be more important than a US visa. I understand America is a magical country and you hate not living there. I was there too, however not living in America is not the end of one's life.

These stupid totkas have only as much power as you want them to have. I am capable enough to confront Uncle Satan himself, you only need confidence in your own abilities.

But really for you, it seems it's all about the US visa. You're pretty peeved about it. In the worst case, accept it as your destiny in life. For God's sake, stop blaming others.

Thank you
Don't be sad, bro

Try to be busy...I will see whether I can find that man again

Just try to be busy...May be selani welfare can also help you out...They must have guys who look into such things

Don't lose hope...Nothing is permanent. They will be gone...You have survived all these years and you WILL survive, win and LIVE happily again with your wife.

try to avoid overthinking...

doing our best bro, but isn't it sad that me in late 20's and my siblings in their early 30's are been talking about Suicide and be done with this life once and for all ? I mean in this stage of life we are suppose to be happy and living our lives for our parents and wife's and our kids but instead , when we hear each other talk in a way where death is more preferable than life itself than its sad state of affairs .

the only reason I am alive is that I want to see myself take my mother to Hajj and give her a comfortable life, or else suicide for me is far easier than living such a life ..my life is fcuked up and I don't want my after life to be fcuked that is why i keep myself from Suicide .
First of all to Mods My apologies for if I started this thread in a wrong section because i don't know where this thread would fit in . I was unsure of if i should even discuss this issue here because of its personal and a bit superstition in nature .

So let me come straight to the point, So I have 4 aunts alive and 2 of them lives with us for over 30+ years in the same house ( ground floor ) , one is mentally and physically Paralyzed since birth and other is a unmarried women in late 50's . We did have ups and downs in our lives with her and arguments which almost every Pakistani or Desi family have their their Phuppies ,but things took a far more bizarre turn not so far in past when some long lasting family issues once again comes to highlight , I don't want to go in details but it surely involves Money, second thing that changes in last couple of years that After I got married and many on the Forum knows that I am married to a American girl, when i get married my aunts ( Phuppies ) tried their best with my father to stop this marriage by saying a lot of things against my girl without knowing her in person, It was clear that they are doing this out of jealousy because 1 of my aunt lives in Canada for years and other aunt although lives in Pakistan but often travel to USA and when she returns she comes to brag about places she visit but we are like yeah good for you ..But since i got married my aunts become hostile towards me and my family, and despite me being the youngest in my whole Father side family i used to be loved by everyone but sudden change in their attitude towards me shocked me , it was so bad, that I am putting Allah as my witness that none of my Phuppi has congratulate me or bless me on my marriage until today, and 1 aunt who lives with me have not even give wedding gift , I know its not a serious thing but in Pakistani families it does reflect people behavior and those who have family issues will understand.

One day, I was doing something at the main gate of my house, when i heard some talk my aunt was doing with someone on the phone, the doors and windows were closed and no way she would know if i was there , what shocked me when she mentioned my specifically by saying her exact words " Han Apni Auqaat se bahr jaa ker American Bhangan se shadi ker li , Lakin mai bhi dekhti hun Kese America jata hai , Esa Ammal Karawaya hai ke Karachi se bahr nai ja sake ga " Roughly translated in to ( Yes he married a American sewerage worker by exceeding his limit, I will see how he even go to America , I have done Black Magic or Voodoo that he wont be able to leave Karachi ) . Now usually in my life I believe such things exists like Evil eye , Black Magic and Voodoo , because it has evidence in Islam , sunnah and even Quran talks about it , since i heard her i reflect on my life since my marriage and how things change rapidly for me, when we were applying for our Visa process despite a lot of people I tried to communicate to help me, none of them come out and my Visa process was put under a thing called Administrative processing , which according to Lawyers from USA i talked to is a Black hole of Immigration , Since my marriage in 2017 , 2 of my other cousins both males married to American born Pakistani' green card holder girls and while i am waiting they both are already settled in America started their lives with their wives while I am here, Despite thinking rationally about how come a Black magic or Voodoo affect American embassy decision the words of my Aunt and incidents that follow since my marriage in my life is making me wonder if she is really up to something sinister ?

What do you think I should do ? and what are your thoughts about if I am overthinking on this and this is all in my head, despite her claiming to be doing some Ammal to stop me from going to America or even trying to make me and my wife Divorce . I am not a devoted Muslim that pray 5 times, I am not ashamed in accepting that I should be praying but I am weak and everything i try somehow my heart move away from Prayers and other things . I time to time before I sleep recite Surah Nas and Surah Ikhlaq and blow on myself as according to one hadeeth this is what Prophet used to do every night before sleeping .
If anyone of you knows or have any suggestions for me , or have anyone baba or as we call in our language " Allah wale " who can help ( us ) particularly me out I am open to suggestion .

Some of you might wonder or even thing that its wrong that I am discussing such personal issues on a Defense forum but unfortunately I can not discuss this with anyone else or find out how to deal with such situations , I consider myself to a person from a modern world and hence there is a struggle that is going in my head to either believe in all that or just not to and nothing of all that works . If this thread end up being closed or shut down feel free to message me on PDF to ask for my email to discuss further details on email .
Jazak Allah khair to all the nice people of PDF for listening , and helping out .

@waz @Slav Defence @Areesh @PaklovesTurkiye @Cliftonite @pakpride00090 @dexter

Assalam alaikum brother, I actually have some experience with the issue of black magic, nazar, and shayateen.

You are right in being worried for hearing those words.

I think probably it is a mix of various factors including policy of US and random nature of US immigration.

Can you see yourself living in Pakistan for the rest of your life with your spouse? I suggest that you get comfortable as probably it will be a long time before immigration of yours can work out, may take years.

If you get absorbed in deen, pray 5 times daily, read Quran, and read Manzil everyday, it will weaken and destroy such magic on you. Also never forget to read ayat ul kursi, 3 qul and damm on yourself and your spouse every night.

If she is Muslim also, help here dive fully into deen and learn Islam from good resources.

In sha Allah, I hope everything works out for you. I will pray for you brother.

Feel free to contact me if you need anything.
This is so called mystic Islam as practiced in Pakistan.
Assalam alaikum brother, I actually have some experience with the issue of black magic, nazar, and shayateen.

You are right in being worried for hearing those words.

I think probably it is a mix of various factors including policy of US and random nature of US immigration.

Can you see yourself living in Pakistan for the rest of your life with your spouse? I suggest that you get comfortable as probably it will be a long time before immigration of yours can work out, may take years.

If you get absorbed in deen, pray 5 times daily, read Quran, and read Manzil everyday, it will weaken and destroy such magic on you. Also never forget to read ayat ul kursi, 3 qul and damm on yourself and your spouse every night.

If she is Muslim also, help here dive fully into deen and learn Islam from good resources.

In sha Allah, I hope everything works out for you. I will pray for you brother.

Feel free to contact me if you need anything.

you are one of my most favorite member on this forum :) Always willing to help

Respect and love from Karachi
First of all, stories like these are extremely common in India as well. There is a sustained belief among many concerning dayans, churails, pret-aatmas, nishachars (flesh-eating demons), and a million other things. In Islamic belief system, all these entities are probably given a catch-all phrase: jinns. In Europe and America, of course, there is sustained belief in vampires, witchcraft, and other dark forces of nature.

The Qu'ran has some good lines to stave off these darker forces of nature: the Surah Al' Falak which means you implore Allah to give you refuge from such forces. The Bible has Psalm 23 "The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want....Valley of Shadow of Death". The Hindus have Hanuman Chalisa to ward off evil forces. Most will claim that it does work, so you might wanna try that one.

Religion aside, what is a rational mind supposed to do? Most of these thoughts you're having now are nothing but mind tricks. The eggs in your door step, the crazy aunts (trust me, we all have them even in India. Probably crazier.) are nothing but a figment of imagination. Just because you think your phupi wishes you harm does not mean that her wish will come true. Your own mental defences are weak, and if you should be angry at someone, make sure you blame yourself first. You have allowed your mind to be controlled by forces beyond your control. So, if the Jinns or churails/bhoot prets are winning, you have nothing but yourself to blame.

But really it sounds like you dislike being in the company of those people. You don't have to put up with them, just move out elsewhere. A US visa rejection is not the end of one's life. If you don't have more important things in your life than a US visa, that's also when you should blame yourself. Assuming you don't want to live in Pakistan, move to another country with easier visa systems. Ask your wife and kids to move to that country of your choice, if they want to live with you (maybe they don't want to live in Pakistan). I am sure you know how to convince them.

I wouldn't worry too much about your deluded phupis. They can babble all kinds of nonsense. It will have no bearing in your life unless you really want them to.

And if you do end up confronting evil Satan himself, say hello to him on my behalf. I think Satan has more important things to do than bother with ordinary humans. :woot:

My conclusion is you have a weak mind. Honestly if I were you, I'd be ashamed of myself before blaming any random phupis. You need a higher purpose in life which should be more important than a US visa. I understand America is a magical country and you hate not living there. I was there too, however not living in America is not the end of one's life.

These stupid totkas have only as much power as you want them to have. I am capable enough to confront Uncle Satan himself, you only need confidence in your own abilities.

But really for you, it seems it's all about the US visa. You're pretty peeved about it. In the worst case, accept it as your destiny in life. For God's sake, stop blaming others.

Thank you

Well I hear you but not necessarily agree with you, I consider myself to be strong a long with whole of my family despite the things we face, and go through people have committed suicide for far less than that ..
doing our best bro, but isn't it sad that me in late 20's and my siblings in their early 30's are been talking about Suicide and be done with this life once and for all ? I mean in this stage of life we are suppose to be happy and living our lives for our parents and wife's and our kids but instead , when we hear each other talk in a way where death is more preferable than life itself than its sad state of affairs .

the only reason I am alive is that I want to see myself take my mother to Hajj and give her a comfortable life, or else suicide for me is far easier than living such a life ..my life is fcuked up and I don't want my after life to be fcuked that is why i keep myself from Suicide .

Have you tried to contact psychologist? Bro, my advice would be to remain calm, have faith and get the rigth alim deen to fight this evil....Call your friends, talk to them...Don't let yourself alone

Everyone is having bad day one way or other ... You are NOT alone
you are one of my most favorite member on this forum :) Always willing to help

Respect and love from Karachi

Thank you dear brother, I do what I can for any Muslim brother, esp our Pakistani brothers.

I have some experience in this field of black magic, so if you or any other brothers have queries please feel free to ask me on my profile.
Assalam alaikum brother, I actually have some experience with the issue of black magic, nazar, and shayateen.

You are right in being worried for hearing those words.

I think probably it is a mix of various factors including policy of US and random nature of US immigration.

Can you see yourself living in Pakistan for the rest of your life with your spouse? I suggest that you get comfortable as probably it will be a long time before immigration of yours can work out, may take years.

If you get absorbed in deen, pray 5 times daily, read Quran, and read Manzil everyday, it will weaken and destroy such magic on you. Also never forget to read ayat ul kursi, 3 qul and damm on yourself and your spouse every night.

If she is Muslim also, help here dive fully into deen and learn Islam from good resources.

In sha Allah, I hope everything works out for you. I will pray for you brother.

Feel free to contact me if you need anything.

my Visa delay is one of the connected issues which we face over the years, actually its like something that I wanted in life after a long time was that to move with my wife and start a happy life, but her specifically mentioning about doing her dirty tricks to make sure that I am going to suffer, she is winning .. she is making me suffer in every way possible, 2 of my male cousins who married 2 Green card holding girls moved to American between 2018-2020 and here i am still waiting despite providing everything at least 2 years ago ..

my wife can not live in Pakistan, we tried it last year when she lived here for 100+ days and I saw she is unable to live here, she is young and lived in a small village kind a life, she wont be able to live outside her hometown in South Carolina let alone in Pakistan .

Have you tried to contact psychologist? Bro, my advice would be to remain calm, have faith and get the rigth alim deen to fight this evil....Call your friends, talk to them...Don't let yourself alone

Everyone is having bad day one way or other ... You are NOT alone

I've been in contact with a doctor about my panic disorder and depression, she used to listen to me and talk to me every 10-15 days when i visit her, I told her about my new life with my wife that might start in USA .. but here i am and my doctor , she moved to America while i am still here ..talk about a fcuked up life .

well my friends are either moved to Dubai or America right now, so most of my time is on PC either playing game or just trying to find something useful ..
First of all, stories like these are extremely common in India as well. There is a sustained belief among many concerning dayans, churails, pret-aatmas, nishachars (flesh-eating demons), and a million other things. In Islamic belief system, all these entities are probably given a catch-all phrase: jinns. In Europe and America, of course, there is sustained belief in vampires, witchcraft, and other dark forces of nature.

The Qu'ran has some good lines to stave off these darker forces of nature: the Surah Al' Falak which means you implore Allah to give you refuge from such forces. The Bible has Psalm 23 "The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want....Valley of Shadow of Death". The Hindus have Hanuman Chalisa to ward off evil forces. Most will claim that it does work, so you might wanna try that one.

Religion aside, what is a rational mind supposed to do? Most of these thoughts you're having now are nothing but mind tricks. The eggs in your door step, the crazy aunts (trust me, we all have them even in India. Probably crazier.) are nothing but a figment of imagination. Just because you think your phupi wishes you harm does not mean that her wish will come true. Your own mental defences are weak, and if you should be angry at someone, make sure you blame yourself first. You have allowed your mind to be controlled by forces beyond your control. So, if the Jinns or churails/bhoot prets are winning, you have nothing but yourself to blame.

But really it sounds like you dislike being in the company of those people. You don't have to put up with them, just move out elsewhere. A US visa rejection is not the end of one's life. If you don't have more important things in your life than a US visa, that's also when you should blame yourself. Assuming you don't want to live in Pakistan, move to another country with easier visa systems. Ask your wife and kids to move to that country of your choice, if they want to live with you (maybe they don't want to live in Pakistan). I am sure you know how to convince them.

I wouldn't worry too much about your deluded phupis. They can babble all kinds of nonsense. It will have no bearing in your life unless you really want them to.

And if you do end up confronting evil Satan himself, say hello to him on my behalf. I think Satan has more important things to do than bother with ordinary humans. :woot:

My conclusion is you have a weak mind. Honestly if I were you, I'd be ashamed of myself before blaming any random phupis. You need a higher purpose in life which should be more important than a US visa. I understand America is a magical country and you hate not living there. I was there too, however not living in America is not the end of one's life.

These stupid totkas have only as much power as you want them to have. I am capable enough to confront Uncle Satan himself, you only need confidence in your own abilities.

But really for you, it seems it's all about the US visa. You're pretty peeved about it. In the worst case, accept it as your destiny in life. For God's sake, stop blaming others.

Thank you
That's a comment written with a working brain!
Yaar I don't care about my life, I lost 30 years of my precious life years because of this shit show, if our lives are ruined than it means my Aunt wins over Allah and all the worship and recitation we as family did gone to vein ..
I try my best to keep a level head throughout the day in front of the person i hate the most, but when you hear them literally talking about doing things to you and you are so helpless to even do anything to counter it ..

There is no one who can WIN over Allah.

You need to fight this...If Allah was not helping you, you wouldn't have had reached here....As you yourself said that many people committed suicide for far less shit show.

You are survivior and you'll defeat this....Allah is supreme and He has made you TOUGH NUT.

You won't lost...No way.
my Visa delay is one of the connected issues which we face over the years, actually its like something that I wanted in life after a long time was that to move with my wife and start a happy life, but her specifically mentioning about doing her dirty tricks to make sure that I am going to suffer, she is winning .. she is making me suffer in every way possible, 2 of my male cousins who married 2 Green card holding girls moved to American between 2018-2020 and here i am still waiting despite providing everything at least 2 years ago ..

my wife can not live in Pakistan, we tried it last year when she lived here for 100+ days and I saw she is unable to live here, she is young and lived in a small village kind a life, she wont be able to live outside her hometown in South Carolina let alone in Pakistan .

Get on your janamaz and ask Allah swt for help. At night time read two rakat and read dua istikhara to ask Allah swt to make the situation best for you.

Sometimes in salat, do long sajda and face Allah swt directly and ask whatever you desire.

Allah swt will show you the best way to proceed, and remove obstacles from your path.

This is the secret of success in dunya and akhirat. Even if you do not achieve your desire of moving to the US, etc., there may be Allah swt hikmah in all things. Embrace Him fully.
First of all to Mods My apologies for if I started this thread in a wrong section because i don't know where this thread would fit in . I was unsure of if i should even discuss this issue here because of its personal and a bit superstition in nature .

So let me come straight to the point, So I have 4 aunts alive and 2 of them lives with us for over 30+ years in the same house ( ground floor ) , one is mentally and physically Paralyzed since birth and other is a unmarried women in late 50's . We did have ups and downs in our lives with her and arguments which almost every Pakistani or Desi family have their their Phuppies ,but things took a far more bizarre turn not so far in past when some long lasting family issues once again comes to highlight , I don't want to go in details but it surely involves Money, second thing that changes in last couple of years that After I got married and many on the Forum knows that I am married to a American girl, when i get married my aunts ( Phuppies ) tried their best with my father to stop this marriage by saying a lot of things against my girl without knowing her in person, It was clear that they are doing this out of jealousy because 1 of my aunt lives in Canada for years and other aunt although lives in Pakistan but often travel to USA and when she returns she comes to brag about places she visit but we are like yeah good for you ..But since i got married my aunts become hostile towards me and my family, and despite me being the youngest in my whole Father side family i used to be loved by everyone but sudden change in their attitude towards me shocked me , it was so bad, that I am putting Allah as my witness that none of my Phuppi has congratulate me or bless me on my marriage until today, and 1 aunt who lives with me have not even give wedding gift , I know its not a serious thing but in Pakistani families it does reflect people behavior and those who have family issues will understand.

One day, I was doing something at the main gate of my house, when i heard some talk my aunt was doing with someone on the phone, the doors and windows were closed and no way she would know if i was there , what shocked me when she mentioned my specifically by saying her exact words " Han Apni Auqaat se bahr jaa ker American Bhangan se shadi ker li , Lakin mai bhi dekhti hun Kese America jata hai , Esa Ammal Karawaya hai ke Karachi se bahr nai ja sake ga " Roughly translated in to ( Yes he married a American sewerage worker by exceeding his limit, I will see how he even go to America , I have done Black Magic or Voodoo that he wont be able to leave Karachi ) . Now usually in my life I believe such things exists like Evil eye , Black Magic and Voodoo , because it has evidence in Islam , sunnah and even Quran talks about it , since i heard her i reflect on my life since my marriage and how things change rapidly for me, when we were applying for our Visa process despite a lot of people I tried to communicate to help me, none of them come out and my Visa process was put under a thing called Administrative processing , which according to Lawyers from USA i talked to is a Black hole of Immigration , Since my marriage in 2017 , 2 of my other cousins both males married to American born Pakistani' green card holder girls and while i am waiting they both are already settled in America started their lives with their wives while I am here, Despite thinking rationally about how come a Black magic or Voodoo affect American embassy decision the words of my Aunt and incidents that follow since my marriage in my life is making me wonder if she is really up to something sinister ?

What do you think I should do ? and what are your thoughts about if I am overthinking on this and this is all in my head, despite her claiming to be doing some Ammal to stop me from going to America or even trying to make me and my wife Divorce . I am not a devoted Muslim that pray 5 times, I am not ashamed in accepting that I should be praying but I am weak and everything i try somehow my heart move away from Prayers and other things . I time to time before I sleep recite Surah Nas and Surah Ikhlaq and blow on myself as according to one hadeeth this is what Prophet used to do every night before sleeping .
If anyone of you knows or have any suggestions for me , or have anyone baba or as we call in our language " Allah wale " who can help ( us ) particularly me out I am open to suggestion .

Some of you might wonder or even thing that its wrong that I am discussing such personal issues on a Defense forum but unfortunately I can not discuss this with anyone else or find out how to deal with such situations , I consider myself to a person from a modern world and hence there is a struggle that is going in my head to either believe in all that or just not to and nothing of all that works . If this thread end up being closed or shut down feel free to message me on PDF to ask for my email to discuss further details on email .
Jazak Allah khair to all the nice people of PDF for listening , and helping out .

@waz @Slav Defence @Areesh @PaklovesTurkiye @Cliftonite @pakpride00090 @dexter

Go to a reliable Aaleem not some BaBa G.
If possible move out to new home until the situation is sorted out. And about the visa situation if it's written for your to be their in US Inshallah you will be their oneday

Note family problems in almost every house exists and the cause of it is mostly women be it mother's sister's wife OR MOTHER IN LAWS
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